1999-2004 : Ph.D., Department of Physics and Astrophysics, Delhi University
1997-1999 : M.Sc., Department of Physics and Astrophysics, Delhi University
1994-1999 : B. Sc. (Physics Hons.), Acharya Narendra Dev College, Delhi University
Theoretical high energy physics, Astroparticle Physics, Neutrino physics, Foundational and geometric aspects of quantum mechanics
Summary of publication data
Google Scholar : h-index : 33, i10 index : 53
iNSPIREHEP : Average citations (citable papers) = 64.6, h-index (citable papers) = 41
20+ years of research and teaching since Ph.D.
Around 10 years of administrative responsibilities (Warden during 2013-2023 and Proctor during 2016-2020)
Served on several committees at the level of the University (Health Advisory, Security Advisory, Communication and Information Services (CIS) Advisory, University Science Instrumentation Centre (USIC) Advisory, Institution's Innovation Council (IIC) 5.0, Institution's Innovation Council (IIC) 6.0)
2025 : Chairperson of the HEP Gender Group of the Gender in Physics Working Group (GIPWG) of the Indian Physics Association (IPA)
2024 : Visiting Associateship from Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune
2023 : Fellowship from European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN for Neutrino Platform Pheno Week 2023
2019 : Fellowship from Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA for a research visit
2018 : Fellowship from Theoretical Physics Group, European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN, Geneva for a research visit
2017 : Bharat Vikas Award from the Institute of Self Reliance, Bhubaneswar
2017 : Fellowship from Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA for a research visit
2017 : Fellowship from Theory Group, CERN, Geneva for a research visit
2014 : DAAD Research Stay scholarship for a research visit to DESY, Zeuthen, Germany
1999 : Cleared the CSIR-NET Exam and was awarded the CSIR fellowship for five years for doing Ph.D. in the Dept. of Physics and Astrophysics, Delhi University
1995 and 1997 : Science Merit Awards by Delhi University
1995, 1996, 1997 : Merit Awards by Acharya Narendra Dev College, Delhi University for first position in the college
Institutional Board Representative and Collaboration member of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, USA
Collaboration Member of the India-based Neutrino Observatory, India
Friends of Elusives and Invisibles Plus, Europe
Committees :
- Member of the Authorship and Publication Board (APB) of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, USA
High Energy Physics
Parveen, S., Masud, M., Bishai, M. and Mehta, P., Sterile sector impacting the correlations and degeneracies among mixing parameters at the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, JHEP 01 (2025) 139
Parveen, S., Sharma, K., Patra, S. and Mehta, P., Signals of eV-scale sterile neutrino at long baseline neutrino experiments, Eur.Phys.J.C 85 (2025) 2, 181
Parveen, S., Bonthu, S., Nath, N., Dey, U. K. and Mehta, P., Majorana CP Violation Insights from Decaying Neutrinos, 2410.21428 [hep-ph]
Chakraborty, S., Mehta, P. and Sarmah, P., A relook at the GZK neutrino-photon connection: impact of extra-galactic radio background & UHECR properties, JCAP 01, 058 (2024)
Masud, M. ; Chatterjee, A. and Mehta, P., Probing CP violation signal at DUNE in presence of non-standard neutrino interactions, J.Phys.G 43 (2016) 9, 095005, Citations = 99+
Gandhi, R ; Ghoshal, P ; Goswami, S. ; Mehta, P. and Sankar S. U. : Earth matter effects at very long baselines and the neutrino mass hierarchy Phys. Rev. D 73, 053001 (2006), URL, hep-ph/0411252, Citations = 109+
Geometric phases in physics - from optics to condensed matter
Wadhawan, D. ; Roychowdhury, K. ; Mehta, P.; and Das, S. : Multielectron geometric phase in intensity interferometry, Phys. Rev. B 98, 155113 (2018)
Roychowdhury, K. ; Wadhawan, D. ; Mehta, P. ; Karmakar, B. and Das, S. : Quantum Hall realization of polarised intensity interferometry, Phys. Rev. B 93, 220101(R) (2016)
Wadhawan, D. ; Mehta, P. ; and Das, S. : Geometric phase in p-n junctions of helical edge states, Phys. Rev. B 93, 085310 (2016)
Sathpathy, N. ; Pandey, D. ; Mehta, P. ; Sinha, S. ; Samuel, J. and Ramachandran, H. : Classical light analogue of the nonlocal Aharonov-Bohm effect, Europhysics Letters 97, 50011 (2012), [Experimental Realization of [5]], Citations = 12+
Mehta, P. ; Samuel, J. and Sinha, S. : The Nonlocal Pancharatnam Phase in Two-Photon Interferometry, Phys. Rev. A 82, 034102 (2010), Citations = 8+
Mehta, P. : Topological phase in two flavor neutrino oscillations, Phys. Rev. D 79, 096013 (2009)
Summary of publication data
Google Scholar : h-index : 33, i10 index : 53
iNSPIREHEP : Average citations (citable papers) = 64.6, h-index (citable papers) = 41
Sarmah, P., Das, N., Borah, D., Chakraborty, S., Mehta, P., Sarmah, P. : The Amaterasu particle: constraining the superheavy dark matter origin of UHECRs, 2406.03174 [hep-ph]
Soni, B., Shafaq, S., and Mehta, P. : Distinguishing between Dirac and Majorana neutrinos using temporal correlations, 2307.04496 [hep-ph]
For an up to date list of my publications, see inspirehep.net or arxiv.org [hep-ph] or arxiv.org [quant-ph] or arxiv.org [astro-ph.HE] or arxiv.org [cond-mat].
Some of my talks (available on YouTube) :
Other highlights :