Name: |
Bishnupriya Dutt |
Designation: |
Professor |
Centre: |
Arts & Aesthetics |
Room No: |
SAA building I , 102 |
Residence: |
01129242876, 9873206251 |
Email: |
bishnupriyapaul@gmail.com, pia_dutt@mail.jnu.ac.in |
PhD (Dramatic Critical Literture)Areas of Interest/Specialization:
Theatre histories (modern and contemporary), Feminist histories of theatre and performance, Marxist cultural movements. Popular culture.Experience:
Lecturer and subseqeuntly Reader at Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Calcutta (1989-2000).Associate professor in SAA (Theatre and performance studies) since its inception in 2001.
Directed and performed in over 50 plays with People's Little Theatre, Calcutta.
Internation Collaboration/Consultancy:
Have led and directed a five year long, ongoing collaboration between the School of Theatre Performance and Cultural Policy Studies (TPCP), Warwick and SAA JNU. A collaboration, named by both the universities as 'preferred partners', have organized two conferences, one colloquiums, publications and other interaction, in the process of which we have created a number of new formats in terms of interactive research and joint teaching methodologies. We are about to launch into new inter-disciplinary research initiative under the broad category of "Gendered Citizenship: Manifestations and Performance".Best Peer Reviewed Publications (upto 5):
Engendering Performance, Indian Woman Performers in Search of an Identity (co authored with Dr. Urmimala Sarkar), Sage Delhi 2010"Actress Stories : Binodini and Amal Allana", In Staging International Feminisms (ed Elaine Aston and Sue Ellen Case), Palgrave Macmillan, London 2007
"Historicizing Actress Stories : English Actresses in India (1839-42)", In Theatre in Colonial India, ed Lata Singh, OUP Delhi 2009.
"Jatra and the Marginalization of the Mythological theme", In Theatre and Democracy, (ed) Ravi Chaturvedi, Rawat, Jaipur, 2008.
"In Dialogue with Histories : The Dancer and the Actress", In Traversing Tradition, ed Urmimala Sarkar and Stephanie Burridge, Routledge Delhi New York 2011
Recent Peer Reviewed Journals/Books (upto 3):
"Theatre and Subaltern Histories, Chekov Adaptations in Post Colonial India" in Adapting Chekov, The text and its mutations, (ed) Douglas Clayton and Yana Meerson, Rutledge, London, 2012"History, Memory, Event, a Working Archive" (Dossier, co-authored with Janelle Reinelt, Nobuko Anan and Shrinkhala Sahai) Theatre Research International, issue 37\ 02 June 2012, (p163-183).
"Unsafe spaces of Theatre and Feminism" in India and Identity Politics Forum, Issue 37\01, Identity Politics Forum, Issue 37 \01, march 2012 (p77-87)