Birendra Nath Prasad
Assistant Professor
Centre/School/Special Centre
Centre for Historical Studies,
School of Social Sciences
Room No
421, SSS-III
bnprasad@mail.jnu.ac.in, birendranathprasad191@gmail.com
Personal Webpage
- MA in History, JNU. I was the topper of the batch in the Ancient Indian History section.
- M.Phil & PhD in History, JNU.
Areas of Interest/Specialization
Religion and society in ancient and early medieval India, archaeological history of Indian religions, economic history of ancient and early medieval India, history of Southeast Asia.
As a permanent faculty (Assistant Professor) in the UGC pay scale in the P.G. Department of History of three Central Universities, I have 17 years and 11 months of P.G. teaching experience. I have taught in MA, M. Phil. (coursework) and PhD (coursework) classes and supervised M.Phil. and PhD researches.
Awards & Honours
Awards & Honours
International Collaboration/Consultancy
International Collaboration/Consultancy
Best Peer Reviewed Publications
- Archaeology of Religion in South Asia: Buddhist, Brahmanical and Jaina Religious Centres in Bihar and Bengal, c. AD 600-1200, Routledge, London and New York, 2021; 770 pages; ISBN number 9789351711964. Manohar Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, has published the South Asian edition of this book with the ISBN number 978-81-949912-8-1.
- Rethinking Bihar and Bengal: History, Culture and Religion, Routledge, London and New York, 2021; 192 pages; ISBN number 9781032117225. Manohar Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, has published the South Asian edition of this book with the ISBN number 9788194991212.
- Religion in Society: Social Dimensions of Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism in India, Manohar Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, 2022 (forthcoming), 227 pages.
- Maritime Southeast Asia: History, Culture and Religion, Manohar Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, 2022 (forthcoming), 245 pages (Edited with an Introduction).
- Monasteries, Shrines and Society: Buddhist and Brahmanical Religious Institutions in India in Their Socio-Economic Context, Manak Publications, Delhi, 2011; 350 pages; ISBN no. 978-81-7831-231-6 (Edited with an Introduction).
- Social History of Indian Buddhism: New Researches, Research India Press, Delhi, 2021; 297 pages; ISBN no. 978951711964 (Edited with an Introduction).
- Studies in the History and Culture of Ancient Indian Buddhism, Research India Press, Delhi, 2022; 215 pages; ISBN no. 9789351711988 (Edited with an Introduction).
Recent Peer Reviewed Journals/Books
- ‘Major Trends and Perspectives in Studies in the Functional Dimensions of Indian Monastic Buddhism in the Past One Hundred Years: A Historiographical Survey’, Buddhist Studies Review (Journal of the UK Association for Buddhist Studies), London, Vol.25, No.1, 2008, pp.54-89.
- Brahmanical Temples, Maṭhas, Agrahāras and a Buddhist Establishment in a Marshy and Forested Periphery of Two ‘Frontier’ States: Early Medieval Surma Valley (Sylhet and Cachar), c.600CE -1100 CE’, Religions of South Asia, London, Vol. 6. No.1, 2012, pp.33-60.
- “Cultic Relationships Between Buddhism and Brahman¬ism in the ‘Last Stronghold’ of Indian Buddhism: An Analysis with Particular Reference to Votive Inscriptions on Brahmanical Sculptures Donated to Buddhist Religious Centres in Early Medieval Magadha”, Buddhist Studies Review (Journal of the U.K. Association for Buddhist Studies), London, Vol. 30, No. 2, 2013, pp. 181-199.
- ‘Jaina and Brahmanical Temples and Political Processes in a Forested Frontier of Early Medieval South-western Bengal: A Study of Purulia’. Religions of South Asia, Sheffield/London, Vol. 14, No..3, 2020, pp. 188-214.
- ‘Merchants and Their Family Members as Donors of Inscribed Sculptures in Early Medieval Bihar and Bengal’, Journal of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies, Vol. 18, 2020, pp. 123-135.
- ‘A Viṣṇu Temple and Its Social Linkages in 11th -12th Century A.D. Comilla, Bangladesh: A Study in Some Copper-Plate Inscriptions’. In D.P. Dubey (ed.), Sanskrit Epigraphy in South Asia (Proceedings of the Epigraphy Section of the 16th World Sanskrit Conference, Bangkok, 2015), D.K. Publishers, Delhi, 2019, pp.139-148. ISBN No. 9789387212008.