Sanjeev Sharma
Associate Professor
Centre/School/Special Centre
Centre for the Study of Regional Development,
School of Social Sciences
Room No
442, SSS-III
Off. Phone
sanjeevsharma@mail.jnu.ac.in, sanjuscorp@gmail.com
Personal Webpage
M.A., M.Phil; Ph.D., Post Doc. Fellow (IISER, Mohali), PG Diploma in Environmental Law & Policy (from NLU, New Delhi)
Areas of Interest/Specialization
Human Ecology; Regional Geography; Environmental Impact Assessment and Management; Environmental Management and Nature Conservation; Science Society and Nature Study; Landscape Development and Management; Tribal Studies (Mountain Perspective).
- Associate Professor, CSRD/ School of Social Science, JNU (14th July 2023 to continue)
- Associate Professor (Deputation) Dr. Ambedkar International Centre, MoSJ&E, GOI (7th July to 2022 to 12th July 2023)
- Assistant Professor, CSRD/ School of Social Science, JNU (4th July 2017 to 6th July 2022 & 13 July 2023)
- Assistant Director, UGC-HRDC, JNU (June 2020-June 2022)
- Assistant Professor, Deptt. of General & Applied Geography, School of Applied Sciences, Dr. H.S. Gour Central University, Sagar (M.P.)-India (May 2013- 3rd July 2017).
- Research Associate (Post Doc. Fellow), Indian Institute of Science Education & Research, (IISER) Mohali-India (August 2011-May 2013).
- Sr. Project Officer, WWF-India, Field Office, Shimla-India (April, 2008-July 2011).
- Sr. Research Fellow, G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment & Sustainable Development (MoEF, GOI), Himachal Unit, Mohal-Kullu (H.P.)-India (October, 2005- March, 2008).
Awards & Honours
- Appointed as Member of the Executive Council, Association of Population Geographers of India (APGI)-2021-2023.
- Fellowship from UNESCO-IHE for pursuing Online Course on Faecal Sludge Management, March, 2016.
- MEMBER: Subject Expert Advisory Committee for the preparation of Dictionary of Geography. Commission for Scientific & Technical Terminology, MHRD, Deptt. of Higher Education, Govt. of India since, 2014.
- UGC Post Doc Fellowship, 2013 (No. F./PDFSS-2012-13-ST-HIM-1958) awarded but not accepted due to joining as regular faculty.
- Approved Empanelled Expert (EIA) by National Accreditation Board for Education & Training (NABET), Quality Council of India for Socio-economic Sector (Functional Area), 2012-13.
- National Young Geographer Award-2011 (First Dr. Saminderjeet Singh Young Geographers National Awrard for 2011) by Association of Punjab Geographers (APG).
- Post Doctorate Fellowship- Indian Institute of Science Education & Research, (IISER), Mohali (An autonomous Institute of Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India), August, 2011-May, 2013.
- Sponsorship from University of Cambridge, U.K. and WWF-India to participate in 11th Student Conference on Conservation Science, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, U.K. March 18-27, 2011.
International Collaboration/Consultancy
Best Peer Reviewed Publications
- Borah, G., Saikia, N., Das, S., and Sharma, S. (2023) Wellbeing in the aftermath of floods: Findings from a qualitative study in Bongaigaon District of Assam, India, Wellbeing, Space and Society. Vol. 4, 100147. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wss.2023.100147 (Elsevier Journal).
- Sharma, S. Sharma; K., Kiran Pandey, V.K; and Bajaj A. (2023) Environmental consensus and systematic spatio-temporal analysis of Mountain Sustainability, The Oriental Anthropologist. Vol. 24, No. 1, (2024). (Sage Publication Accepted).
- Wani, N.R., Rather, R.A., Farooq, A., Padder, S.A., Baba, T.R., Sharma, S. et al. (2023) New insights in food security and environmental sustainability through waste food management. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-023-26462-y (Springer Journal).
- Rather, R. A., Ara, S., Padder, S. A., Sharma, S., Pathak, S. P., & Baba, T. R. (2023). Seasonal fluctuation of water quality and ecogenomic phylogeny of novel potential microbial pollution indicators of Veshaw River Kashmir-Western Himalaya. Environmental Pollution, 121104.
- Rather, R. A., Ara, S., Sharma, S., Padder, S. A., Lone, F. A., Mir, S. A., ... & Baba, T. R. (2022). Seasonal Changes and Determination of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Veshaw River of Western Himalaya. Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry, 22.
- Hussain, D., Phartiyal, M., Sharma S. (2022), Nutritional Status of Child Population in the Indian Hill States (A District Level Analysis), Population Geography, 2022, 44 (1): 44-54 (June 2022) (ISSN 0256-5331).
- Kumari, D., Thakur, B.R. and Sharma, S. (2021) Progress of higher education in India, 1991-2021 (A state level analysis). Population Geography. 43(1): 63-71 (ISSN 0256-5331).
- Sharma, S., Sharma, K.K. and Patel, S. (2019) Geographical Analysis of Internal Migration and Livelihood Options for Mountain Sustainability along Indo-China Border in Niti Valley of Uttarakhand, Western Himalaya. J. of Himalayan Eco. and Sustain. Development. Vol 14:53-70 (ISSN 0973-7502).
- Sharma, S., Kuniyal J.C. (2016) Hydropower development and policies in India: A case of Himachal Pradesh in northwestern Himalaya, India. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy. Vol. 11(4): 377–384 (Taylor & Francis, ISSN: -1556-7249).
- Sharma, S., Kaushik, S.P. (2016) Public participation in environment management and planning for implementing hydropower projects in the upper Beas basin, northwestern Himalaya. The Geographers. 63 (1): 93- 102, (ISSN: 0072-0909).
- Sharma, S. (2015) Impacts of Hydropower Construction Project on Economically Important plants in the upper Beas Valley, Himachal Pradesh. Transactions, Vol. 37 (1): 120-132. (ISSN: 0970-9851).
- Sharma, S. and Kuniyal J.C. (2013) Ambient Air Quality and Health Status during Construction of Hydropower projects in the Hilly Region of Kullu Valley, Himachal Pradesh. Transactions, Vol. 35 (1): 13-24. (ISSN: 0970-9851).
- Thaplyal, V., Sharma, S. and Batt, A.B. (2012) Sacred groves as ethnobotanical gene pools in tribal areas of the western Himalayas in India: case study of Kinnaur district in Himachal Pradesh. The Indian Forester. Vol. 138 (1): 70-83. (ISSN:-0019-4816).
- Kuniyal, J.C., Thakur, A., Thakur, H. K., Sharma, S., Pant, P., Rawat, P.S. and Moorthy, K.K. (2009) Aerosol optical depths at Mohal-Kullu in the northwestern Indian Himalayan high altitude station during ICARB, Journal of Earth System Science, 118 (1): 41-49 (Springer Journal, ISSN:-0253-4126).
- Sharma, S., Kuniyal J.C. and Sharma, J.C. (2007) Assessment of manmade and natural hazards in the surroundings of hydropower projects under construction in the Beas valley of northwestern Himalaya’’. Journal of Mountain Science, 4 (3): 221-236 (Springer Journal, ISSN:-1672-6316).
Recent Peer Reviewed Journals/Books
- Sanjeev Sharma and Pardeep Singh (2021). Wetlands conservation: Current challenges and future strategies, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell, ISBN: 978-1-119-69268-3. Pp. 1-293. Pp. 1-293. https://www.wiley.com/en-us/9781119692683 .
- Pardeep Singh, Yulia Milshina, Andre Batalhao, Sanjeev Sharma and Marlia Mohd H. (2023). The Route towards global sustainability- challenges and management practices. (Edition-1) Springer. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-10437-4 , Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023. ISBN978-3-031-10436-7Published: 08 February 2023. Pp. VIII, 429.
- Sanjeev Sharma, Jagdish Chandra Kuniyal, Pritam Chand and Pardeep Singh, (2023) Climate change adaptation, risk management and sustainable practices in the Himalaya, Springer Nature (Editio-1) . DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-24659-3. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, ISBN 978-3-031-24658-6 ISBN 978-3-031-24659-3 (eBook), 10 March, 2023. Pp. XII, 421.
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