Anuradha Banerjee
Centre/School/Special Centre
Centre for the Study of Regional Development,
School of Social Sciences
Room No
Room No. 437, SSS-III
Off. Phone
anuradha@mail.jnu.ac.in, banerjee.anb@gmail.com
Personal Webpage
1997 – Ph.D. CSRD, SSS, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
1989 - M.Phil. CSRD, SSS, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
1987 – M.A. CSRD, SSS, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
1984 – B.Sc. (Hons) Lady Brabourne College, University of Calcutta, W.B.
Areas of Interest/Specialization
Urbanisation and Urban Environment; Population Issues including Maternal and Child Health; Reproductive Health; Public Health; Human Ecology; Integrated Coast Zone Management; Development Studies (Women and Child Development); Human Settlements, Issues of Uneven Development; Exclusion and Discrimination of Marginalised Communities and Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Geographical Analysis.
25+ Years
- 1999 to Present - Professor, Centre for the Study of Regional Development, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
- 1997 to 1999 - Senior Consultant, National Council of Applied Economic Research, New Delhi
Research Experience
- Has supervised fifty-two (52) Ph.D. students (44 Ph.D. Awarded + 8 Continuing..).
- Has supervised fifty-one (51) M.Phil. students (51 M.Phil. Awarded)
- Books- Self-authored/Co-authored/Edited- Total No: 5 (Five)
- Chapters Contributed to Edited Books - Total No: 28 (Twenty Eight)
- Research Articles/ Papers Published in Journals/Periodicals/Conference Proceedings/Newspapers - Total No: 44 ( Forty Four)
- Research Projects (International /National) - Total No: 11 (Eleven)
- Refresher Course, Methodology, Workshops, Training, Faculty, & Development Programmes, etc. - Total No: 17 (Seventeen)
- Papers presented in Regional/ National and International Seminars/Conferences/Workshop/ Symposium - Total No: 102 (One Hundred and Two)
- Lectures/ Special Lectures in Institutions of Repute within the Country and Outside - Total No. 63 (Sixty Three)
- Position Held (Administrative/Expert/Chief) - Number 30, (Thirty)
Awards & Honours
- President Indian National Cartographic Association
- Adjunct Professor Indian Institute of Dalit Studies (IIDS), New Delhi;
- 2002: Awarded Certificate of Best Presentation of paper titled “Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Demographic and Socio-economic Analysis of Dehradun City”; at the XXII INCA International Congress on “Convergence of Imagery, Information and Maps”, organised by XXII INCA Congress, Ahmedabad; October 30 to November 1.
- CSIR Senior Research Fellowship holder (during PhD)
- CSIR Junior Research Fellowship holder (during M.Phil.)
- First in University (during M.A.), 1987
- First Class First, Awarded Jubilee Prize from Calcutta University,1984
- First Class First, Scholarship Holder, Awarded two Silver Medals, 1983
International Collaboration/Consultancy
- 2009: Undertaken a study of Goa Chapter as Research Associate in the project entitled “Regional Anti-Trafficking Programme in South Asia 2000-2009”; sponsored by UNIFEM.
- 2003: Conducted collaborative research project entitled “Inter GIS Programme on International Curriculum Development”; sponsored by EU in collaboration with Geography Department, Salzburg University, Austria, 2003 to 2006.
Best Peer Reviewed Publications
- 2023: “Sustainable Livelihoods of Tribal Communities in Odisha, India: The Case of Mayurbhanj”; (Co-authored by Narayan Chandra Jana, Anuradha Banerjee and Prasanta Kumar Ghosh), published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Pages 198, [ISBN (10): 1-5275-9014-3], [ISBN (13):978-1-5275-9014-4].
- 2022: Banerjee Anuradha (Co-author: Twisha Singh), “The Exodus in Times of Pandemic: Mobility, Migration and Livelihood of Informal Migrant Workers During COVID-19 Crisis in India”, published in the book ‘Livelihood Enhancement Through Agriculture, Tourism and Health; Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences’ edited by Narayan Chandra Jana, Anju Singh, R.B. Singh (Series Editor: R.B.Singh): IGU-UGI: Springer, Chapter 2, pp. 37-61, ISBN: 978-981-16-7309-2, ISBN:978-981-16-7310-8 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-7310-8
- 2020: Banerjee Anuradha, (Co-author: Bidisha Chattopadhyay) “Inequalities in Access to Water and Sanitation: A Case of Slums in Selected States of India”, published in the book ‘Urban Health Risk and Resilience in Asian Cities’, edited by R.B.Singh, Bathula Srinagesh, Subhash Anand; Springer, pp 57-72, ISSN: 2198-3542, Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences, ISBN: 978-981-15-1204-9 ISBN: 978-981-15-1205-6 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1205-6
- 2019: “Population Dynamics in Contemporary South Asia: Health, Education and Migration”; (Edited by Anuradha Banerjee, Narayan Chandra Jana and Vinod Kumar Mishra), published by Springer, Pages 437, ISBN 978-981-15-1668-9.
- 2019: Banerjee Anuradha, (Co-author: Vidyasagar Trigun) “Attitude of Men Towards Contraceptive Use in India: A Case Study of the High Focus State of Bihar”, published in the book ‘Population Dynamics in Contemporary South Asia:Health, Education and Migration’, edited by Anuradha Banerjee, Narayan Chandra Jana and Vinod Kumar Mishra; Springer, pp 3-22, ISBN: 978-981-15-1668-9.
- 2014: Banerjee Anuradha, (Co-author: Joydeep Saha,) “Population Environment Interface in Urban India: A Geographical Analysis”, published in the book ‘Landscape Ecology and Water Management’, edited by Mehtab Singh, R.B.Singh and M.I. Hassan; Springer: Tokyo, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London. pp.147-164, ISBN: 978-4-43154870-6.
Recent Peer Reviewed Journals/Books
- 2023: Banerjee Anuradha, (Co-author: Monirujjaman Biswas) “Examining the Linkages between Maternity Services and Postpartum Modern Contraceptive Adoption among Young Women in India: Insights from the 2015-16 and 2019-21 National Family Health Survey”; PLoS ONE 18(8): e0289701. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0289701
- 2023: Banerjee Anuradha, (Co-author: Monirujjaman Biswas) “Investigating Various Correlates Associated with Maternity Care Expenditure in India: Evidence from National Sample Survey Data”; Demography India Vol 52; No.1, November 2023.
- 2022: Banerjee Anuradha, (Co-author: Eshita Tripathi) “Locating the Urban Poor: Socio-Economic Differentials of Core and Periphery in Prayagraj Metropolitan City, Uttar Pradesh”; North Eastern Geographer, Gauhati University, ISSN 0973-0915 NEIGS, Vol. 41; No. 1 & 2, 2021-2022, pp 88-98.
- 2021: Banerjee Anuradha, (Co-author: Dinabandhu Mondal), “Exploring Peri-Urban Dynamism in India: Evidence from Kolkata Metropolis”; Journal of Urban Management, Vol.10; Issue 4, pp. 382-392. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jum.2021.06.004.
- 2021: Banerjee Anuradha, (Co-authors: Rayhan Sk., Md. Juel Rana), “Nutritional Status and Concomitant Factors of Stunting among Pre-School Children in Malda, India: A Micro-level Study using a Multi-level Approach”; BMC Public Health, 21:1690. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-021-11704-w.
- 2021: Banerjee Anuradha, (Co-author: Poonam Arya), “Urbanization and Land Use- Land Cover Change: A Case Study of Udaipur City, Rajasthan”; PATHFINDER: The International Multidisciplinary Research Journal (Indian Journals.com), Vol.1; No. 1, pp.15-24.
- 2021: Banerjee Anuradha, (Co-author: Rayhan Sk), “Measuring Child’s Home Learning Environment and its Associated Factors in Malda: A Micro-level Study in India”; ScienceDirect, Children and Youth Services Review. https//doi.org/10.1016j.childyouth. 2021.105984.
- 2020: Banerjee Anuradha, (Co-authors: Dinabandhu Mondal, Suranjana Karmakar), “Women’s Autonomy and Utilization of Maternal Health Care: Evidence from a Recent National Survey”; journals.plos.org, PLoS ONE 15 (12): e0243553, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0243553.
- 2020: Banerjee Anuradha, (Co-authors: Joydeep Saha, Dinabandhu Mondal) “The Urban Challenge: Provisioning of Basic Services in Notified and Non-notified Slums of India”; The Indian Geographical Journal - Volume 95 (1); January to June,ISSN: 0019 – 4824.
- 2019: Banerjee Anuradha, (Co-authors: Rayhan Sk, Rakesh Mishra, Somdutta Barua) “Quality of Care and Early Childhood Developmental Status in Nepal: a Multilevel Analysis”; published online in the journal ‘Early Child Development and Care’ by Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. https://doi.org/10.1080/03004430.2019.1570503.