Professor Rajendra. K. Jain
Jean Monnet Chair in European Integration and International Relations
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Rajendra K Jain is Professor at the Centre for European Studies. He is the first and only Jean Monnet Chair in India; Adjunct Principal Research Fellow, Monash European and EU Studies Centre, Monash University, Melbourne; and Secretary-General, Indian Association for European Union Studies.
Prof. Jain is Member, Selection Committee, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC, Government of Canada) Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship, Canada (2013-2015). He was formerly Jury Member, United Nations Alliance for Civilizations and BMW Award for Intercultural Innovation, 2011 and Jury Member, BMW Award for Intercultural Understanding, 2010.
Rajendra Jain was President of the European Union Studies Association – Asia Pacific (EUSA-Asia Pacific) (2009–2010), Visiting Professor, Asia-Europe Institute, University of Malaya (2010), and Visiting International Fellow, Monash Europe and EU Centre, Melbourne (2009). He was Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellow at the University of Constance (1992-1993, 1994) and Visiting Fellow at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London (1993) and the Foundation for Science and Politics (1998), Ebenhausen, Germany. He has been Visiting Humboldt Foundation Professor at Freiburg (2008, 2009, 2010), Leipzig (1994, subsequent years) and Tuebingen university (2002) and at the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris (2005, 2008, 2010, 2013). He has been on a number of European Visitor Programmes: the European Union Visitors' Programme (1998), Germany (1995, 2000), Sweden (2001), and the United Kingdom (2006).
He was Chairperson, Centre for European Studies (July 2007-July 2009; November 2011-November 2013) and Director, Europe Area Studies Programme, CES (August 2005-July 2006; March-August 2007; July-November 2011); and Guest Faculty, Foreign Service Institute, Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi. He was Network Coordinator of the JNU European Union Studies Programme (with a grant of Euro 590,000 by the European Commission) (2002-2004).
Prof. Jain was Assistant Professor (1986-1990) and Associate Professor (1990-1998), and Professor (since 1998) at the erstwhile Centre for American and West European Studies, School of International Studies (SIS), JNU. He was Lecturer in Political Science, University of Delhi (1977-1986).
So far, 10 PhDs and 40 MPhil degrees have been awarded under his research supervision on various aspects of contemporary Germany, Europe and the European Union.
He has widely traveled in Asia, Europe and North America and has lived in Germany (3 years) and the United States (5 years). He has participated in nearly 150 national/international conferences, including 100 conferences in various parts of the world. He has delivered over 40 lectures on contemporary Europe and India-Europe/EU/EU-South Asian affairs at leading American, Asian and European universities and think tanks including the Centre for European Studies at Stanford and University of California, Berkeley; the Research Institute of the German Society for Foreign Affairs; the Netherlands Institute of International Relations; the Swedish Institute of International Affairs; the Finnish Institute of International Affairs; and the Italian Institute of International Affairs; and Asia-Europe Institute, Kuala Lumpur.
Prof. Jain is the author/editor of nearly 30 books and has published 100 articles/chapters in books. His writings have been published in French, German, Italian, Polish, and Spanish. He is the editor of India and the European Union in the 21st Century (2002), co-editor of India, the European Union and the WTO (2006) and of India, Europe and the Changing Dimensions of Security (2006), and editor of India and the European Union: Building a Strategic Partnership (2007), India and the European Union in a Changing World (2014), and Multiculturalism in India and Europe (2014). . He has also published articles in various journals, including Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies, Asia Europe Journal, Baltic Journal of European Studies, India Quarterly, and Japanese Journal of Political Science.
Areas of Expertise
- European Union Politics
- EU External Relations
- EU-Asia; EU-South Asia – EU-India, EU-Pakistan
- Comparative Regional Integration – EU, SAARC, ASEM
- India-Europe/EU Perceptions
- Indian Foreign Policy
- Asian Regionalism
Courses Taught
Politics and Institutions of the European Union
The European Union in World Politics
Contemporary European Politics, Foreign Policy and Society (joint faculty course)
Current research projects
- India and the European Union
- India and the European Union: Basic Documents, 1957-2012
- The European Union and South Asia
Books (recent)
The European Union and South Asia (editor), New Delhi: Knowledge World Publishers, 2015.
India, Europe and Conflict Resolution in South Asia (editor), New Delhi: Knowledge World Publishers, 2015.
India and the European Union in a Changing World (editor), New Delhi: Aakar Books, 2014.
Multiculturalism in India and Europe(editor), New Delhi: Aakar Books, 2014.
India and the European Union: Building a Strategic Partnership (editor), New Delhi: Radiant Publishers, 2007.
India, Europe and South Asia (editor), New Delhi: Radiant Publishers, 2007.
The European Union in Transition: Economy, Politics, Society (co-editor with Hartmut Elsenhans and Jayaraj Amin), New Delhi: Radiant Publishers, 2007.
India, the European Union and the WTO (co-editor with Hartmut Elsenhans), New Delhi: Radiant Publishers, 2006.
India, Europe and the Changing Dimensions of Security(co-editor with Hartmut Elsenhans), New Delhi: Radiant Publishers, 2006.
The European Union in World Politics (co-editor with Hartmut Elsenhans and Amarjit S Narang), New Delhi: Radiant Publishers, 2006.
The European Union in a Changing World (editor), New Delhi: Radiant Publishers, 2002.
India and the European Union in the 21st Century (editor) New Delhi: Radiant Publishers, 2002.
Recent chapters in books
"India's Strategy towards the EU: Shared Values but Elusive Coordinated Policies," in Hungdah Su, ed., Asian Countries' Strategies towards the European Union in an Inter-regionalist Context, Taipei: National University of Taiwan Press, 2015, pp. 177-196.
"Indian Elites and the EU as a Normative Power" in Natalia Chaban and Martin Holland, eds., Europe and Asia: Perceptions from Afar, Baden-Baden: Nomos/Bloomsbury, 2015 (with Shreya Pandey), pp. 252-272.
"Perceptions and Misperceptions: Images of the European Union in India," in Natalia Chaban and Martin Holland, eds., Europe and Asia: Perceptions from Afar, Baden-Baden: Nomos/Bloomsbury, 2015 (with Shreya Pandey), pp. 143-170.
"Contemporary Indian Perspectives on the EU and its Role in South Asia and the World," in Pascaline Winaud, Andrea Benvenuti and Max Guderzo, eds., The External Relations of the European Union, Berlin: Peter Lang, 2015, pp. 135-150.
"The European Union and Conflict Resolution in Sri Lanka," in Rajendra K. Jain, ed., India, the Europe and Conflict Resolution in South Asia, New Delhi: Knowledge World Publishers, 2015, pp. 78-96.
"Perceptions and Visibility of the European Union in India: A Study of the Media, Elites, and Public Opinion," in Jakub Zajaczkowski, Jivanta Schottli and Manish Thapa (eds), India in the Contemporary World, New Delhi: Routledge, 2014 (with Shreya Pandey), pp. 385-406.
"India and Europe: Towards a New Narrative," in Marjolein Cremer and Susanne Mors (eds), The Dwarfing of Europe? A Dialogue between Brazil, India, China and Europe, vol. 2, Amsterdam: European Cultural Foundation, 2014, pp. 33-43.
"China, India and the Eurozone Crisis," in Rajendra K. Jain (ed), India and the European Union in a Changing World, New Delhi: Aakar Books, pp. 168-180.
"India and EU-China Relations," in Jayaraj Amin (eds), European Union in Changing World Order (New Delhi: Kaveri Book Service, 2012), pp. 168-180.
"India's Relations with the European Union," in David Scott, ed., Handbook of India's International Relations, London: Routledge, 2011, pp. 223-232.
"Engaging the European Superpower: India and the European Union," in Bart Gaens, Juha Jokela, and Eija Limnell, eds., The Role of the European Union in Asia: China and India as Strategic Partners, "The International Political Economy of New Regionalisms Series" (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009), pp. 173-188.
"The European Union and China: Indian Perceptions and Perspectives," in Georg Wiessala, John Wilson and Pradeep Taneja, eds., The European Union and China: Interests and Dilemmas (Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2009), pp. 139-150.
The European Union and the Rise of China and India," in Jose Luis de Sales Marques, Reimund Seidelmann and Andreas Vasilache, eds., Asia and Europe: Dynamics of Inter- and Intra-Regional Dialogues (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2009), pp. 277-290.
"The European Union and SAARC: The First Enlargement and After," in Sung-Hoon Park and Heungchong Kim, eds.,Regional Integration in Europe and Asia: Legal, Economic, and Political Perspectives (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2009), pp. 211-226.
"India and Globalization," in Heidrun Zeinecker and Rachid Ouaisse, eds., Bruchzonen der Globalisierung – entgrenzte Welten versus begrenzte Indentitäten? Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Hartmut Elsenhans (Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätetsverlag, 2009).
"India-EU Strategic Partnership," in Reimund Seidelmann and Andreas Vasilache, eds., European Union and Asia: A Dialogue on Regionalism and Interregional Cooperation (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 2008), pp. 277-298.
"Teaching the EU in India," in Martin Holland, Silvio Jora and Peter Ryan, eds., The Future of European Studies in Asia (Singapore: Asia Europe Foundation; EU Institute in Japan, Kansai; National Centre for Research on Europe, 2008), pp. 125-138.
"European Integration and South Asian Regionalism: Lessons and Relevance of European Experiences," in Lisheng Dong and Guenter Heiduk, eds., The EU's Experience in Integration: A Model for ASEAN+3? (Berlin: Peter Lang, 2007), pp. 117-144.
"South Asia and European Integration," in Heungchong Kim, ed., European Integration and the Asia-Pacific Region (Seoul: Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, 2003), pp. 163-182.
"Indian Foreign Policy on the Eve of the 21st Century," in Francis Snyder, ed., Regulation of International Trade (Oxford: Hart Publishers, 2002), pp. 131-164.
"India and the European Union," in India, Ministry of External Affairs, Indian Foreign Policy — Agenda for the 21st Century, vol. 2 (New Delhi: Foreign Service Institute/Konark Publishers, 1998), pp. 44-75.
EU Global Strategy Expert Opinion No. 42, March 2016, at…/media/EUGS_Opinion_42_Jain.pdf.
"Indian Perceptions of the European Union," International Journal, 1(1), 2015 (Warsaw: Institute of International Relations, University of Warsaw) pp. 71-81.
"India y Europa: discoursos, percepciones, expectativas (India and Europe: Perceptions, Expectations, and Narratives)," Economia Exterior (Madrid), no. 73, 2015, pp. 51-61.
"Jawaharlal Nehru and the European Economic Community," India Quarterly (New Delhi: Indian Council of World Affairs), 71(1), January-March 2015, pp. 1-16.
"India-EU Strategic Partnership: Perceptions and Perspectives," NFG Working Paper 2014, Free University of Berlin [Networked Think Tank of the NFG (Nachwuchsforschergruppe) Research Project "Asian Perceptions of the EU: External views on the EU as a Civilian Power – India and China in Comparison"].
"Indian Elites and the EU as a Normative Power," Baltic Journal of European Studies, 3(3), December 2013, pp. 105-126. (with Shreya Pandey)
"India and ASEM: The Quest for Membership," India Quarterly (New Delhi: Indian Council of World Affairs), 69(4), October-December 2013, pp. 351-366.
"Por una relación renovada entre India y Europa," Política Exterior (Madrid), 151, February 2013, pp. 168-176. ["For a Renewed Relationship between India and Europe," Foreign Policy (Madrid), February 2013, pp. 168-176.]
"The Public Attitudes and Images of the European Union in India," India Quarterly (New Delhi), 68(4), October-December 2012, pp. 331-343 (with Shreya Pandey).
"European Union as a Global Power: Indian Perceptions," in Perspectives (Prague: Czech Institute of International Relations), 20(2), 2012, pp. 31-44.
"The Public Attitudes and Images of the European Union in India," India Quarterly, 68(4), October-December 2012, pp. 331-343. (with Shreya Pandey)
"From Idealism to Pragmatism: India and Asian Regional Integration," Japanese Journal of Political Science, 11(2), July 2011, pp. 213-231.
"The European Union in the Eyes of India," Asia Europe Journal, 8(2), 2010, pp. 193-2009 (with Shreya Pandey).
"India, the European Union and Asian Regionalism," Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies (Seoul), vol. 3, 2005, nos. 1-2, pp. 29-44.
"How they See Us," E! Sharp (Brussels), March-April 2005, p. 20.
"India and an Enlarging European Union," Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies (Seoul), vol. 2, no. 2, Winter 2004, pp. 109-120.
"Muslims in Europe," asien afrika latinamerika (Berlin), vol. 26, 1998, pp. 65-92.
"Indian Foreign Policy in the Nineties," asien afrika lateinamerika (Berlin), vol. 25, 1997, nos. 4-5, pp. 473-497.
Commissioned Papers
"The European Union and Democracy Building in South Asia," Stockholm: International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (October 2009), 19 pages.
The European Union in World Affairs (editor), New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Open University, 2007 (in English and Hindi). (This is a coursebook for a postgraduate course in India's largest Open University).
"The Pale Continent," in Culture Report Progress Europe edited by Institut fuer Auslandsbeziehungen (Stuttgart) and the Robert Bosch Foundation (Paris) with the collaboration of the British Council, Swiss Foundation for the Promotion of Swiss Culture and the Foundation for German-Polish Cooperation, 2007), pp. 39-42. (also published in French, German and Polish)