Ph.D. (Economics) 1995, Columbia University
* International Trade and Environment
* Climate Change
* Renewable Energy
* WTO negotiations in environmental goods and services.
* Professor, Centre for International Trade and Development, Jawaharlal Nehru University (since 2012)
* Associate Professor, Centre for International Trade and Development, Jawaharlal Nehru University (2006-2012)
* Visiting Scholar, Institute of Environment and Sustainability and Luskin Center for Innovation (jointly), University of California Los Angeles (January-July, 2011)
* Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Social Science, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (2001-2006)
* Visiting Faculty: CITD, Jawaharlal Nehru University (1997-99) and IIM Bangalore (2000-01)
* Senior Economist, Environmental Policy Cell, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (1996-98).
* Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics, Columbia University (1992-95)
* Member, Advisory Committee on Trade and Environment Issues, Trade Policy Division, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, (2016-18)
* External Expert, Consultative Committee on Trade and Environment, the Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India (2007-present).
* Senior Visiting Fellowship, Department of Economics, University of Applied Sciences (HTW) Berlin, (2012). (Not availed)
* President`s Fellow, Columbia University (1991-95).
* University Fellowship, Columbia University (1990-91).
* Prof. Naqwi Memorial Scholarship, Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University (1988-90).
* Merit Scholarship, National Scholarship Scheme of the Government of India, 1988-90.
* Pradip Kumar Ghosh Memorial Prize, Lady Brabourne College, (1987).
* “Regional Cooperation Strategy to Support Scaling-up of Climate Smart Agriculture Technologies in SAARC Member Countries”, study commissioned by International Food Policy Institute, 2024.
* “Climate Change and Technology Transfer”, study commissioned by the World Bank, 2009-10.
* Collaborative Research (with Meeta Mehra, Rashmi Rastogi and Piskulova Natalia A.) on “International Trade and Carbon Leakage: An Analytical Framework for India and Russia”, prepared for Virtual Institute, UNCTAD, 2010.
* “Indian Perspective on Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency” (with Meeta Mehra), commissioned by IDRC and Indian Council for Research on International Economic Research, New Delhi, 2010.
* “India-EU Trade and Investment Agreement: Environmental Services Sector Study”, commissioned by the Ministry of Commerce and Indian Council for Research on International Economic Research, New Delhi, (2008).
* “Why SAFTA?”, strategy paper commissioned by the Commonwealth Secretariat, London, and CUTS India, 2007.
* “An Evaluation of Domestic and Trade Policies in Building Environmental Services Capacity in Asia: Balancing Diverse Interests and Priorities”, commissioned by International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, Geneva, 2005-06.
* WTO-Related Matters in Trade and Environment: Relationship between WTO Rules and Multilateral Environmental Agreements, commissioned by Ministry of Commerce and Indian Council for Research on International Economic Research, New Delhi, 2004.
* “Liberalization of Environmental Services”, policy paper commissioned by UNCTAD and TERI, - submitted as India’s Country Paper at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, 2003.
* “Trade in Environmental Services: Opportunities and Constraints” (with Rupa Chanda) commissioned by Ministry of Commerce and Indian Council for Research on International Economic Research, New Delhi, 2003.
* “Environment and Trade: Emerging Issues for Asia”, research paper commissioned by the European Commission and the Economic Planning Unit of Malaysia and Asian Pacific Development Centre, 2001.
* “Is India Specializing in Polluting Industries?” (with Rashmi Rastogi), The World Economy, Volume 38(2): 360-378, (2015).
* "Development Policy Implications for Growth and Regional Inequality in a Small Open Economy: The Indian Case" (with Alokesh Barua), Review of Development Economics, Volume 19(3): 695-709, (2015).
* "Examining the Regional Pattern of Renewable Energy CDM Power Projects in India" (with M. Rahul), Energy Economics, Volume 42: 240-247, (2014).
*"Renewable Energy Policy: Addressing Climate Mitigation in India" Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, Volume 7, Number 2: 296-312, (2013)
* “Understanding Cross-National trends in High-Tech Renewable Power Equipment Exports to the United States” (with Matthew Kahn), Energy Policy, Volume 46: 308-318, (2012)
* “Quality Measures in Food Trade: The Indian Experience”, The World Economy, Blackwell Publishing Volume 28 (3): 329-348, 2005.
* “Understanding the Structural Decomposition Analysis of Export-Generated Employment in India”, (with Prithu Sharma), Economic Systems Research (2024)
* “Striving towards a circular economy: climate policy and renewable energy in India”, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, Volume 23, Issue 2, pages 491-499, (2021)
* “Sustainability and Comprehensive Wealth Accounting: The Case of India”, (with Priti Agarwal), Environment, Development and Sustainability, Volume 23, Issue 3: pages 3762-3786, (2021)
* “Manufacturing agglomeration and export dynamics across Indian states”, (with Piyali Majumder), Indian Economic Review, Volume 55, Issue 1, pages 2-26, (2020)
* “'FDI in Indian Manufacturing: Whither high-tech industries?”', (with Rashmi Rastogi), Economics Bulletin, Volume 39, Issue 3, pages 2192-2209, (2019)