प्रो. बृजेश कुमार
Prof. Brijesh Kumar

  भौतिक विज्ञान संस्थान
  School of Physical Sciences
  जवाहरलाल नेहरू विश्वविद्यालय
  Jawaharlal Nehru University
  नई दिल्ली ११००६७
  New Delhi 110067

 दूरभाष (Phone): +91 11 2673 8805
 ईमेल (Email): bkumar [at] jnu.ac.in

संक्षिप्त परिचय
Brief CV
शोध के विषय और उनकी झलक
Research Interests and Highlights

    Theoretical condensed matter physics. Strongly correlated and frustrated quantum systems.
  • Unfolding the toric code: emergent qubits & quantum circuits [JPSJ'25]
  • Many-body inversion and quantum oscillations in Kondo insulators [PRB'17, PRB'19, PRB'23, PRB'25]
  • Transmigration of edge states with interaction [PRB'24]
  • Magnetisation plateaus in a kagome-honeycomb quantum paramagnet [PRB'21]
  • Spontaneous trimerisation, spin-1 kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet, Hida model [PRB'16, PRB'18]
  • Edge modes, quantum Ising chains, Rabi lattice [PRA'13(R), PRB'14, PRB'17]
  • Exact spin-orbital separation in one dimension [PRB'09, PRB'13]
  • Bond-operator representation for spin-S dimer [PRB'10, EPJB'17]
  • Canonical representation of electrons, Hubbard model and Nagaoka problem [PRB'08, PRB'09]
  • Two-dimensional spin models with exact degenerate dimer ground states [PRB'05, PRB'08, PRB'08, PRB'09]
  • Hall effect and RVB superconductivity in sodium cobaltate [PRB'03]
  • Linear-exchange spin-1/2 models with Majumdar-Ghosh ground state [PRB'02, EPL'12]
    [more on Google Scholar (गूगल विद्वान)]

  • Some academic activities (शैक्षणिक सम्मेलन)
    (2015) ICTP Workshop on Current Trends in Frustrated Magnetism co-funded by SERB (9-13 February, JNU, New Delhi)    
    (2010) ICTP Workshop on Emergence of New States of Matter in Magnetic Systems and Beyond (5-9 July, ICTP, Trieste)
    (2009) National Symposium on Recent Developments in Quantum Condensed Matter (5-7 March, JNU, New Delhi)