Jaivir Singh |
Publications - (1993) ‘Monopolistic and Restrictive Trade Practices: Comments on the Anti-Monopoly Legislation in India’ Delhi School of Economics Working Paper No 93/02. - (2000) ‘Judicial Intervention in the Contract of Employment: Some Reflections on Labour Adjudication in India’ Centre for Development Economics, Delhi School of Economics Working Paper No. 82 - (2000) ‘Monopolistic Trade Practices and Concentration of Economic power: Some Conceptual problems in MRTP Act’ Economic and Political Weekly Dec 9th - (2002) ‘Framework of Regulation in India: Some Concerns’ in India Infrastructure Report 2002 - (2002) ‘An Economic Analysis of Judicial Activism’ Economic and Political Weekly October 26th - (2003) ‘Incentives and Judicially Determined Terms of Employment in India: An Endemic Trade-off between Justice and Efficiency’ Economic and Political Weekly January 11th - (2004) co-authored with J.V. Meenakshi ‘Understanding the Feminization of Agricultural Labor’ Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics Vol.59. - (2004) (Un) Constituting Property: The Destruction of the ‘Right to Property’ in India Centre for the Study of Law and Governance JNU Working Paper Series. - (2005) co-authored with T.C.A Anant ‘Central Government Policies: Interface with Competition Policy Objectives’ in Pradeep S. Mehta (ed.) Towards a Functional Competition Policy for India: An Overview CUTS International, Jaipur - (2006) co-authored with T.C.A Anant ‘Central Government Policies: Interface with Competition Policy objectives’ in Pradeep S. Mehta (ed.) A Functional Competition Policy for India Academic Foundation: New Delhi - (2006) co-authored with T.C.A Anant ‘Structuring Regulation: Constitutional and Legal Frame in India’ Economic and Political Weekly January 14th - (2006 forthcoming) ‘Separation of Powers and the Erosion of the ‘Right to Property’ in India’ Constitutional Political Economy - (2007 forthcoming) editor. Understanding Regulation: Institutional and Legal Dimensions Social Science Press: New Delhi Professional Membership