Amit Shovon Ray D.Phil. (Oxon.) FRSH




Prashanth Nagar, Ulloor

Trivandrum, Kerala 695011 INDIA



Contact details:

Tel: +91-471-2774201, +91-471-2442116




1980-1983: Presidency College, Calcutta University

B.Sc. (Economics, Honours), First Class, Rank in the University: First

1983-1988: Oxford University

M.Sc. (Economics for Development), Rank in the University: First

D.Phil. (Economics), Supervisors: Paul Collier and Sanjaya Lall



·         Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi (Centre for International Trade and Development, School of International Studies), with effect from January 2000 till date.

·         Director, Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum (Dec 2013 onwards on deputation from JNU)

·         Chair Professor of Trade, Technology and Competitiveness, Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, New Delhi (2008–2010: on leave from JNU).


·         Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi (Centre for International Trade and Development, School of International Studies) (1995–2000)

·         University of Calcutta (Department of Economics) (1994–1995)

·         Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (Dept. of Humanities & Social Sc.) (1992–1994)

Research Faculty

·         Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, Delhi (1990–1992)

·         International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington D.C. (1988–1990)

·         Oxford University Institute of Economics and Statistics (1987–1988)

Lecturer (Non-Stipendiary)

·         Mansfield College, University of Oxford (1986–1987)

Areas of Specialisation and Research


Economics of Development:


Applied Econometrics


Academic Distinctions, Prizes and Awards


·         Fellow, The Royal Society for Public Health, UK, (FRSH), 2006

·         Graduate Award, Wolfson College, Oxford; awarded to the top nine (out of 100+) incoming graduate students. (1985-88)

·         Radhakrishnan Memorial Bequest Trust Award, Oxford University; awarded on a competitive basis to graduate students of Indian nationality at Oxford. (1985-87)

·         Overseas Research Student (ORS) Award, Government of U.K.; awarded in a nation-wide competition to overseas students for research study in UK. (1984-87)

·         George Webb-Medley Travel Grant, University of Oxford, for Field Trip to India as part of doctoral research (1985)

·         Special Book Prize, St. Peter's College, Oxford; awarded for coming first in the M.Sc. examinations at Oxford University. (1984)

·         Jubilee Post-Graduate (Merit) Prize, Calcutta University for coming First class first in the University of Calcutta B.Sc. (Economics) Examination, 1983

·         J.B. Sinha Memorial Prize, Presidency College, Calcutta for coming First in Presidency College Department of Economics, 1983

·         U.N. Ghosal Memorial Prize, Presidency College, Calcutta (Best Undergraduate Economics Student), 1983

·         National Scholar, Government of India, (Secondary Examination, West Bengal Board), 1978

Research Publications

Refereed Articles (in Journals and Edited Volumes)

1.     “The Indian Pharmaceutical Industry: Policy Space that fosters Technological Capability” in Daniel Drache and Leslie Jacobs (eds.) Linking Global Trade and Human Rights: New Policy Spaces in Hard Economic Times, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2014. (with S Bhadhuri)

2.    “India at the WTO: Evolving Priorities, Unaltered Paradigm”, Brazilian Journal of International Relations - BJIR (ISSN: 2237-7743), Vol 2 No 2 (2013) (with S Saha).

3.    “Interface of Income, Health and Environment: An Econometric Investigation”, Journal of Indian School of Political Economy, Volume XXIV (2012) 13-32. (with A.L.Nagar, A.Sawhney and S.Samanta)

4.    “Patenting Public-Funded Research for Technology Transfer: A Conceptual-Empirical Synthesis of U.S. Evidence and Lessons for India”, Journal of World Intellectual Property, Vol 14 No 1, 2011. (with S. Saha)

5.    “The TRIPS Agreement – Public Health Concerns for India” in A. Barua and R. M. Stern (eds.) The WTO and India: Issues and Negotiating Strategies, Orient Blackswan: New Delhi, 2010.

6.    “Shifting Coordinates of India’s Stance at the WTO: Understanding the Domestics and International Economic Drivers,” in A. Narlikar and B. Vickers (eds), Leadership and Change in the Multilateral Trading System, Republic of Letters Publishing/ Martinus Nijhoff Publishers: Dordrecht, 2009, (with S. Saha).

7.    “Emerging through Technological Capability: An Overview of India’s Technological Trajectory”, in M. Agarwal (ed), India’s Economic Future: Education, Technology, Energy and Environment, Social Science Press, New Delhi, 2009.

8.    “Learning and innovation in the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry: The role of IPR and other policy interventions”, RECIIS Electronic Journal of Communication, Information and Innovation in Health (Brazil), Vol 2 No 2, 2008.

9.    “Access to New Drugs in India: Implications of TRIPS” in M. Agarwal and A.S.Ray (eds.) Globalisation and the Millennium Development Goals: Negotiating the Challenge, Social Science Press: New Delhi and Berghahn Books: Oxford, 2007, (with M. Chakravorty)

10.  “Globalisation and the Millennium Development Goals: Negotiating the Challenge”, Globalisation and the Millennium Development Goals: Negotiating the Challenge, Social Science Press: New Delhi and Berghahn Books: Oxford, 2007, (with M. Agarwal).

11.   “India’s Economic Reforms: Opportunities, Challenges and Political Economy Perspectives” in L. White (ed) “Is there an Economic Orthodoxy? Growth and Reform in Africa, Asia and Latin America”, SAIIA: Johannesburg, 2006.

12.  “Rumo à globalização: aspirações e apreensões econômicas da Índia
no novo milênio,” in F.Villares (ed.) Índia, Brasil e África do Sul: Perspectivas e Alianças, Fundação Editora da UNESP (FEU): Sao Paulo, 2006. [English Version: “Going Global: India’s Economic Aspirations and Apprehensions in the New Millennium” in F. Villares (ed.) India, Brazil and South Africa: Perspectives and Alliances, Editora UNESP: Sao Paulo, 2006]

13.  “Digital Divide among Selected Industrialized States in India: Myth or Reality?” in V. Upadhyay et al (editors) Productivity and Quality: A Multidisciplinary Perspective, Tata McGraw-Hill: New Delhi, 2006. (with S. Bera)

14.  “A Game Theoretic Model of Drug Launch in India”, Health Economics, Policy and Law, Vol 1 No.1, 2006 (with S. Bhaduri)

15.  The Indian Pharmaceutical Industry at Crossroads: Implications for India’s Health Care”, in A.K. Bagchi and K. Soman (eds) Maladies, Preventives and Curatives: Debates in Public Health in India, Tulika Books: New Delhi, 2005.

16.  “The Political Economy of Rural Health Care in India: A Micro-theoretical Model”, in P. Gangopadhyay and M. Chatterji (eds.) Economic Globalization in Asia, Ashgate: London, 2005 (with S. Bhaduri)

17.  “The Changing Structure of R&D Incentives in India: The Pharmaceutical Sector”, Science Technology and Society Vol 9 No.2, 2004

18.  “India and Asia in the World Economy: The Role of Human Capital and Technology”, International Studies, Vol. 41 No.3, 2004 (with A. Guha)

19.  “Exporting through Technological Capability: Econometric Evidence from Indian Pharmaceutical and Electronics/Electrical Firms”, Oxford Development Studies, Vol 32 No.1, March 2004, (with S. Bhaduri)

20.  “The Political Economy of Drug Quality: Changing Perceptions and Implications for the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.38 No.23, 7 June, 2003. (with S. Bhaduri)

21.  “Technological Development in Indian Industry: Challenges and Options after the East Asian Crisis”, R. Hooley and J.H.Yoo (ed.), The Post Financial Crisis Challenges for Asian Industrialization, Elsevier Science: Oxford, 2002 (with S. Bhaduri)

22.  “Multinational versus Expatriate FDI: A Comparative Analysis of the Chinese and Indian Experience”, in T.N. Srinivasan (ed.), Trade Finance and Investment in South Asia, Social Science Press: New Delhi, 2001 (with A. Guha)

23.  “Are Foreign Firms Technologically More Active and Progressive? Evidence from the Indian Chemicals Industry”, in J.R.Behrman et al (eds.), Restructuring Asian Economies for the New Millennium, Elsevier Science: Amsterdam, 2001.

24.  “R&D and Technological Learning in Indian Industry: Econometric Estimation of Research Production Function”, Oxford Development Studies, Vol 29 No. 2, June 2001 (with S. Bhaduri)

25.  “Real Exchange Rates and Manufactured Exports: A Study of India's Potential Exports to the USA”, Journal of Asian Economics, Vol 9 No.2, 1998 (with B. Gupta)

26.  “India's Economic Reforms in Progress: An Introductory Note”, Journal of Asian Economics, Vol 8 No.3, 1997

27.  “A Statistical Profile of West Bengal Industry: Trends and Structural Changes 1976-1991”, in A. Raychaudhury and D. Sarkar (eds.), Economy of West Bengal: Problems and Prospects, Allied: Calcutta, 1996.

28.  “India's Export Performance and Policy Environment”, in S.P.Gupta, A. Hussain and N. Stern (eds.), Development Patterns and Institutional Structures in China and India, Allied: New Delhi, 1995.

29.  “Liberalisation and India's Export Competitiveness: A Sectoral Profile of Effective Export Incentive Structure 1981-1991”, in S.P.Gupta (ed.), Liberalisation and its Impact, MacMillan: New Delhi, 1993.

30.  “White-Collar Pay and Employment 1970-1982”, in M.B.Gregory and A.W.J.Thompson (eds.), A Portrait of Pay 1970-82: An Analysis of the New Earnings Survey, Clarendon Press (OUP): Oxford, 1990. (with K. Mayhew)

31.  “The Determinants and Promotion of South-South Trade in Manufactured Products”, in V.Ventura-Dias (ed.), South-South Trade: Trends, Issues and Obstacles to its Growth, Praeger: New York, 1989. (with S. Lall).

Books and Short Monographs

1.    The Political Economy of Smoking Tobacco in India: Perspectives on Production, Consumption and Control, Monograph of Voluntary Health Association of India, VHAI Press: New Delhi, 2010. (with S. Bhaduri)

2.    (Edited) Globalisation and the Millennium Development Goals: Negotiating the Challenge, Social Science Press: New Delhi and Berghahn Books: Oxford, 2007. (with M. Agarwal)

3.    Medicines, Medical Practice and Health Care in India in the era of Globalisation: Political Economy Perspectives, Monograph of the Independent Commission on Development and Health in India, VHAI Press: New Delhi, 2004.

4.    The Emerging International Economic Order: A Third World Perspective, Monograph of South-South Solidarity, New Delhi, 2002.

5.    The Political Economy of Rural Health Care in India, Monograph of the Independent Commission on Health in India, VHAI Press: New Delhi, 2001.

Working Papers, Conference Proceedings, Research Reports

1.    Competing through Technological Capability; The Indian Pharmaceutical Industry in a Changing Global Landscape, CSSP Electronic Working Paper Series on S&T Policy and Innovation Studies (paper # 3), Centre for Studies in Science Policy, JNU: September 2012 (with S. Bhaduri).

2.    Commercialisation of Inventions from Public Funded Research in India – Case Studies of Selected Institutions, Project Report submitted to the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India: June 2012. (with S. Saha)

3.    Shaping the Coordinates of India’s Trade Policy Architecture: Domestic versus International Drivers, ISAS Working Paper No 126 (21 April 2011), Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore.

4.    Leveraging Public Funded Research for India’s Economic Emergence: Role of IPR, in Julia Melkers, Thema Monroe-White and Susan E. Cozzens (eds), 2011 Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy Proceedings, IEEE Xplore, November 2011, (with S. Saha)  

5.    Drivers of Academic Research and Patenting in India: Econometric Estimation of the Research Production Function, Working Paper No 247, Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, New Delhi, April 2010. (with S. Saha).

6.    Patenting Public Funded Research for Technology Transfer: A Conceptual-Empirical Synthesis of US Evidence with Lessons for India, Working Paper No 244, Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, New Delhi, Jan 2010 (with S. Saha)

7.    More Hurt than Promoted: A Study of FM Broadcast and Music Sales in India, Report prepared for PPL, India and Luthra and Luthra Law Offices, New Delhi, August 2009.

8.    India’s Tryst with Technology: The Way Forward, Discussion Paper No 09-11, Centre for International Trade and Development, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, June 2009, (with S. Saha). 

9.    To Contribute or Not to Contribute: Micro theoretical models of Open Source Software (OSS) Development, Discussion Paper No 09-09, Centre for International Trade and Development, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, March 2009, (with S. Bera).

10.  Emerging through Technological Capability: An Overview of India’s Technological Trajectory, Working Paper No 227, Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, New Delhi, November 2008.

11.  The Interface between Economic Development, Health and Environment in India: An Econometric Investigation, Working Paper 2008-56, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi, October 2008, (with A L Nagar, A. Sawhney and S. Samanta) Co-evolution of IPR Policy and Technological Learning in Developing Countries: A Game-theoretic Model, Paper for IV Globelics Conference, September 2008, (with S. Bhaduri)

12.  India-Brazil Trade in Services: Opportunities and Challenges, Report prepared for Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, New Delhi. March 2007.

13.  Managing Port Reforms in India: Case Study of JNPT, Mumbai, Report prepared for the World Bank, Washington DC for the World Development Report (WDR 2005).

14.  A Study of R&D Incentives in India: Structural Changes and Impact, Project Report submitted to the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, May 2003.

15.  Report of the Committee on India: Vision 2020, Planning Commission, Government of India, (Member-Secretary), December 2002.

16.  Child labour in India: Determinants and Economic Consequences”, Note prepared for the VHAI Report Seen but not Heard: India’s Marginalised Neglected and Vulnerable Children, VHAI, New Delhi, March 2002 (with S. Banerjee)

17.  A Socio-Economic Study of the Role of In-house R&D in Indian Industry: A Case Study of Pharmaceutical and Tyre Sectors, Project Report Submitted to the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, March 2002. (with V.Upadhyay et al)

18.  “Multinational versus Expatriate FDI: A Comparative Analysis of the Chinese and Indian Experience”, ICRIER Working Paper No 58, Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, New Delhi. (with A. Guha).

19.  The Role of In-house R&D in Indian Industry: A Case Study of Chemical and Electrical/Electronics Sectors, Project Report Submitted to the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, July 1999.

20.  The Economics of Health Care in India: A Case Study of the Sewapuri Block in U.P.”, Chapter 21B in Report of the Independent Commission on Health in India, VHAI: New Delhi, November 1996.

21.  Human Capital Accumulation in Post-Green Revolution Rural Economies: A Conceptual and Empirical Synthesis, Mimeo., International Food Policy Research Institute, Wasington D.C., August 1990. (with R. Sabot)

22.  The Changing Structure of UK Production, Trade and Employment: An Analysis using Input-Output Tables 1974-1984”, Oxford Applied Economics Discussion Paper No.70, Oxford University Institute of Economics and Statistics, 1989 (with C. Greenhalgh and M.B. Gregory)

23.  Employment and Structural Change in Britain: Quantitative Evidence and Policy Simulations”, Oxford Applied Economics Discussion Paper No.44, Oxford University Institute of Economics and Statistics, 1989 (with C. Greenhalgh and M.B. Gregory)


Selected Popular Articles in Newspapers/ Magazines

1.    “Intellectual Bottlenecks”, Op-Ed article in The Financial Express, Delhi and other cities, Saturday 16 January 2010. (with S.Saha)

2.    “Financing of Health Care in India: Issues and Concerns”, Health for the Millions, Feb-Mar and Apr-May, 2008

3.    “Technological Development: Lessons from East Asia”, Yojana, January 2006 (with A. Palit)

4.    “English Speaking Force Main Asset”, Financial Express (FE Insight: FDI and Trade), Mumbai and other cities, Wednesday 2 November 2005.

5.    “Trip(s)ping up on healthcare”, Economic Times (Op-edit article), Delhi and other cities, Saturday 11 June 2005.

6.    “Central Budget 2003/04: What is in store for the social sector?” Health for the Millions, Jun-Sep 2003.


Forthcoming/ Communicated

1.    “Commercialisation of University Inventions in India: Highlights from Selected Case Studies”, A Note for the India Science Report 2013, NISTADS and Cambridge University Press, New Delhi (forthcoming)

Research Assignments/ Grants

·         Intellectual Property Management at Centres of Higher Education: A Comparative Study of India and the United Kingdom, Collaborative project with Dr A Sengupta, University of Essex, UK.

·         Clinical data, Bioequivalence and Generic Drugs: Analysis from India and Brazil, Collaborative Research project with Dr Fabienne Orsi, University of Aix Marseille and Dr Claudia Chamas, FIOCRUZ, Brazil sponsored by ANRS (The French National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis), Government of France.

·         Commercialisations of Inventions from Public Funded Research in India, (sponsored by the Department of Science & Technology, Govt of India).

·         Emerging Economies in the New World Order: Promises, Pitfalls And Priorities – A Multi-Country Research Dialogue (sponsored by IDRC at ICRIER, New Delhi) The Political Economy of Tobacco in India, for the Voluntary Health Association of India, New Delhi.

·         A Study of Music Broadcasting and Music Sales in India: Implications for pricing of music copyrights, for PPL, India.

·         India-Brazil Trade in Services: Opportunities and Challenges, for ICRIER, New Delhi

·         Going Global: India’s Economic Aspirations and Apprehensions in the New Millennium, for a project on “India, Brazil, South Africa (IBSA): Development Patterns, Convergences and Alliance Perspectives”, sponsored by Instituto de Estudos Econômicos Internacionais (IEEI), Sao Paulo, Brazil.

·         Managing Port Reforms in India: Case Study of JNPT, for the World Development Report (WDR) 2005, The World Bank, Washington DC.

·         R&D Incentives in India: Structural Changes and Impact (with case studies of pharmaceutical and food processing sectors), sponsored by the Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India.

·         A Socio-Economic Analysis of the Role of In-house R&D in Indian Industry: Study of Pharmaceutical & Tyre Sectors, sponsored by the Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India.

·         The Role of In-house R&D in Indian Industry, sponsored by the Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India.

·         The Changing Profile of the Indian Drug Industry under a New Global Order: Implications for India’s Health Care, for the Independent Commission on Development and Health in India (ICDHI), New Delhi.

·         Political Economy of Rural Health Care: Case Studies in UP, HP and WB, for VHAI: New Delhi.

·         Foreign Direct Investment in Chinese and Indian Economic Development: A Comparative Analysis, for SANEI.  

Teaching and Research Supervision


Courses Taught:

MA in Economics (with specialization on World Economy):

Economic Development


Applied Econometrics

Economics of Technology & Development

MA in Politics (with specialization on International Relations):

Principles of Economics

MPhil in International Trade and Development

Quantitative Methods in International Trade


Ph.D. Theses Supervised (topic, year, name and present position)

1.    Entrepreneurship in Tribal Societies: A Case of Mizo Entrepreneurs, 2014 (submitted)

Shailaja S Thakur, Current Position: Assistant Professor, Sri Venkateswar College, Delhi University

2.    Knowledge Creation and Technology Transfer from Public Funded Research in India: Theoretical Explorations and Empirical Evidence, 2013

Sabyasachi Saha; Current Position: Assistant Professor, RIS

3.    Open Source Software Development: Theoretical Perspectives, 2008

Subhashis Bera; Current Position: Associate Professor, FORE School of Management

4.    The Impact of Micro Credit on Rural Households: Micro-theoretical Explorations and Econometric Evidence, 2006

Susmita Banerjee; Current Position: Assistant Professor, Charuchandra College, Calcutta University

5.    Human Development Indicators in OIC Countries: Trends and Determinants, 2004

Mohammad Javad Razmi; Current Position: Associate Professor of Economics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran

6.    Foreign Direct Investment in India: An Economic Analysis of Determinants and Constraints, 2004

Amitendu Palit; Current Position: Head, Development and Programmes, Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore.

7.    An Economic Analysis of R&D and Technology Generation in the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry, 2001

Saradindu Bhaduri; Current Position: Assistant Professor, JNU

8.    Some Aspects of Gains from Technology Transfer, (joint supervision with S K Das) 2000

Saon Ray; Current Position: Senior Fellow, ICRIER


M.Phil. Theses Supervised:

1.    Structural Transformation of North East Indian Economy and Agricultural Development, Alwin D’souza (July 2013)

2.    Intellectual Property Rights and Academic Research in India: An Empirical Analysis, Sabyasachi Saha (July 2009)

3.    Health Inputs, Health Outcomes and Economic Performance: Evidence from the Indian States, Debosree Banerjee (July 2007)

4.    Measurement of Digital Divide in Asia and India: A Framework for Cross-country and Inter-state Analysis, Subhasis Bera (July 2005)

5.    An Empirical Analysis of Access to New Drugs in India: Public Health Implications of the TRIPS Agreement, Manashi Chakravorty (July 2004)

6.    Economic Growth and Human Development – An Indian Case Study, Sharmistha Maitra, (July 2003)

7.    Educational Investment Decisions of Rural Households: Theoretical Explorations and Econometric Evidence from West Bengal, Susmita Banerjee (July 2002)

8.    An Analysis of In-House R&D Effort of LDC Enterprises: Evidence from Indian Chemical and Electronics Industries, Saradindu Bhaduri, (July 1999)

9.    Foreign Direct Investment and Export Performance – The Indian Experience Post Liberalisation, Shailaja Sanghamitra (July 1997)

10.  Foreign Direct Investment and Technological Progress: A Growth Accounting Approach to the Indian Economy, Debakanta Nayak, 1970-1995 (July 1997)


Professional Activities/ Affiliations

·         Fellow, The Royal Society for Public Health, London (FRSH)

·         Member, Independent Commission on Development and Health in India, Delhi

·         Member-Secretary, India: Vision 2020 Committee, Planning Commission, Govt of India

·         Member, Governing Body, Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum (2012 onwards)

·         Member, Academic Council, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi (2014 onwards)

·         Member, Research Advisory Council, KM Mani Centre for Budget Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology (2014 onwards)

·         Member, Governing Council, Inter University Centre for Intellectual Property Rights Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology (2014 onwards)

·         Member, Research Council, Kerala University, Trivandrum (2014 onwards)

·         Member, Committee for Direction MPhil/PhD, Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum, 2005-2007

·         Member, Working Group on Ports for the Twelfth Five Year Plan, Planning Commission, Govt of India

·         Member, Sub-Group on ‘Technology Intensity in India's Manufacturing Exports’ under the Planning Commission's Working Group on ‘Boosting India's Manufacturing Exports’ for the 12th Five Year Plan.

·         Visiting Senior Fellow, HTW-Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, Germany, November 2009.

·         Life Member, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata

·         Expert Commentator, All India Radio and Voice of America


·         Consultant, The World Bank (for the World Development Report 2005)

·         Consultant, UNCTAD, Geneva

·         Consultant, Planning Commission, Government of India

·         Consultant, Voluntary Health Association of India, New Delhi

·         Consultant, Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, New Delhi

·         Consultant, Phonographic Performance Limited (PPL) India, on Music Copyrights


·         Associate Executive Editor, Journal of Asian Economics (Elsevier)

·         Referee for the following journals and publishers:

Presentations and Lectures at Conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops/ Roundtables



·         Brazil:

·         Canada:

·         China:

·         France:

·         Germany:

·         Japan:

·         Jordan:

·         Nepal:

·         Pakistan:

·         Singapore:

·         South Africa:

·         Spain:

·         Switzerland:

·         Taiwan:

·         Thailand:

·         UK:

·         USA:



·         Academic Staff College, University of Calcutta

·         Academic Staff College, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

·         Allahabad University, Department of Economics

·         Calcutta University, Department of Economics

·         Central University of Kerala, School of Global Studies, Kasargod

·         Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum

·         Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, JNU

·         Centre for International Trade and Development, JNU

·         Centre for Media Research and Development Studies, Kolkata

·         Centre for Social Medicine and Community Health, JNU.

·         Centre for Studies in Science Policy, JNU.

·         Cochin University, KM Centre for Budget Studies, Cochin

·         Consultancy Development Centre (CDC), DSIR, Govt of India

·         Cotton College, Guwahati

·         Creative & Innovative Economy Centre, GWU Law School (Bangalore roundtable)

·         Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi.

·         Dibrugarh University (Assam), Dept. of Economics

·         Embassy of Brazil at New Delhi.

·         Embassy of Vietnam at New Delhi.

·         Foreign Service Institute, Ministry of External Affairs, Govt of India, New Delhi

·         HURITER (Centre for Promotion of Human Rights Teaching and Research), JNU.

·         I.P. College, Delhi University

·         Independent Commission on Development and Health in India, New Delhi.

·         Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, New Delhi

·         Indian Institute of Advanced Studies (Shimla) and International Centre (Goa)

·         Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi

·         Institute of Development Studies Kolkata (IDSK), Calcutta

·         Institute of Company Secretaries of India, Kolkata

·         Kerala State Higher Education Council, Govt of Kerala

·         Kerala University, Department of Statistics, Trivandrum

·         Mahatma Gandhi University (School of International Relations), Kottayam, Kerala.

·         Ministry of Finance (Department of Economic Affairs), Government of India.

·         National Chemical Laboratory (NCL – CSIR), Pune.

·         National Law University, Jodhpur.

·         National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi.

·         National Institute of Science Technology and Development Studies (NISTADS), Delhi

·         Panjab University (Chandigarh), Dept of Economics.

·         Research and Information Systems for Developing Countries (RIS), New Delhi

·         S.S.M. Law College, Jalgaon (Maharashtra)

·         Sri Venkateswar College, University of Delhi

·         West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata