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SCMM Publication

SCMM Publication

Total number of publications including book chapters till April 2012: 75

Publications 2006 onwards:

YEAR, 2006

  1. Kumar S, Saradhi M, Chaturvedi NK and Tyagi RK (2006) Intracellular localization and nucleocytoplasmic trafficking of steroid receptors: an overview. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 246: 147-156.
  2. Gupta MK, Neelkanthan TV, Sanghamitra M, Tyagi RK, Dinda A, Maulik S, Mukhopadhyay CK and Goswami SK (2006) Apoptotic and hypertrophic events induced by norepinephrine in H9c2 myoblasts is notattributable to the net reactive oxygen species but to distinct downstream signaling. Antioxidants and Redox Signalling. 8, 1081-1093.
  3. Bhattacharya M, Ojha N, Solanki S, Mukhopadhyay CK, Madan R, Patel N, Krishnamurthy G, Kumar S, Basu SK, and Mukhopadhyay A (2006) IL-6 and IL-12 specifically regulate the expression of Rab5 and Rab7 via distinct signaling pathways. EMBO J. 25, 2878-2888.
  4. Prasad T, Kansal A, *Mukhopadhyay CK, and *Prasad R (2006) Unexpected link between iron and drug resistance of Candida: iron depletion enhances membrane fluidity and drug diffusion leading to drug susceptible cells. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 50:3597-606. *Joint corresponding author.
  5. Gupta A, Mehra P, Nitharwal R, Sharma A, Biswas AK and Dhar SK (2006) Analogous expression pattern of Plasmodium falciparum replication initiation proteins PfMCM4 and PfORC1 during the asexual and sexual stages of intraerythrocytic developmental cycle. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 261:12-8.
  6. Saradhi M, Kumar N, Reddy RC and Tyagi RK (2006) Pregnane and Xenobiotic Receptor (PXR): a promiscuous xensosensor with a role in human health and disease. Journal of Endocrinology and Reproduction 10: 1-12.

YEAR, 2007

  1. Das D, Tapryal N, Goswami SK, Fox PL and Mukhopadhyay CK (2007) Regulation of Ceruloplasmin in human hepatic cells by redox active copper: Identification of a novel AP-1 site in ceruloplasmin gene. Biochem J. 402(1):135-41.
  2. Biswas S, Gupta MK, Chattopadhyay D, and Mukhopadhyay CK (2007) Insulin induced activation of hypoxia inducible factor-1 requires generation of reactive oxygen species by NADPH oxidase. Am. J. Physiol. Heart and Circulatory Physiology 292(2):H758-66.
  3.    Nitharwal RG, Paul S, Soni RK, Sinha S, Prusthy D, Keshav T, RoyChoudhury N, Mukhopadhyay G, Chaudhury T, Gourinath S, and Dhar SK (2007). The domain structure of Helicobacter pylori DnaB helicase: The N-terminal domain can be dispensable for helicase activity whereas the extreme C-terminal region is essential for its function. Nucleic Acids Res. 35:2861-74.
  4. Sharma M, Hanchate NK, Tyagi RK and Sharma P (2007) Cyclin dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) mediated inhibition of the MAP kinase pathway results in CREB down regulation and apoptosis in PC 12 cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 358: 379-384.
  5. Dar MA, Sharma A, Mondal N and Dhar SK (2007) Molecular cloning of apicoplast targeted Plasmodium falciparum DNA gyrase genes: unique intrinsic ATPase activity and ATP-independent dimerisation of PfGyrB subunit. Eukaryotic Cell. 6:398-412.
  6. Zhu W, Ukomadu C, Jha S, Senga T, Dhar SK, Wohlschlegel JA, Nutt LK, Kornbluth S, Dutta A. (2007) Mcm10 and And-1/CTF4 recruit DNA polymerase alpha to chromatin for initiation of DNA replication. Genes Dev. 21:2288-99.
  7. Banerjee D, Martin N, Nandi S, Shukla S, Dominguez A, Mukhopadhyay G, Prasad R.A (2007). Genome-wide steroid response study of the major human fungal pathogen Candida albicans. Mycopathologia. 164:1-17.
  8. Haque A, Rai V, Bahal BS, Shukla S, Lattif AA, Mukhopadhyay G, Prasad R. (2007). Allelic variants of ABC drug transporter Cdr1p in clinical isolates of Candida albicans. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 352:491-497.

YEAR, 2008

  1. Kumar S, Chaturvedi NK, Kumar S and Tyagi RK (2008) Agonist-mediated docking of androgen receptor onto the mitotic chromatin platform discriminates intrinsic mode of action of prostate cancer drugs. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta -Molecular Cell Research1783:59-73.
  2. Hameed S. Prasad T, Banerjee D, Chandra A, Mukhopadhyay CK, Goswami S. et al, (2008) Iron deprivation induces FEG1 mediated hypal development in Candida albicans without affecting biofilm formation. FEMS Yeast Research: 8(5):744-55.
  3. Gaur M, Puri N, Manoharlal R, Rai V, Mukhopadhyay G, Choudhury D, Prasad R. (2008) “MFS transportome of the human pathogenic yeast Candida albicans”. BMC Genomics9:579.
  4. Banerjee D, Lelandais G, Shukla S, Mukhopadhyay G, Jacq C, Devaux F, Prasad R. (2008). “Responses of pathogenic and nonpathogenic yeast species to steroids reveal the functioning and evolution of multidrug resistance transcriptional networks”. Eukaryotic Cell. 7:68-77.
  5. Gupta A, Mehra P, Dhar SK. (2008) “Plasmodium falciparum origin recognition complex subunit 5: functional characterization and role in DNA replication foci formation”. Mol Microbiol. 69(3):646-65.
  6. Prusty D, Mehra P, Srivastava S, Shivange AV, Gupta A, Roy N, Dhar SK. (2008) Nicotinamide inhibits Plasmodium falciparum Sir2 activity in vitro and parasite growth. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 282(2):266-72.

YEAR, 2009

  1. Dar A, Prusty D, Mondal N and Dhar SK. (2009) A Unique 45 Amino   Acid Region in the Toprim Domain of Plasmodium falciparum Gyrase B is Essential for Its Activity. Eukaryotic Cell 8:1759-69.
  2. Gupta A, Mehra P, Deshmukh A, Dar A, Mitra P, Roy N and Dhar SK. (2009)   Functional dissection of the catalytic carboxyl-terminal domain of human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum origin recognition complex subunit 1 (PfORC1). Eukaryotic Cell 8: 1341-51.
  3. Nie M, Aijaz S, Leefa Chong San IV, Balda MS, Matter K. (2009). The Y-box factor ZONAB/DbpA associates with GEF-H1/Lfc and mediates Rho-stimulated transcription. EMBO Reports, 10:1125-1131.
  4. Kumar A.,  Sarkar S. K., Ghosh D., Ghosh A.S. (2012) Deletion of penicillin binding protein 1b impairs biofilm formation and motility in Escherichia coli. Res. in Microbiol. (in press)
  5. Das N.K., Biswas S., Solanki S., and Mukhopadhyay C.K. (2009) “Leishmania donovanidepletes labile iron pool to exploit iron uptake capacity of macrophage for its intracellular growth”. Cell Microbiol. 11, 83-94.
  6. Tapryal N., Mukhopadhyay C., Das D., Fox P.L., and Mukhopadhyay C.K. (2009) Reactive oxygen species regulate ceruloplasmin by a novel mRNA decay mechanism involving its 3'-untranslated region: Implications in neurodegenerative diseases. J. Biol. Chem. 284, 1873-1883.
  7. Pondugula SR, Brimer-Cline C, Wu J, Schuetz EG, Tyagi RK and Chen T (2009) “A phosphomimetric mutation at threonine-57 abolishes transactivation activity and alters nuclear localization pattern of human pregnane X receptor”. Drug Metabolism and Disposition 37:719-730.
  8. Negi S, Akbarsha MA and Tyagi RK (2009) “Clinical correlates in drug-herbal interactions mediated via nuclear receptor PXR activation and cytochrome P450 induction”. Journal of Endocrinology and Reproduction 12: 1-12.
  9. Sharma A, Nitharwal RG, Singh B, Dar A, Dasgupta S, Dhar SK. (2009) “Helicobacter pylori single-stranded DNA binding protein--functional characterization and modulation of H. pylori DnaB helicase activity”. FEBS J. 276(2):519-31.
  10. Kashav T, Nitharwal R, Abdulrehman SA, Gabdoulkhakov A, Saenger W, Dhar SK*, Gourinath S*. (2009). Three-dimensional structure of N-terminal domain of DnaB helicase and helicase-primase interactions in Helicobacter pylori. PLoS One. 20: e7515. (* co-corresponding author)
  11. Doerig C, Baker D, Billker O, Blackman MJ, Chitnis C, Dhar SK et al. (2009) Signalling in malaria parasites. The MALSIG consortium. Parasite.16: 169-82.

YEAR 2010

  1. Tapryal N., Mukhopadhyay C., Mishra M.K., Das D., Biswas S., and Mukhopadhyay CK.(2010) Glutathione synthesis inhibitor butathione sulfoximine regulates ceruloplasmin by dual but opposite mechanism: Implication in hepatic iron overload. Free Radical Biology & Medicine. 48:1492-500.
  2. Kumar S, Jaiswal B, Kumar S, Negi S, Tyagi RK. (2010) Cross-talk between androgen receptor and pregnane and xenobiotic receptor reveals existence of a novel modulatory action of anti-androgenic drugs. Biochem Pharmacol. 80: 964-976.
  3. Prasad T, Hameed S, Manoharlal R, Biswas S, Mukhopadhyay CK, Goswami SK, Prasad R. (2010) Morphogenic regulator EFG1 affects the drug susceptibilities of pathogenic Candida albicans. FEMS Yeast Res. 10:587-596.
  4. Das D, Luo X, Singh A, Gu Y, Ghosh S, Mukhopadhyay CK, Chen SG, Sy MS, Kong Q, Singh N. (2010) Paradoxical role of prion protein aggregates in redox-iron induced toxicity. PLoS One. 5(7):e11420.
  5. Kumar S and Tyagi RK. Networking Strategies and Emerging Roles of Pregnane & Xenobiotic Receptor (PXR) in Normal and Pathological States. Journal of Endocrinology and Reproduction, 14: 1-8, 2010.
  6. Chaturvedi NK, Kumar S, Negi S, Tyagi RK. (2010). Endocrine disruptors provoke differential modulatory responses on Androgen Receptor and Pregnane & Xenobiotic Receptor: potential implications in metabolic disorders, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 345:291-308.
  7. Prusty D Dar A Priya R Sharma A Dana S Choudhury NR Rao NS and Dhar SK .(2010). Single-stranded DNA binding protein from human malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum is encoded in the nucleus and targeted to the apicoplast. Nucleic Acids Res.38:7037-53.

YEAR 2011

  1. Nitharwal RG, Verma V, Dasgupta S, Dhar SK (2011). Helicobacter pylori chromosomal DNA replication: current status and future perspectives. FEBS Lett. 585:7-17.
  2. Biswas A, Pasquel D, Tyagi RK, Mani S (2011) Acetylation of Pregnane X Receptor protein determines selective function independent of ligand activation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 406:371-376.
  3. Amazit L, Roseau1 A, Ali-Khan1 J, Chauchereau A, Tyagi RK, Loosfelt H, Leclerc P, Lombes M, Guiochon-Mantel1 A (2011). Ligand-dependent Degradation of SRC-1 is Pivotal for Progesterone Receptor Transcriptional Activity. Molecular Endocrinology25:394-408.
  4. Pande C, Sarin SK, Patra S, Bhutia K, Mishra SK, Pahuja S, Jain M, Srivastava S, Dar SB, Trivedi SS, Mukhopadhyay CK, Kumar A. Prevalence, risk factors and virological profile of chronic hepatitis b virus infection in pregnant women in India. J Med Virol.83:962-967, 2011.
  5. Mukhopadhyay C.K, Dev S, Tapryal N, Mukherjee R and Mukhopadhayay C. Role of redox and ceruloplasmin in iron deposition in glial cells: Implication in neurodegenerative damages. IIOABJ. 2:1-8, 2011.
  6. Shukla S, Yadav V, Mukhopadhyay G. and Prasad R. (2011). Ncb2 Is Involved in Activated Transcription of CDR1 in Azole-Resistant Clinical Isolates of Candida albicans.Eukaryotic Cell, p. 1357-1366, Oct.

YEAR, 2012

  1. Nitharwal RG, Verma V, Rao NS, Dasgupta S, Choudhury NR and Dhar SK.  DNA binding activity of Helicobacter pylori DnaB helicase: the role of N-terminal domain in modulating DNA binding activities. FEBS J.279:234-50, 2012
  2. Mitra P, Deshmukh A and Dhar SK. (2012) DNA replication during intra-erythrocytic stages of human malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Current Science. 102;725-740
  3. Deshmukh AS, Srivastava S, Herrmann S, Gupta A, Mitra P, Gilberger TW, Dhar SK. The role of N-terminus of Plasmodium falciparum ORC1 in telomeric localization and var gene silencing. Nucleic Acids Res. 2012  (in press)
  4. Kumar S, Saradhi M, Chaturvedi NK, Tyagi RK. Retention and transmission of active transcription memory from progenitor to progeny cells via ligand-modulated transcription factors. Cell Biology International 36: 177-182, 2012 (Journal issue highlight)
  5. Kaul R, Shah P, Saradhi M, Prasad RL, Chatterjee S, Ghosh I, Tyagi RK* and Datta K* (2012) Overexpression of Hyaluronan Binding Protein 1 (HABP1/p32/gC1qR) in HepG2 cell leads to increased hyaluronan synthesis and cell proliferation by upregulation of cyclin D1 in AKT-dependent pathway. Journal of Biological Chemistry, (in press)(*co-corresponding authors).
  6. Singh, AK, Mukhopadhyay C, Biswas S, Singh, VK, Mukhopadhyay CK. (2012) Intracellular Pathogen Leishmania donovani Activates Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1 by Dual Mechanism for Survival Advantage within Macrophage. PLoS One (in press).

Chapters Contributed to Books (2006 onwards)

Total number of publications including book chapters till March 2012:

  1. Chinmay K. Mukhopadhyay, Sudipta Biswas and Reshmi Mukherjee (2010). Reactive oxygen species in the regulation of hypoxia inducible factor-1 in normoxia. In ‘Methods in Redox Signaling’.  Published by “Mary Ann Liebert, New York’; Chapter 15, pp-118-123.
  2. Deshmukh A., Srivastava S and Dhar SK. (2012). Plasmodium falciparum: Epigenetic control of var gene regulation and disease. In Epigenetics: Development and Disease. Subcellular Biochemistry series. Springer Publication. ISBN 978-94-007-4524-7
  3. Ghosh, D. (2011). Pathogenesis of Malabsorption Syndrome: Issues on Gut Flora and Innate Immunity. . In: Ghoshal, U Malabsorption Syndrome in Tropics. Delhi: Elsevier. 179-204.
  4. Ghosh, D. (2010). Probiotics and Intestinal Defensins: Augmenting the First Line of Defense in Gastrointentinal Immunity. In: Nair, G. B. and Takeda, Y. Probiotic Foods in Health and Disease. Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. 61-74.


  1. Selective Detection and Analysis of Small Molecules, Ghosh D., Dharware D. and Panchagnula V.  Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and Central Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi. Application no. 407/DEL/2011.
  2. Tyagi RK, Negi S, Kumari S, Saradhi M and Mukhopadhyay G (2010) Stable integration of a xenobiotic receptor promoter-reporter DNA construct into a human liver cell line for evaluating the drugs by high throughput screening. Indian Patent filed through IPM cell at JNU, New Delhi. Provisional Indian Patent. Appn. No. 464/DEL/2010. Publication no.: WO/2011/108003.
  3. The present claim relates to generation of a liver cell line that is stably integrated with a promoter-reporter DNA construct and has utility in analyzing those prescription drugs, herbal drug ingredients and other xenobiotics/factors that have modulatory effects on cellular levels of PXR protein i.e. up regulation or down regulation of PXR.

A warm welcome to the modified and updated website of the Centre for East Asian Studies. The East Asian region has been at the forefront of several path-breaking changes since 1970s beginning with the redefining the development architecture with its State-led development model besides emerging as a major region in the global politics and a key hub of the sophisticated technologies. The Centre is one of the thirteen Centres of the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi that provides a holistic understanding of the region.

Initially, established as a Centre for Chinese and Japanese Studies, it subsequently grew to include Korean Studies as well. At present there are eight faculty members in the Centre. Several distinguished faculty who have now retired include the late Prof. Gargi Dutt, Prof. P.A.N. Murthy, Prof. G.P. Deshpande, Dr. Nranarayan Das, Prof. R.R. Krishnan and Prof. K.V. Kesavan. Besides, Dr. Madhu Bhalla served at the Centre in Chinese Studies Programme during 1994-2006. In addition, Ms. Kamlesh Jain and Dr. M. M. Kunju served the Centre as the Documentation Officers in Chinese and Japanese Studies respectively.

The academic curriculum covers both modern and contemporary facets of East Asia as each scholar specializes in an area of his/her interest in the region. The integrated course involves two semesters of classes at the M. Phil programme and a dissertation for the M. Phil and a thesis for Ph. D programme respectively. The central objective is to impart an interdisciplinary knowledge and understanding of history, foreign policy, government and politics, society and culture and political economy of the respective areas. Students can explore new and emerging themes such as East Asian regionalism, the evolving East Asian Community, the rise of China, resurgence of Japan and the prospects for reunification of the Korean peninsula. Additionally, the Centre lays great emphasis on the building of language skills. The background of scholars includes mostly from the social science disciplines; History, Political Science, Economics, Sociology, International Relations and language.

Several students of the centre have been recipients of prestigious research fellowships awarded by Japan Foundation, Mombusho (Ministry of Education, Government of Japan), Saburo Okita Memorial Fellowship, Nippon Foundation, Korea Foundation, Nehru Memorial Fellowship, and Fellowship from the Chinese and Taiwanese Governments. Besides, students from Japan receive fellowship from the Indian Council of Cultural Relations.

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