Nishant Kumar
Associate Professor
Centre/School/Special Centre
Centre for Political Studies,
School of Social Sciences
Room No
126, SSS-II
nishant@jnu.ac.in, nishant@mail.jnu.ac.in
Personal Webpage
- Ph. D. from King’s India Institute, King’s College London as Commonwealth Scholar.
- M. Phil. from Department of Political Science, University of Delhi.
- M.A, Centre for Political Studies, JNU, Delhi.
- B.A (Honors), Political Science, Hindu College, University of Delhi.
Areas of Interest/Specialization
Intellectual History, Political Theory and Thought, Constitutional Law in South Asia, State Politics in India
Teaching Experience:
- Associate Professor, Centre for Political Studies, School of Social Sciences, JNU since July, 2024.
- Taught Undergraduate students as Assistant/Associate Professor in Department of Political Science, Dyal Singh College, University of Delhi, for 15 years
Research Experience:
- Completed a research project sponsored by ICSSR (Indian Council for Social Sciences Research) titled “Pedaling their way to Empowerment: The changing contours of girl child education in Bihar”.
- Completed a research project sponsored by ICSSR (Indian Council for Social Sciences Research) titled “Analyzing the implementation of Swachch Bharat Abhiyaan (G): A Study of West Champaran District of Bihar”.
Awards & Honours
- Awarded Commonwealth Scholarship for pursuing PhD at King’s College London in 2012.
- Cleared Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) exam conducted by UGC in December, 2006.
Best Peer Reviewed Publications
- 'Prioritizing Quantity over Quality: Lopsided Approach to Girl Child Education in the Bihar Government's Schemes', Indian Journal of Gender Studies, vol 28, no. 3, October 2021 (ISSN NO. 0971-5215), SCOPUS Indexed.
- 'Gandhi's Deontological Framework and the importance of Bhagavad Gita', Gandhi Marg, vol. 43, no. 2, Nov 2021 (ISSN No. 0016-4437), UGC Care Listed.
- 'Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2015: A Review' (co-authored with Smita Agarwal), Space and Culture, India (published by ACCB Publishing, England), vol. 3, no. 3, March 2016 (ISSN No. 2052-8396), SCOPUS Indexed.
- 'Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression: Analysing the Legal and Constitutional Complexities in the Indian Context', NIU International Journal of Human Rights, vol. 8, Dec 2021 (ISSN No. 2394 – 0298), UGC Care Listed.
- 'The Women’s Reservation Bill: Analysing its case through a study of Assembly elections in Bihar' (co-authored), Indian Journal of Political Science, vol. LXXXII (4), Oct-Dec, 2021, UGC Care Listed.
- 'हेट स्पीच, अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता एवं भारतीय कानून व्यवस्था', Pratiman (CSDS), vol. 17-18, January-December, 2021 (ISSN No. 2320-8201), Peer Reviewed.
- 'Internet Freedom', social media and Indian democracy: Prospects and challenges', The Indian Journal of Political Science, Vol. LXXVI, No. 1, January-March, 2015 (ISSN No. 0019-5510) UGC Care List.
- 'Internet in the age of Mass-surveillance: The Domestic Dimension', (co-authored), Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XLVIII, No. 47, November 23, 2013 (ISSN No. 0012-9976) SCOPUS Indexed.
Recent Peer Reviewed Journals/Books
- Religious Offence and Censorship of Publications: An Enquiry through the Prism of Indian Laws and the Judiciary (Routledge, London: 2023) (ISBN No. 978-1032384993)
- Co-authored State Politics in India: Issues and Concerns (Kitab Mahal, Delhi: 2024) (ISBN No.:
Chapters in Edited Volumes:
- 'Evolution with Harmony: Integral Yoga and Its Transformational Potential in the Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo' in Bindu Puri (ed.) Reading Sri Aurobindo: Metaphysics, Ethics and Spirituality (Springer, Singapore: 2022).
- 'Gandhi, Aurobindo and the idea of Swaraj as inclusive Freedom', in Ananta Kumar Giri (ed.) Mahatma Gandhi and Sri Aurobindo (Routledge, London: 2021).
- 'Making Indian Women Aatmanirbhar: A case study of Amul, SEWA and Navdanya', co-authored in Vandana Mishra and Swadesh Singh (ed.) Aatmanirbharta: Revisiting the Idea and Practices (Ane Books, Delhi: 2021)
- 'Law and Colonial Subjects: The subject-citizen riddle and the making of section 295 (A)', in Gunnel Caderlof and Sanjukta Das Gupta (ed.), Subjects, Citizens, and Law: Colonial and Independent India (Routledge, London: 2017).
- 'Affirmative Action in India: The Cases of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes', in Abhay Prasad Singh and Krishna Murari (ed.) Political Process in Contemporary India (Pearson, Delhi: 2019).