Carcinogenesis, Cancer Chemoprevention and Therapeutics, Tumor Angiogenesis, Radiation Therapy, Cancer Stem Cells, Spheroids, Organoids, Microgravity and Cancer, Anticancer Natural Agents, Ayurveda Biology
31 years of research experience
1. Department of Health Research (Govt of India) International Fellowship for Senior Biomedical Scientists-2023-24 to Johns Hopkins University, USA. (2024)
2. Indo-US Science Technology Forum (IUSSTF)- 2019 Award for establishing "Centre for Integrative Cancer Biology and Therapeutics" (Virtual Networked Centre - JNU and Stanford University/OHSU, Portland, USA)
3. ICMR International Fellowship for Young Biomedical Scientists-2013-14 to University of California Riverside, USA. (2014)
4. Post-doctoral Trainee Award for Prostate Cancer Research, U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, Department of Defense, USA. (2003)
5. Scholar-in-Training Award, American Association for Cancer Research, Philadelphia, PA, USA. (2002)
Journal Editorial Board Member (present):
1. Molecular Carcinogenesis (2024- )
2. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, Section- Cancer Cell Biology (2022- )
3. Oncology Letters (2022- )
4. Journal of Cancer Prevention (2021- )
1. Knight Cancer Institute; School of Medicine, Oregon Health Science University, Portland, USA.
2. School of Pharmacy, University of Colorado Denver, CO, USA.
3. College of Pharmacy, Sahmyook University, Seoul, South Korea.
4. Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
5. Department of Chemistry and Polymer Science, Stellenbosch University, South Africa.
1. Sabarwal A, Rooyen JC, Caburet J, vgenikos M, Dheeraj A, Ali M, Mishra D, Meester, JSB, Stander S, Otterlo WAL, Kaschula CH, Singh RP. Novel 4’-brominated derivative of fisetin induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis and inhibits EGFR/ERK1/2/STAT3 pathways in non-small-cell lung cancer without any adverse effects in mice. FASEB J., 36(12); e22654, 2022.
2. Rajput M, Singh R, Singh N, Singh RP. EGFR-mediated Rad51 expression potentiates intrinsic resistance in prostate cancer via EMT and DNA repair pathways. Life Sciences, 286; 120031, 2021.
3. Nambiar DK, Rajamani P, Deep G, Jain AK, Agarwal R, Singh RP. Silibinin preferentially radiosensitizes prostate cancer by inhibiting DNA repair signaling. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, 14; 2722-34, 2015.
4. Tailor D, Hahm ER, Kale RK, Singh SV, Singh RP. Sodium butyrate induces DRP1-mediated mitochondrial fusion and apoptosis in human colorectal cancer cells. Mitochondrion, 16; 55-64, 2014.
5. Singh RP, Deep G, Chittezhath M, Kaur M, Dwyer-Nield LD, Malkinson AM, Agarwal R. Effect of silibinin on the growth and progression of primary lung tumors in mice. Journal of National Cancer Institute, 98; 846-55, 2006.
Publications: 190 (Research articles: 168; Book chapters: 15; Proceedings: 7) + 150 Conference presentations/publications + 1 Book
88/168 Papers in > 5 Impact Factor Journals; H-index: 78; Citations: > 15,800
1. Breast Cancer – Biology, Prevention and Treatment. A.R. Rao and Rana P. Singh. Red Flower Publication, New Delhi, 2015.
Guest Editor for Peer-Reviewed Journal Special Issues:
1. Cell Communication & Signaling (2024) - Biology Beyond Boundaries
2. Mitochondrion (2019) - Mitochondria in Health and Disease
3. Mitochondrion (May, 2014) – Role of Mitochondria in Health and Disease
4. Nutrition and Cancer (May, 2013) – Mechanisms of Bioactive Phytochemicals in Cancer Chemoprevention
5. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology (Nov. 2011) - Emerging Trends in Cancer: Prevention and Therapeutics
1. Singh RP, Nambiar D, Agarwal R. A novel and selective radiosensitizing agent for providing mechanism-based radiosensitizing effects in prostate cancer. Prov, 2889/Del/2015.
2. Kaschula, CH, Singh RP, Sabarwal A, Dheeraj A. 4’-substituted analogues of fisetin and their use in the treatment of cancer. 202021052123/IN/Nov2021.
3. Singh RP, Chaturvedi R, Tandon V, Bhattacharya J, Pandey J, Shyanti RK, Gandhi H, Kushwaha D. Single-cell spheroid development methods standardized for heterogeneity analysis in head and neck cancer. 202111037279/IN/Aug2021.