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Guidelines for Reservation of JNU Convention Centre and Use of University Cafeteria


Application and Allotment

  • a. The Convention Centre will be booked for academic talks, seminars, conferences, slide and film shows, lecture-demonstrations and workshops, etc.

  • b. The Convention Centre will primarily be used for the academic activities of the university. Other academic institutes, PSU's/Autonomous bodies/registered NGOs, Departments of Central/State governments need to apply in the prescribed format through the concerned heads of organizations.

  • c. The Convention Centre cannot be made available to any political/religious organization.

  • d. The JNU Students/Staff/Officers/Teachers associations may use it for organizing lectures etc. as stated above, but primarily for academic purposes.

  • e. Convention Centre will be provided for the University activities on first priority. PSUs/Autonomous bodies, other academic institutes etc. will have second priority for allotment, provided that their requests are made at least one month in advance.

  • f. Green area near the Convention Centre will not be booked/used.

  • g. Reservation will be confirmed on receipt of communication (letter/faxes, email) and on advance payment of prescribed rent. Tentative bookings are treated as cancelled, if not confirmed within a week's time.

  • h. Reservation of Convention Centre shall not confer on the allottees any right of tenancy of the premises and the university shall have the right to cancel the reservation at any time without advance notice and without assigning any reason.

  • i. The application/proposals sent by the JNUSU for Academic and Cultural programmes may be routed as under.

  1. For Academic purposes: Dean (IHA).

  2. For Cultural program: Coordinator (cultural) and Dean (IHA).

  • Such applications must be made at least fifteen days in advance and clearance should be collected from the concerned office 7 days before the commencement of the programme.

  • j. All applications should be routed through proper channel as per the university’s system. Applicants need not personally carry the form in person for approval of the concerned officials.

  • k. The organizer (s) of the event must make the payment of applicable rents in advance. The applicable charges can be paid in favour of the 'Finance Officer', JNU, New Delhi, either by cheque/draft/cash or by online, depositing with the Cash Branch (room no. 242, Administration Building) of the University.

  • l. Whenever the event is organized on Saturday/Sunday or Public Holiday, the program organizers are advised to deposit basic charges for supporting staffs in Maintenance Account of JNU as per the existing rates.

  •      * DoS/Rector may seek the final approval from the Vice Chancellor in special cases.

  •      * CSO should be provided with the copy of the approval letter with necessary instructions.

- Please note that the Goods Service Tax @ 18% (GST) (CGST@9% + SGST@9%)will be extra.


Security Deposit

- A Security deposit of Rs. 15,000/- is required to be deposited, which will be refunded after the conduct of the programme.


Postponement and Cancellation

  • a. Notice for postponement/cancellation of a function should reach the concerned office atleast seven days prior to the date of function (excluding the date of function) failing which 10% of the rent deposited will be forfeited.

  • b. If the organizers are advised to postpone or cancel a function in stipulated time period, full amount of the rent will be refunded or adjusted against future booking.

  • c. Cancellation charges will not be levied when a programme is shifted from a smaller hall to a larger hall, subject to its availability on the same date. Payment of difference of rent and fresh NOC would be required. If the shifting is from a larger hall to a smaller one, no refund is admissible.

  • d. Regarding cancellation of booking, the organizer should inform the concerned office in writing.



  • a. Refund of security deposit is allowed on the basis of cancellation of allotment letter issued by the concern office.

  • b. Refund of Security deposit after adjustment of damage and charges for overstay if any, will be allowed on receipt of request from the organizer with original receipt of the deposit and re-receipt for the amount.

  • c. In case requisite charges against booking has been deposited but other requested documents are not completed up to one week before the proposed date of function and the event is ultimately cancelled, the cancellation charges as mentioned in clause 3 (a) will be levied.


Overstay and Damages

  • a. The damage, if any, made to the Convention Centre fittings, fixtures, etc., during the course of use, the organizer/recommending authority from the School/Centre will be responsible for make up of such losses by making cash payment or from the Security deposit as may be decided by the Advisory Committee. Damage exceeding the amount of Security deposit will be similarly recovered. The decision of Advisory Committee will be final.

  • b. Pasting of posters, hammering nails or fixing any decorative material inside the auditorium is strictly prohibited. Banners should carefully be hanged outside the premises without causing damage to the walls and should be removed after the program. Streamers, flowers, etc., are permissible in the foyer but not inside the auditorium itself.

  • c. The auditorium and foyer must properly be cleaned up after use. If excessive litter is kept lying around, cleaning charge, payable to a Safai-Karamchari, will be deducted from the security deposit.

  • d. Foyer may be divided into various sections if there is more than one booking on the same time.

  • e. In the event of overstay the allottee will be charged damages (25% of rent deposited by them upto 1:30 hours) or as decided by Advisory Committee. This amount will be fixed by the Advisory Committee considering the running cost of electricity, air-conditioning plant etc.

  • f. Damages to the furniture and fittings or losses of any kind caused during the use of Convention Centre are to be made good by the allottees. The staff attached to the building will determine the amount payable on this account and their decision will be final and binding on the allottees.



  • a. Dinner, lunch or any other refreshment like, snacks, water bottles, tea, coffee, soft drink, etc., are not allowed inside the auditorium/committee/Lecture Hall. Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the Convention Centre.

  • b. Children's parties/play equipments or rides are not permitted in the catering venues.

  • c. Presently, the catering services could be obtained from any agency.

  • d. The organizer can hire any agency. It will be the responsibility of the organizer to keep the premises clean after the event is over. The caterers catering within the complex stands debarred from catering for the Convention Centre in case of :-

- Littering
- Making the premises unhygienic
- For any kind of damages
- Complaints of any other nature



  • a. In case of any mechanical failure, organizer should co-operate with the University authorities and adhere to their instructions. All efforts will be taken to relocate the Venue, subject to security norms and availability.

  • b. The organizer will be responsible for any mishappening/incident that might take place during the conduct of the programme.

  • c. Organizers are required to take care of conference material/technical equipment/personal belongings, as the Centre is not responsible for their safety.

  • d. Registration table for registration of delegates for the multipurpose hall and Seminar rooms is permitted in the predefined areas.

  • e. If a party is unable to use the booking venues due to failure of electricity or on account of riot, fire, earthquake or an act of war, etc. the University will not be held liable for any loss suffered by the booking party.

  • f. In view of the prevailing security environment, organizers of the programme are to nominate designated representatives for indentifying delegates and guests to ensure that only invited persons are allowed to attend the programme.

  • g. In exceptional case the Vice-Chancellor may grant exemption from the operation of any of the rules on merit.


Do’s and Don’ts

  • a. Organizers must not make noise outside the meeting venues.

  • b. The organizers have to sign the occupation and vacation reports available with the caretaker, while taking over and handing over the venue.

  • c. The furniture inside the Convention Centre should not be shifted to any other place.

  • d. Do not over-crowd the venue/halls with more than the prescribed number of invitees.

  • e. Mobile phones should be switched off or kept on silent mode before entering any of the meeting venues.

  • f. Organizers are required to make sure that the participants/delegates are confined to the venues booked for them for meeting/catering arrangements/lecture.

  • g. Only one banner/ backdrop is allowed inside the hall.

  • h. No decoration, posters or notices are allowed inside the hall.

  • i. Designated spaces have been marked for floral rangoli and other decoration. Only floral decorations are allowed. Minimal decorations are permitted outside the Auditorium and Hall.

  • j. Do not speak loudly on cell phone in the corridors of the Convention Centre.

  • k. Smoking is strictly prohibited.

  • l. Shouting slogans in the premises of the venue is not permitted.

  • m. Organizers have to strictly adhere to the time slot for which bookings have been made; and vacate the venues on time.

  • n. Organizers must ensure that banners/backdrops are removed immediately after the conduct of programme.

-- This has the approval of the Competent Authority.


Guidelines for the use of University Cafeteria

1. The use of the Cafeteria premises will be permitted for functions only, such as for hosting lunch, dinner etc. in connection with Seminars, Conference, Workshops, University Lecture series, Academic Council, Executive Council, Finance Committee, Court Meeting, Official Retirement and  Other Academic programme. Organizers are requested to attach seminars/ conference/ workshops/ programmes details along with the booking form.

2. Rector may seek the final approval from the Vice Chancellor in special cases.

3. A service charge as follow per usage will be charged. The amount will be deposited in full at the time of booking.

Name Seating capacity  Facility   JNU function without any financial support from outside agencies JNU function with outside funding or Collaboration Outside Agencies + Taxes as applicable Professional bodies + Taxes as applicable
University Cafeteria  100 Air-conditioned with 55 chairs and 10 round table with one sofa set  Rs. 2,500/- Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 10,000/- 

Rs. 10,000/-

4. The use of alcoholic drinks in the university cafeteria is strictly prohibited.

5. All payments shall be against issue of official receipts.

6. Booking of the area will be done on first-come-first served basis. However, preference will be given to the meeting arranged by the Vice-Chancellor’s office.

7. It will be the responsibility of the organizer(s) user(s) to ensure safety of the building/furniture/fixtures etc.

8. Any damage caused to the building/furniture/fixtures during the function, the damage charges will have to be borne by the user(s).

9. The users will be expected to maintain harmony and good behavior during the function.

10. Engineering Branch will depute the service of an Electrician and a Plumber during all functions.

11. Use of the premises will not be permitted beyond 11:00 pm.

A warm welcome to the modified and updated website of the Centre for East Asian Studies. The East Asian region has been at the forefront of several path-breaking changes since 1970s beginning with the redefining the development architecture with its State-led development model besides emerging as a major region in the global politics and a key hub of the sophisticated technologies. The Centre is one of the thirteen Centres of the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi that provides a holistic understanding of the region.

Initially, established as a Centre for Chinese and Japanese Studies, it subsequently grew to include Korean Studies as well. At present there are eight faculty members in the Centre. Several distinguished faculty who have now retired include the late Prof. Gargi Dutt, Prof. P.A.N. Murthy, Prof. G.P. Deshpande, Dr. Nranarayan Das, Prof. R.R. Krishnan and Prof. K.V. Kesavan. Besides, Dr. Madhu Bhalla served at the Centre in Chinese Studies Programme during 1994-2006. In addition, Ms. Kamlesh Jain and Dr. M. M. Kunju served the Centre as the Documentation Officers in Chinese and Japanese Studies respectively.

The academic curriculum covers both modern and contemporary facets of East Asia as each scholar specializes in an area of his/her interest in the region. The integrated course involves two semesters of classes at the M. Phil programme and a dissertation for the M. Phil and a thesis for Ph. D programme respectively. The central objective is to impart an interdisciplinary knowledge and understanding of history, foreign policy, government and politics, society and culture and political economy of the respective areas. Students can explore new and emerging themes such as East Asian regionalism, the evolving East Asian Community, the rise of China, resurgence of Japan and the prospects for reunification of the Korean peninsula. Additionally, the Centre lays great emphasis on the building of language skills. The background of scholars includes mostly from the social science disciplines; History, Political Science, Economics, Sociology, International Relations and language.

Several students of the centre have been recipients of prestigious research fellowships awarded by Japan Foundation, Mombusho (Ministry of Education, Government of Japan), Saburo Okita Memorial Fellowship, Nippon Foundation, Korea Foundation, Nehru Memorial Fellowship, and Fellowship from the Chinese and Taiwanese Governments. Besides, students from Japan receive fellowship from the Indian Council of Cultural Relations.

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