School of Life Sciences,
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi
organizes an International Symposium on
“Mitochondria, Cell Death and Human Diseases: Frontiers in Cancer Research”
The symposium will provide an international forum with more than fifteen speakers from abroad for scientific interchange across multiple disciplines focusing on mitochondria, cell death, and cancer in relation to human diseases. Major themes encompass (a) Mitochondrial dysfunction in cancer and other human diseases, (b) Cell death modalities in disease development and treatment, (c) Mitochondrial genetics on disease susceptibility and progression, (d) Mitochondrial dynamics in health and disease, (e) Cancer therapeutics targeting mitochondria and cell death, (f) Mitochondrial biomarkers in diagnostics and prognosis, (g) Clinical trials related to mitochondria targeting therapies, (h) Emerging technologies in mitochondrial research (i) small molecules in cancer prevention and therapeutics, (j) recent advances in cancer research, and (k) Ayurveda and inflammatory diseases. The meeting will showcase major advances in mitochondrial biology and novel targets of small molecules in various human diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and cancer.