मुख्य सामग्री को स्किप करे

Educational Records Research Unit (ERRU)

Educational Records Research Unit (ERRU)

The Educational Records Research Unit (ERRU) began when universities were in flux all over the world and when foundation for modern education system was being laid down. Research funding, the relationship of research and teaching and ideas of what fields were of central importance were being debated. After Independence this unit was part of National Archives of India to compile and publish government educational records. With a view to advance research in the history of education in modern India, it was adopted by JNU in 1971.

Since its inception ERRU has identified the history of education in modern and contemporary India as its chief research area for academic discussion. It has tried to support and promote greater academic engagement with the history of education and the challenges it faces, through faculty and student research, publications and conferences.

The objectives of ERRU are:

  • Research and documentation of educational records,
  • Publication of thematic volumes, and
  • Generation of discussion on issues relating to educational developments.

Since 2005, the ERRU has started a special annual lecture series to commemorate the renowned educationist, late J.P. Naik, who played an important role in reviving and situating the programme of the ERRU at the School of Social Sciences in JNU. Many eminent scholars have delivered lectures on the occasion. 

  • Professor Aparna Basu, 2005, 'Perspectives of Women's Education in India'. Professor Krishna Kumar, 2006, 'Metaphors of Reform'.
  • Professor Sabyasachi Bhattacharya, 2007, 'The Coming Crisis in Tertiary Education'.
  • Professor Sukhadeo Thorat, 2008, 'Higher Education in India: Status, Emerging Issues and Approach in the Eleventh Plan'.
  • Professor P. Balaram, 2009, 'Reinventing the Research University in India'.
  • Professor Javeed Alam, 2010, 'On Marginalisation: Oppression and Democracy'.
  • Professor Mirinal Miri, 2011,'Higher Education: Autonomy Responsibility and Challenges'.
  • Professor Ghanshyam Shah, 2012, 'Democracy, Equality and Education'.

The academic staff of the ERRU include:

  • Professor Satya P. Gautam from Centre for Philosophy, School of Social Sciences was the Director of ERRU.
  • Dr. Joseph Bara, Editor, with specialization on the education of the marginalized groups the idea of national education and Christian missionary education; email - josephbara@mail.jnu.ac.in
  • Dr. Nandita Khadria, Research Officer, with special interest in agrarian history and the history of technical and women's education; email – nkhadria@mail.jnu.ac.in
  • Dr. Ch. Radha Gayathri, Research Officer, has been working in the area of History of Education and Medicine with special focus on Women; email – rgayathri@mail.jnu.ac.in, radhagayathri@gmail.com

Article published by ERRU

First J.P Nail Memorial Lecture

Second J.P Nail Memorial Lecture

A warm welcome to the modified and updated website of the Centre for East Asian Studies. The East Asian region has been at the forefront of several path-breaking changes since 1970s beginning with the redefining the development architecture with its State-led development model besides emerging as a major region in the global politics and a key hub of the sophisticated technologies. The Centre is one of the thirteen Centres of the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi that provides a holistic understanding of the region.

Initially, established as a Centre for Chinese and Japanese Studies, it subsequently grew to include Korean Studies as well. At present there are eight faculty members in the Centre. Several distinguished faculty who have now retired include the late Prof. Gargi Dutt, Prof. P.A.N. Murthy, Prof. G.P. Deshpande, Dr. Nranarayan Das, Prof. R.R. Krishnan and Prof. K.V. Kesavan. Besides, Dr. Madhu Bhalla served at the Centre in Chinese Studies Programme during 1994-2006. In addition, Ms. Kamlesh Jain and Dr. M. M. Kunju served the Centre as the Documentation Officers in Chinese and Japanese Studies respectively.

The academic curriculum covers both modern and contemporary facets of East Asia as each scholar specializes in an area of his/her interest in the region. The integrated course involves two semesters of classes at the M. Phil programme and a dissertation for the M. Phil and a thesis for Ph. D programme respectively. The central objective is to impart an interdisciplinary knowledge and understanding of history, foreign policy, government and politics, society and culture and political economy of the respective areas. Students can explore new and emerging themes such as East Asian regionalism, the evolving East Asian Community, the rise of China, resurgence of Japan and the prospects for reunification of the Korean peninsula. Additionally, the Centre lays great emphasis on the building of language skills. The background of scholars includes mostly from the social science disciplines; History, Political Science, Economics, Sociology, International Relations and language.

Several students of the centre have been recipients of prestigious research fellowships awarded by Japan Foundation, Mombusho (Ministry of Education, Government of Japan), Saburo Okita Memorial Fellowship, Nippon Foundation, Korea Foundation, Nehru Memorial Fellowship, and Fellowship from the Chinese and Taiwanese Governments. Besides, students from Japan receive fellowship from the Indian Council of Cultural Relations.

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