Mujeebur Rahman
Centre/School/Special Centre
Centre of Arabic and African studies,
School of Language Literature and Culture Studies
Room No
106, SLL&CS New Building
Off. Phone
011-26704254, Mobile: 9810426988
House No. 561, Block-C, Paschimabad, JNU
m_rahman@mail.jnu.ac.in, mujeeburrahman1972@gmail.com
Personal Webpage
- Ph.D. in Arabic, from JNU, 2004
- Title of the Ph.D. thesis: A Comparative Study of Social Themes in Arabic and Urdu Novels (1900-1950)
- M. Phil in Arabic from JNU, 1998
- M. A. in Arabic from JNU, 1995
- M.A. in Modern History from JMI, New Delhi, 1993
- B. A. History (H) from JMI, 1991
- Almiat from Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama, Lucknow, 1988
- Advanced Diploma in Modern Arabic from JMI, 1991
Areas of Interest/Specialization
- Modern Arabic Prose, Novel
- Modern Literary and Critical Theories
- Communication Skills in Arabic
- Translation and simultaneous Interpretation
Over 26 Years
- Lecturer in the Department of Arabic, Assam University, Silchar, Assam from 16 April 1997 to 04 December 2001
- Assistant Professor in the Center of Arabic and African Studies, SLL&CS, JNU from 5/12/2001 to 20/07/2006
- Associate Professor in the same Centre from 21/07/2006 to 20/07/2012
- Professor in the same Centre w.e.f. 21/07/2012
- Chairperson of the Centre from 01.04.2014 to 31.03.2016
- Chairperson of the Center from 01.08. 2023 onwards
Awards & Honours
- Member Board of Trustees, King Salman Global Academy of Arabic Language, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, w.e.f 01.03.2023
- Presidential Award “Maharshi Badryan Vyas Samman” for young scholars for substantial contribution to Arabic (2012).
- Selected for the International Leadership Program of the US State Department in 2002 for a 22-day visit to US Academic institutions and interaction with academics.
- National Excellence Award (2021) by Kerala based journal “Al-Nahda”
- Rendered interpretation services for the Honorable Prime Minister P.M. Shri Narendra Modi on a number of occasions and also for Honorable President Shrimati Droupadi Murmu and former President of India Shri Pranab Mukherjee and other national and international dignitaries.
- "Supreme Roll of Honor" awarded by the International Organization of Creativity for Peace, London
- Felicitation by “Ibn e Sina Academy” Aligarh, U.P. 2022.
- Chairperson of the Center of Arabic and African Studies, SLL&CS, JNU (2014-2016)
- Chairperson of the Center of Arabic and African Studies, SLL&CS, JNU w.e.f. 01.08.2023 onwards
- Chief Editor of the Online Arabic Quarterly Refereed Research Journal “Hilal Al-Hind” since January 2021.
- Chief Editor of India’s first online quarterly refereed journal for Creative literature in Arabic “Qutoof Al-hind” Journal since January 2022.
- Chief Editor of CAAS Annual Journal “Dirasat Arabia” (2014-2016) and 2023 onwards
- Member of the academic/ Scientific / Editorial boards /committees of a number of international journals published from the Arab world.
- Member of Board of Studies/ Committee on Studies in several Indian universities.
International Collaboration/Consultancy
Best Peer Reviewed Publications
M.Phil and Ph.D. Supervision:
Over 90 M. Phil and Ph.D. supervision
Best 05 Peer Reviewed Publications
- “Al-Tarjamah Al-Enjleeziyyah Al-Arabiyyah Al- Mutaqaddimah: Nusoos Mukhtarah” (Advanced English Arabic Translation: Selected Texts), Brown Books, Aligarh, U.P. 2023 ISBN: 978- 81-963218-8.
- “Ru’a Hadhariyyah: An al Alaqqat al-Thaqafiyyah Al-hindiyyah Al- Arabiyyah wa Mawadhhi’ ukhra” (Civilizational Visions: On Indo-Arab Cultural Relations and other themes), Markazi Publications, 2023, ISBN: 9 788119 184118.
- “Al-Weshah al-Mudannas” Arabic translation of Phaneshwar Nath Renu’s classic Hindi novel “Maila Aanchal”, published by the Kalima Project of Translation, Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Center, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Pages: 525, 2021, ISBN: 978-9948-33-153-7.
- “Nahrunnar”, Arabic Translation of the award-winning Urdu novel “Aag ka darya” by Qurratul Ain Haidar”, Kalima Project of Translation, Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Center, Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Tourism, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Pages: 623, 2019, ISBN: 978-99-483-7662-0.
- "Fikratul Hind”, Arabic translation of Sunil Khilnani’s book “The idea of India” published by KALIMA’ (Abu Dhabi) for Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage and India Arab Cultural Centre, JMI, New Delhi, 2009, ISBN: 978—0-14-303246-5.
Recent Peer Reviewed Journals/Books
- Ulama o shimal al hind wa sharqiha wa khidmatuhum fi tahqeeq al-nusoos al-arabiyya fil al qarna al ishreen (Contribution of North and East India to the editing of Arabic masnuscripts in the 21st century), Hilal Al-Hind peer reviewed journal, Vol.3, Issue No. 3-4, 2023, ISSN: 2582-2954 (Online)
- “Tamazhurat ma bad al Hadatha fi al-riyawaya al arabiyya”, (Manifestations of post-modernism in the Arabic novel) in Majallah Kalikut Issue No. Vol 12, Issue No. 2, May-August 2022. UGC care listed journal published by the Department of Arabic, Calicut University, Calicut.
- “Al manahij Al-naqdiyya al haditha fi mihakk al naqd”, (Modern critical approaches in the test of criticism) in Al- Bass _el Islami journal, Vol 68, issue August 2022, UGC Care listed journal, ISSN: 2347-2456
- “Malik bin Nabi beesween said ke ibn e khaldoon”, (Malik bin Nabi: Ibne Khaldoon of twentieth century) in Baraheen Journal, UGC Care listed journal, Vol 15, July 2022, pp 8-15, ISSN: 2395-3640.
- “Hindustan me Arabi Zaban o Adab”, (Arabic language and literature in India) Jahan Numa, UGC Care listed journal, Vol 23, Issue 86-87, pp 8-19, ISSN: 2278-3474
- “Tatawwur al riwayah al arabiyya wa al urdiyya fi al-nisf al awwal min al qarn al ishreen: Dirasah muqarina”, (Development of Arabic and Urdu novel during the first half of 20th century: A comparative study), in Majallah Al-hind journal, Vol 11, No. 3, July-September 2022, Maulana Azad Educational Trust, Bholpur”, West Bengal, UGC Care listed journal, ISSN: 2321-7928
- “Riwayatu Al-Wishah Al-Mudannas: Dirasah fi al-qadhaya al-ijtemaiyyah wa-alsiysasiyyah wa-al thaqafiyyah” (Social, Political and Cultural Issues in the novel “Maila Anchal” by Faneshwar Nath Renu), Majallah Al-hind (Al Hind Journal), January-March, vol -11, Issue 1, 2022., Maulana Azad Ideal Educational Trust, Bolpur, West Bengal, India ISSN: 2321-7928, pp. 257-280
- Attarjama bain al-lughtain al-arabiyyah wa-al-urdiyah fi-al-hind (Translation between Arabic and Urdu languages in India), Majalla-al-Hind (Arabic Quarterly Peer Reviewed Journal), Maulana Azad Ideal Educational Trust, Bolpur, West Bengal, India, Vol-9, Issue No. 2-3, April-September, 2020, ISSN- 2321-7928, pp 440-471
- Al-professor Faizanullah Farooqi: Haytuhu wa Atharuhu al-I’lmiyyah (Professor Faizanullah Farooqi: Life and academic contributions) Majalla-al-Hind (Arabic Quarterly Peer Reviewed Journal), Maulana Azad Ideal Educational Trust, Bolpur, West Bengal, India, Vol-10, Issue no-2, April-June, 2021, ISSN-No. 2321-7928, pp 11-29
- “Al-Sayyid Al-Haqeeqi” (The Real Master) Arabic short story published in the “Hilal Alhind Journal” an online quarterly electronic refereed Research Journal, Vol-1, Issue-04, October-December, 2021 ISSN: 2582-9254
- “Adhab Al-Zameer” (The Punishment of Conscience), Arabic short story published in the “Qutoof Alhind” online quarterly refereed Creative Arabic Journal, Vol-1, Issue-01, January-March, 2022.
- “Fi alyawm al ishreen” (On the 20th Day) Arabic short story published in “Qutoof Alhind” online quarterly refereed Creative Arabic Journal, Vol-2, Issue No. 2&3, 2023, ISSN: 2583-5130.
Patents (if any)