The Language Lab Complex, though it does have the status of the centre, it has a great role in making successful of the school’s teaching method in very novel way. The innovativeness of the programmes with specially designed courses available nowhere else in the country make the production of requisite pedagogical materials imperative, particularly in the case of teaching of languages.
Study materials production, including the production of Audio-Visual materials is an important activity among the faculty staff. The Language Labs of the school with the facilities for Audio and Video recordings and Educational Software production are very useful for that purpose.
The Language Lab Complex organizes various Seminars, Workshops and various aspects of educational technology like Educational Software, Production techniques, Dubbing etc.
The language lab complex of the School of Language,Literature and Culture studies is one of the best developed and maintained complex’s in India. It consists of 3 Analogue Audio Active labs (Persian, German and Japanese) having 22,22,& 32 booths in each and 3 Multimedia Language Labs 22,32,& 32 booths with Digital workstations having specialized software (Robotel Smart class & Smart class plus, (Canada)) installed and dedicated LAN networking. LLC also houses Seven Audio-visual class rooms, all equipped with laptops, Audio-video equipments and LCD projectors and 3 booths (Dual) Video Conferencing/interpretation translation system with 12 delegate units.
It also helps teachers to manage their classes and assure that their students have sufficient opportunities to practice and hone their listening and speaking skills.
The LLC also has excellent education teaching material production facilities in the form of Audio studio. All the language labs, Audio and video software production equipment etc. have been received as gifts grants from various countries like Japan, Germany, Iran, Russia etc. the peripheral equipments have been locally procured. The entire equipment has been house in an acoustically treated and centrallyair-conditioned Language Lab Complex building.
The language lab and Audio-visual rooms are extensively used for teaching and research work form 09 AM to 04 PM on working days. On an average a language lab/AV room/Video Projection room was used for about 30 hours per week.
During last year these facilities were used for about 2500 hrs. facilities of conference system were also provided to various school, departments, Centres of the university. Internet facilities were also provided to students and faculty members of the school both at LLC complex and at SLL&CS premises.
A large number of visitors from different Educational Institutions, Universities and Embassies like NDA, Khadakvasla, KendriyaVidyalayas, Public schools, Japan foundation, Japan Embassy, Miyagi University Japan and DelhiUniversity etc. visited the LLC.
The LLC continues to be the Examination Centre for the Japanese language proficiency test conducted by the Japan foundation for the students coming from all over India. Max Mullar Bhavan, Delhi also conducts proficiency test in German language in the LLC.