PhD in Economics, Princeton University
Applied game/decision theory, development, crime/law and economics, institutions/behavioral economics, IO, mechanism design.
October 2014-present: Associate Professor of Economics, Centre for International Trade and Development, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University.
July 2005-July 2014: Assistant Professor of Economics, Singapore Management University.
Fall 2004-spring 2005: Lecturer, Princeton University - joint appointment at the Department of Economics and the Woodrow Wilson School of Public Policy.
Fall 2004-spring 2005: Supervisor of undergraduate theses, Princeton University.
2002-03: Graduate research assistant for Professors Patrick Bolton (assisted in preparing graduate text on corporate finance) and Chang-Tai Hsieh.
2002-04: Graduate teaching assistant, Princeton University
Lee Foundation Fellowship for Research Excellence (April 2006-March 2007).
Princeton University Fellowship, 2000-04.
Chosen to teach an interdisciplinary course at Princeton in Economics and Public Policy, 2004-05.
Princeton University Graduate School Summer Stipend, 2001-04.
Princeton University, "Dean's Fund for Scholarly Travel" grant for presenting papers at several conferences including one at Harvard (2002-04).
Inlaks Foundation Scholarship, 2000 at the PhD entry level.
Ford Foundation Fellowship, 1998-2000 for excellence in a nationwide masters level economics examination.
All-India National Talent Scholarship (1994-2000).
Special distinction in M.A for topping university with highest ever GPA. High first class in B.A.
GRE score: 2380/2400 (perfect scores in quantitative and analytical sections, 780/800 in verbal)
Multiple research grants awarded during 2006-13 (details in my CV on my personal site)
Provided input to the founders of the Asian Business School, Hyderabad regarding design of an effective research program, as one of several invited delegates from business schools across Asia (January 18-19, 2008).
1. Guha, B. "Case Preparation Investments in the Presence of Costly Judicial Attention", Research in Economics (2024), accepted. Also please update the Economic Theory publication details to Guha, B. (2024) "Plea Bargaining when Juror Effort is Costly," Economic Theory, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00199-024-01551-2
2. Guha, B. "Plea Bargaining when Juror Effort is Costly", Economic Theory, accepted.
3. Guha, B. (2023)"Accomplice Plea Bargains in the Presence of Costly Juror Effort", Games and Economic Behavior, 442:209-225.
4."Ambiguity Aversion, Group Size, and Deliberation: Costly Information and Decision Accuracy" Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2022, accepted.
5. "Affirmative Action in the Presence of Income Heterogeneity", Games and Economic Behavior (2022), 132: 510-533 (with P. Roy Chowdhury).
6. "Revisiting the volunteer's dilemma: group size and public good provision in the presence of some ambiguity aversion,"Economics Bulletin,(2020),40:1308-1318.
7. Microfinance Competition: Motivated Microlenders, Double Dipping and Default", Journal of Development Economics, (2013),105:86-102 (with P Roy Chowdhury).
8. Guns and Crime Revisited", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, (2013), 94: 1-10 (lead article).
9. Who Will Monitor the Monitors?Informal Law Enforcement and Collusion at Champagne", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, (2012),83(2): 261-277.
10. "Reinterpreting King Solomon's Problem: Malice and Mechanism Design", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, (2014), 98: 125-132.
11. "Pirates and Fishermen: Is Less Patrolling Always Bad?" Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2012), 81(1): 29-38.
1. "Ambiguity Aversion, Group Size, and Deliberation: Costly Information and Decision Accuracy" Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2022, accepted.
2. "Affirmative Action in the Presence of Income Heterogeneity", Games and Economic Behavior (2022), 132: 510-533 (with P. Roy Chowdhury).
3. "Revisiting the volunteer's dilemma: group size and public good provision in the presence of some ambiguity aversion,"Economics Bulletin,(2020),40:1308-1318.
4. "Should Jurors Deliberate?" Review of Law and Economics, (2020), 16(2), Article no 20180011.