- B.Com (Hons), Gargi College, University of Delhi, 2001
- M. Com, South Campus, University of Delhi, 2003
- UGC NET in Commerce in December 2005
- M. A. Economics, M D University, Rohtak, 2005
- PhD, Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. Topic of PhD: “Integrating Stakeholders Expectations in Corporate Reporting Framework: An Empirical Investigation”
- Organisation Behaviour, Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Resource Management
- Atal Bihari Vajpayee School of Management and Entrepreneurship from 20th November 2020 as Associate Professor.
- Atma Ram Sanatan Dharam College, University of Delhi since 16th July 2009 till 19th November 2020 as Assistant Professor in Department of Commerce
- Jesus & Mary College, University of Delhi from 23rd July 2008 to 30th April 2009 as Assistant Professor in Department of Commerce
- Kamala Nehru College, University of Delhi from 25th July 2007 to 30th April 2008 as Lecturer in Department of Commerce
- Kalindi College, University of Delhi from 26th July 2006 to 30th April 2007 as Lecturer in Department of Commerce
- Received “Prof. T. S. Grewal Award for best paper” for paper titled “Determinants of FDI and its Relationship with Economic Development: An Econometric Study” presented in a National Conference by Shaheed Bhagat Singh College (M), University of Delhi on 5th and 6th November 2012.
- Received “Best Project Award” on June 21st 2015, for a team project work presented in a Faculty Development Program, “Leveraging Tools for Quality Research”, organised by Department of Financial Studies, University of Delhi, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi and Indian Accounting Association, NCR Chapter
- Received “Best paper presentation” for paper titled “Motivations and Impediments in Sustainability Reporting Practices: The stakeholder Lens” presented at National seminar held at Asian Business School “Assessing Myopia in current Economic Dynamics: Challenges for sustainable Growth” on 28th October, 2017.
- Received “Best paper presentation” award for paper titled “Environment Sustainability and Consumerism: An Empirical analysis” presented at International conference on “Globalisation and Governance: A Management Perspective” organized by Asian Business School on March 17, 2018.
- Received “Letter of Appreciation” for contribution as resource person in “Four Year University Programme Orientation Programmes” organised by Delhi University.
Rajput, N., Batra, G., & Pathak, R. (2012). Linking CSR and financial performance: an empirical validation. Problems and Perspectives in Management, (10, Issue 2). 42 – 49. ISSN 1727-7051.
Rajput, N., Rajput, A., Batra, G., & Oberoi, S. (2012). Relationship of exports, Forex and MSMEs in India: an econometric study. Problems and perspectives in management, 10(3), 23-34. ISSN 1727-7051.
Rajput, N., Kakkar, R., Batra, G., & Gupta, M. (2012). Price discovery in Indian stock market: case of S&P CNX Nifty index. Investment management and financial innovations, 9(3), 120-129. ISSN 1810 – 4967. E-ISSN18129358.
Batra, G., Singh, R. K., & Sharma, J. P. (2017). Incidence and adoption of GRI framework for sustainable reporting by Indian organisations: A preliminary analysis. Zenith International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research, 7(9), 84-102. ISSN 2249- 8826.
Batra, G., Singh, R. K., & Sharma, J. P. (2017). Stakeholders Influence on Sustainability Disclosures: An Empirical Investigation. Business Analyst, 38(1), 131-152. ISSN 0973-211X.
Rajput, N. & Batra, G. (2014). Construction of CSR Practices Index across OECD Nations: An Empirical Study. Contemporary Issues in Corporate Social Responsibility and Green Growth. Bharti Publication. 248-261. ISBN Number: 978-93-81212-52-3.
Batra, G. & Sharma, N. (2016). Consumer buying behaviour towards eco friendly products: An empirical analysis. Marketing in the 21st: Issues and Challenges. Bharti Publication. 226-243. ISBN Number: 978-93-850000-73-7.
Singh, R.K. & Batra, G. (2018). Stakeholder’s perceptions on motivations and impediments in corporate sustainability reporting. Business Innovation and Sustainability. Bloomsbury India Publication. 1- 17. ISBN Number: 978-93-88630-26-9.