Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from ABV-IIITM Gwalior, M.P.
M.Phil. in Mathematics from Jiwaji University Gwalior, M.P.
First Rank in M.Sc. (Mathematics), NET-JRF
His focused research plan in biomathematics revolves around exploring mathematical models to establish a mathematical understanding of comprehending intricate interactions and dynamics inherent in ecological systems (such as prey-predator relationships, food chains, etc.), the transmission patterns of infectious diseases (particularly HIV/AIDS, dengue, Rotavirus, etc.), and the combination of these domains (including biological and chemical pest control with microbial diseases, disease spread by food adulteration, etc.) through the application of mathematical modeling.
- Worked as a regular Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya (A Central University), Sagar, M.P. 470003 since 28th May, 2013 to 19th October, 2023.
- Worked as a regular Assistant Professor in Mathematics, Govt. Vijya Raje Scindhiya College, Bhander, Dist. Datia (M.P.) under MP Govt. Department of Higher Education since 9th June, 2012 to 27th May, 2013.
- Worked as a regular Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics, Hindustan College of Science and Technology (Sharda Group of Institutions), Farah, Mathura (U.P.) since 22nd September, 2008 to 25th July, 2009.
- A Project Rs. 2012542/- under SERB EMR New Delhi has been completed during 2018-2021.
- A Project Rs. 1686000/- under SERB EMEQ New Delhi has been completed during 2017-2020.
- A Project Rs. 600000/- under UGC New Delhi has been completed during 2014-2016.
- Kunwer Singh Mathur, Shivani Khare and Bhagwan Kumar, Stability and optimal control analysis of a stage-structured SVIHRS model with isolation, infection-based media awareness and media-induced vaccination, Result in Control and Optimization (Elsevier), 12, 100236, June 2023.
- Kunwer Singh Mathur and Bhagwan Kumar, Effect of DEN-2 virus on a stage-structured dengue model with saturated incidence and constant harvesting, Springer Proceeding in Complexity (ICNDA 2022), Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications, 1193-1208, 2022.
- Kunwer Singh Mathur, Abhay Srivastava and Joydip Dhar, Dynamics of a stage--structured SI model for food adulteration with media-induced response function, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 127(1), 1-21, 20 Feb 2021.
- Kunwer Singh Mathur and Prakash Narayan, Dynamics of an SVEIRS Epidemic Model with Vaccination and Saturated Incidence Rate, International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics (Springer-Scopus Indexed), 4, 1-22, 2018.
- Kunwer Singh Mathur and Joydip Dhar, Stability and permanence of an eco-epidemiological SEIN model with impulsive biological control, Computational and Applied Mathematics (Springer), 37(1), 675-692, 2018.
- Kunwer Singh Mathur, An eco-epidemic pest-natural enemy SI model in two patchy habitat with impulsive effect, International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics (Springer-Scopus Indexed), 3(3), 2671-2685, 2017.
- Kunwer Singh Mathur, A prey-dependent consumption two-prey one predator eco-epidemic model concerning biological and chemical controls at different pulses, Journal of Franklin Institute (Elsevier), 353(15), 3897-3919, 2016.
- Kunwer Singh Mathur and Joydip Dhar, Stability Switches and Bifurcation Analysis of a food chain stage-structured model with impulsive pest management strategy, Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations (Scopus Indexed), 24, 181-208, 2016.
- Kunwer Singh Jatav and Joydip Dhar, Global behaviour and Hopf bifurcation analysis of stage-structured prey-predator model with maturation delay for prey and gestation delay for predator, Journal of Biological Systems (World Scientific), 23(1), 57-77, 2015.
- Kunwer Singh Jatav, Joydip Dhar and Atulya K. Nagar, Mathematical study of stage-structured pests control through impulsively released natural enemies with discrete and distributed delays, Applied Mathematics and Computations (Elsevier), 238, 511-526, 2014.
- Kunwer Singh Jatav and Joydip Dhar, Hybrid approach for pest control with impulsive releasing of natural enemies and chemical pesticides: A plant-pest-natural enemy model, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems (Elsevier), 12, 79-92, 2014.
- Joydip Dhar and Kunwer Singh Jatav, Mathematical Analysis of a delayed stage-structured predator-prey model with impulsive diffusion between two predator territories, Ecological Complexity (Elsevier), 16, 59-67, 2013.
- Kunwer Singh Jatav and Poonam Sinha, Mathematical study of the effect of industrialization on the resource biomass undergoing harvesting and diffusion in heterogeneous habitat, Applied Mathematics, Elixir, 54A, 12653-12658, 2013.
- S Khare, KS Mathur, KP Das, Optimal control of deterministic and stochastic Eco-epidemic food adulteration model, Results in Control and Optimization, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rico.2023.100336
- Kunwer Singh Mathur and Prakash Narayan, Modeling the impact of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and Male Circumcision on HIV/AIDS, Advances in Mathematical and Computational Modeling of Engineering Systems 2023 Feb 20 (pp. 59-81). CRC Press.
- Kunwer Singh Mathur and Bhagwan Kumar, Stability analysis of within host dengue model incorporating the impact of cell mediated and innate response, Biological Forum – An International Journal, 15(6): 674-678 (2023).
- Prakash Narayan, Kunwer Singh Mathur, Bhagwan Kumar and Rashmi Mathur, A general review of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in theoretical and mathematical modeling aspects, International Journal on Emerging Technologies, 14(1): 42-51, 2023.
- Shivani Khare, Kunwer Singh Mathur and Rajkumar Gangele, Stochastic Predator-prey model with disease in prey and hybrid impulses for integrated pest management, Springer Proceeding in Complexity, Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications, 1133-1148, 2022.
- Rajesh K. Gautam, Dipak K. Adak, P. Bharati, Kunwer Singh Mathur, Jyoti Jhariya, Pardeep Kumar and Sarabjit Mastana, Human Stature and Development with special reference to Indian population, OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 11(09), 49-68, 2018.
- Life time member of Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences, Membership No. L0251 Dated 20/02/2021.
- Member of International Association for the Engineers and the computer scientists, Hong Kong.
- Life time member of Indian Academy for Mathematical Modeling and Simulation, Membership No. 176 Dated 02/08/2018.
- Life time member of Indian Mathematical Society, Membership No. L/2015/99 Dated 07/10/2015.
- Life time member of Ramanujan Mathematical Society, Membership No. 1186 Dated 02/09/2015.
- Life time member of Calcutta Mathematical Society, Membership No. 2161 Dated 14/01/2016.
- Life time member of Biomathematical Society of India, Membership dated 15/12/2010.