-PhD IIT Delhi
-MTech IIT Kanpur
-BE Honors GEC Rewa
-Data/Signal/Time-series modeling, simulation and analysis; COVID-19 pandemic modeling and prediction; Machine learning; Deep learning and AI; Signal processing; Image processing; Time-frequency analysis; Biomedical Signal Processing; Nonlinear and nonstationary data analysis; Numerical methods; Signal Processing Applications.
-Industrial experience of ~7.5 years (STMicroelectronics Pvt. Ltd. Greater Noida, India)
-Teaching since August 2010
-Featured in the list of the top 2% of scientists worldwide in 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024. This list has been compiled after research using Scopus author profiles by Stanford University, USA, published by Elsevier, and available online at:
-(2024) https://doi.org/10.17632/btchxktzyw.7
-(2023) https://doi.org/10.17632/btchxktzyw.6
-(2022) https://doi.org/10.17632/btchxktzyw.5
-(2022) https://doi.org/10.17632/btchxktzyw.4
-(2021) https://doi.org/10.17632/btchxktzyw.3
(1) Singh P., Singhal A., Fatimah B., Gupta A., Joshi S.D., ``Proper Definitions of Dirichlet Conditions and Convergence of Fourier Representations,'' IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 39 (5), 77--84, 2022, doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/MSP.2022.3172620, [impact factor (2021) 15.204].
(2) Singh P., Gupta A., Joshi S.D., ``General Parameterized Fourier Transform: A Unified Framework for the Fourier, Laplace, Mellin and Z Transforms,'' IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 70, pp. 1295--1309, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1109/TSP.2022.3152607, [impact factor (2021) 4.875].
(3) Singh P., Gupta A., ``Generalized SIR (GSIR) epidemic model: An improved framework for the predictive monitoring of COVID-19 pandemic,'' ISA Transactions, vol. 124, 31--40, May 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isatra.2021.02.016, [impact factor (2021) 5.911].
(4) Singh P., ``Novel Fourier Quadrature Transforms and Analytic Signal Representations for Nonlinear and Non-stationary Time Series Analysis,'' Royal Society Open Science, (R. Soc. open sci. 5 (11): 181131, pp. 1-26). http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsos.181131, (2018) [impact factor (2021) 3.653].
(5) Singh P., Joshi S.D. Patney R.K., and Saha K., ``The Fourier Decomposition method for nonlinear and non-stationary signal analysis,'' Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences (2017), 473 (2199), 20160871, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5378250/, https://doi.org/10.1098/rspa.2016.0871, [impact factor (2021) 3.213].
-Refer to Personal files for more information like important scientific contributions, papers, patents, experience, areas of expertise, and research.
(1) P. Singh, A. Singhal, B. Fatimah, A. Gupta, ``A novel PRFB decomposition for nonstationary time series and image analysis,'' Signal Processing, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sigpro.2023.108961, [impact factor (2021) 4.729].
(2) B. Fatimah, P. Singh, A. Singhal, R.B. Pachori, ``Biometric Identification from ECG Signals using Fourier Decomposition and Machine Learning,'' IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, vol. 71, 17 August 2022, https://doi.org/10.1109/TIM.2022.3199260, [impact factor (2021) 5.332].
(3) Fatimah B., Singhal A., Singh P., ``A multi-modal assessment of sleep stages using adaptive Fourier decomposition and machine learning,'' Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 148, 105877, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compbiomed.2022.105877, [impact factor (2021) 6.698].
-Refer to Personal files for more information like important scientific contributions, papers, patents, experience, areas of expertise, and research.
-System and Method for Biometric Identification Using ECG Signals