2008: Ph. D. Centre for Political Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi
2003: M. Phil. Centre for Political Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi
Anthropology of State and Society; Anarchist History and Politics; Ethnic and Tribal Intersubjective Life Worlds; Political Economy of Development; Ecology and Anthropology of Human and Non-Humans
2009-2013 (till 11 January): Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Nambol L. Sanoi College (Government of Manipur) Nambol, Manipur
2012: Selected as Fellow, Indian Institute of Advanced Study (IIAS), Shimla
2011 (June): Associated with Critical Global Humanities Institute, Brown University International Advanced Research Institute (BIARI), Brown University, USA
2011 (November): Associate, Inter University Centre (IUC), Indian Institute of Advanced Study (IIAS), Shimla
Collaborated with Peace Research Institute Oslo, Norway for a project on "Making Women Count for Peace," funded by Research Council Norway (June 2012 and June 2015)
2024: 'Peoplehood and Populism: Being Political in Popular Politics,' in J. Chacko Chennattuserry et al. (eds.), Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-9859-0_358-1
2023: 'Capital, Subjectivities and Human/Non-human Responses,' in Rakhee Bhattacharya and G. Amarjit Sharma (edt.), Capital and Ecology: Developmentalism, Subjectivity and the Alternative Life-Worlds, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 159-180. ISBN 9781032763927.
2022: 'Dialogue with the Self: Political Peace and the Making of "Upland" Community,' Political Discourse, 8(2), December 2022, pp. 143-160, DOI: 10.5958/2582 2691.2022.00011.6
2021: ‘Trajectory of ‘Development’ in a Resource Frontier,’ in G. Amarjit Sharma (edited), State Vs Society in Northeast India: History, Politics and the Everyday, Delhi: Sage Publication, pp. 223-247. ISBN: 9789391370657
2021: 'Peace as Modality of Power: Nationality, Para-State Politics and the Silencing of Women,' Peace Prints, South Asian Journal of Peacebuilding, Volume 7, No. 1, Summer.
2020: ‘Development Assistance in Conflict-Affected and Fragile Areas of India,’ Renato Asa (editor), Policy Research in Development Cooperation in Situation of Conflict and Fragility, Published by CSO partnership for Development Effectiveness and IPMSDL with support from European Commission and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.
2018: 'Politics of the Informal: Women's Associational Life and Public Space in the Hills of Manipur,' Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 53, Issue No. 8, 24 February, pp. 48 - 55.
2015: ‘Negotiating Tribal Identity amidst Ethnic Enclosures,’ in L. Churchil and L. Henthoiba (edt.), Cultural Practices and Identity Politics in Manipur, Delhi: Concept Publisher, pp. 3- 17. ISBN: 9789351251439
2014: 'In Pursuit of the Cultural Core at the Margin of India,' in Aditya Nigam, Sanjay Palshikar, Nivedita Menon (edt.), Critical Studies in Politics: Exploring Sites, Selves, Power, Delhi: Orient Blackswan, pp. 184- 225, ISBN: 9788125054481.
2014: ‘Modernity of traditional polity in north east India,’ in D.V. Kumar (edt.), Modernity and Ethnic Processes in India, Jaipur: Rawat, pp 170-201. ISBN: 8131606392.
2014: 'Restrictive Cultural Frames,' The Book Review, Volume XXXVIII No. 7, July 2014. ISSN No. 0970-4175 (Print)
2014: ‘Modernity of traditional polity in north east India,’ in D.V. Kumar (edt.), Modernity and Ethnic Processes in India, Jaipur: Rawat, pp 170-201. ISBN: 8131606392.
2012: 'Living as Tribe at the Interface of Ethnic Enclosures,' The Eastern Anthropologist, Vol. 64, No. 2, pp. 169-190.
2011. ‘Living Unofficially as Tribe in Hills of Manipur,’ The Oriental Anthropologist, Vol. 11, No. 1, January-June, pp. 15-36. ISSN: 0972-558X (Print)
2010: 'Spaces of Ethnicity, Civil Society and Territoriality of Naga Tribes in Manipur,' Man in India, Vol. 90 (3-4), July-Dec, pp. 451-468.
2010 (co-authored). ‘Religion and Society in 18th Century Manipur: Vaishnavism, Its Contact and Adjustment with Meitei Society,’ Journal of the Institute of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 5, No. 2, July-December, pp. 147-168. ISSN: 2809-3356 (Print)
2010 (co-authored). ‘Colonial Past, Nagas’ Primordial Present in Manipur,’ Journal of History and Social Sciences, Vol. II, Issue I. January-June. ISSN: 2229-5798
2011. ‘Inside and Outside of Ethnic Enclosures: Khoibu as a Separate Tribe,’ Alternative Perspectives, Vol. V, Special Issue, 11 March, pp. 5-17. ISSN: 2248-969X
2007. ‘Tribal Autonomy: Politics of Exclusion & Inclusion,’ Eastern Quarterly, Vol. 4, Issue 1, April-June, pp. 17-26. ISSN: 0975-4962
2024: “Peoplehood and Populism: Being Political in Popular Politics,” in J. Chacko Chennattuserry et al. (eds.), Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-9859-0_358-1
2023: “Capital, Subjectivities and Human/Non-human Responses.” In Rakhee Bhattacharya and G. Amarjit Sharma, Capital and Ecology: Developmentalism, Subjectivity and the Alternative Life-Worlds, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 159-180. ISBN 9781032763927.
2023 (Co-edited with Rakhee Bhattarcharya): Capital and Ecology: Developmentalism, Subjectivity and the Alternative, London: Routledge.
2021: State vs. Society in Northeast India: History, Politics and the Everyday, Delhi: Sage Publications.
2021: "The Trajectory of ‘Development’ in a Resource Frontier," in G. Amarjit Sharma (edited), State vs. Society in Northeast India: History, Politics and the Everyday, Delhi: Sage Publications. pp. 223-47.
2021: "Peace as Modality of Power: Nationality, Para-State Politics and the Silencing of Women," Peace Prints, South Asian Journal of Peacebuilding, Volume 7, No. 1, Summer.