Amit Singh
Associate Professor
Centre/School/Special Centre
Special Centre for National Security Studies
Room No
amitsingh@mail.jnu.ac.in, amitsinghjnu@gmail.com
Personal Webpage
MA, M.Phil and PhD, School of International Studies, JNU.
Areas of Interest/Specialization
India’s Strategic Thought, Peace and Conflict Resolution, South China Sea, Indian Diaspora, Defence & Maritime, Southeast Asia and Southwest Pacific.
More than 14 Years of research and teaching experience at the National Maritime Foundation (New Delhi), Amity University (Gurugram) and Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College (University of Delhi).
Awards & Honours
Book Review Editor, Diaspora Studies, Brill: Leiden since March 2018.
International Collaboration/Consultancy
- National Advisory Council Member, Centre for Human Security Studies, Hyderabad, since March 2013.
- Member of “Institutional Ethical Committee (IEC)”, SRM University Delhi-NCR, Sonepat, Haryana, since February 19, 2021.
- Editorial Board Member, International Research Journal of India, Pune, Maharashtra, India, since August 2016.
- Editorial Advisor, The Nationalist, E-Journal of the Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation, New Delhi, December 2015-June 2019.
- Honorary Director, The India Institute (TII), New Delhi, 2015-2016.
- Joint Secretary, Organisation of Diaspora Initiatives (ODI), 2012-14.
Best Peer Reviewed Publications
- “India-Malaysia Strategic Relations”, in Maritime Affairs, Vol. 7 no.1, summer 2011, Routledge: London, (ISSN: 0973-3159).
- “South China Sea Disputes: Regional Issue, Global Concerns”, in Maritime Affairs, Vol. 8 no.1, summer 2012, Routledge: London, (ISSN: 0973-3159).
- “Indian Diaspora as a Factor in India-Malaysia Relations” in Diaspora Studies, Vol. 7 no.2, 2014, Routledge: London, (ISSN: 0973-9572).
- “Emerging Trends in India-Myanmar Relations”, in Maritime Affairs, Vol. 8 no.2, winter 2012, Routledge: London, (ISSN: 0973-3159).
- “Paraspara, Encounters and Confluences: India’s Soft Power Objective in the Indo-Pacific Region” in Politics & Policy, Vol. 45 no.5, October 2017, Wiley-Blackwell: US, (ISSN: 1747-1346).
Recent Peer Reviewed Journals/Books
- “India’s Act-East Policy: Opportunities and Challenges”, in ‘Imagining India as a Global Power: Prospects and Challenges’ eds. by Prof. Sangit Ragi, Sunil Sondhi & Vidhan Pathak, Routledge: London, 2018, (ISBN: 9781138282193).
- “Ethnic Indians in India’s Look East Policy” in ‘India Migration Report 2014: Diaspora and Development’, ed. by S. Irudaya Rajan, Routledge: London, 2014, (ISBN: 9781138788190).
- “India’s Energy Security and South China Sea: A Maritime Perspective”, in ‘Strategising Energy: An Asian Perspective’, ed. by Dr. Sreemati Ganguli, Knowledge World: New Delhi, 2014, (ISBN: 9789381904930).
- “South China Sea Dispute: Policy Options for India and New Zealand”, in ‘India and New Zealand in a Rising Asia: Issues and Perspective’, eds. by Prof. Manmohini Kaul & Vibhanshu Shekhar, Pentagon Press: New Delhi, 2012, (ISBN: 9788182746527).
- “Problems of Indian Diaspora in Fiji”, in ‘Emerging India in Asia-Pacific’, ed. by Prof. Y. Yagama Reddy, New Century Publications: New Delhi, 2007, (ISBN: 8177081292).