Master of Arts in Economics (Mangalore University, Karnataka)
Master of Philosophy in Economics (Mangalore University)
Doctor of Philosophy in Economics (Mangalore University)
Information and Communicating Technology for Economics, Macroeconomic Policies, Agricultural Economics, Economics of Health, Indian Economics, International Trade and Finance, Poverty and Development Economics, Monitory Economics
Director of Research, Tumkur University, Karnataka (2021 to July, 2023)
Deputy Registrar of Examinations, Tumkur University (2010 to 2021)
Deputy Registrar, Legal Cell (2021 to July 2023)
Faculty in Economics at Tumkur University (May 2010 to July 2023)
Assistant Professor in Economics at SDM College (Autonomous, Ujire, Karnataka) from 2004 to May, 2010)
Research Fellow, Chair in Rural Banking & Management, Mangalore University from 1998 to 2004)
Research Assistant, DOSR in Economics, Mangalore University from 1995-1997
Nodal Officer, National Academic Depository (NAD) and RTI, Tumkur University/
Completed 13 Faculty Development Programes organised by the UGC, ICSSR, SWAYAM, TISS, and KSHC, University of Mumbai and Goa. Organised 12 national level conferences/seminars sponsored by the UGC, ICSSR, KSHC, RSVP, Ministry of Environment (GOI).
Principal Investigator of ICSSR sponsored research project on “Use of Information and Communication Technology in Containing COVID l9 Impact on Indian Agriculture- A Study”
Principal Investigator of UGC sponsored research project on “Information and Communication Technologies for Agriculture”
Salian, Ramesh. “Internet Based Digital Economy: Facts and Figures”, Southern Economist, Vol.56, No 2, May, 2017, pp .44-48,
Salian, Ramesh, “Nobel Laureate Angus Deaton: The Champion of Poor” Southern Economist, Vol,54, No.1 March 1, 2016, pp. 48-50.
Salian, Ramesh, “Agriculture and New Information Technology”, Anveshana, Bi-annual, volume 3, Number 1, January-June, 2013, pp 23-53.
Salian, Ramesh. “Governance and Institutions”, International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review, Vol.1.Issue: 35, pp.61-65, Impact Factor: 4.695, accessible at: www.ijmsrr.com.
Salian, Ramesh. “Institutions and Economic Change”, Al-Shodhana, A Multidisciplinary Refereed Research Journal, Vol 3, Number 2, July 2015, pp; 49-66, https://www.staloysius.edu.in/storage/files/
Salian, Ramesh. Real Estate Sector in India: opportunities and Challenges, in Land Economy: Issues & Challenges (eds), pp 67-79.
Ramesh Salian & Thippeswamy G, Institutional Role in Promoting the World Trade, in Global Innovative Research Dimensions, (2017) Volume-8, T R, BOOKRIX GmbH & Co. KG, Sankt-Martin-Strabe 535581669, Munich Germany. pp 105-109.
Salian, Ramesh. “Smart Cities for Smart World: A Discussion for Inclusive Change”, in Smart Cities in India: A Road Ahead (eds), (2017), Nirutha Publications, Bangalore, pp 204-217.
Salian Ramesh, India’s Competitiveness Report: A More has to Come to Reach the goal by 2020 in Managing Evolving Trends of India Economy-A New Outlook (eds), Infinite Learning Solutions, Bangalore, pp125-129.
Salian Ramesh, “Use of Information and Communication Technology in Containing COVID-19 Impact on Indian Agriculture;” (2022), “Cornucopia: A Miscellany of Scholarly Papers, (Eds) Social Research Foundation, Kanpur
Salian, Ramesh, Innovation in Agriculture, published in Innovation- An Engine for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development, (eds) Nirutha Publications, pp. 278-282, 2015.