- DP2503: "Fostering Growth and Welfare by Determining Market Structure and Inducing Innovation" by R.S. Vaidyanathan and Meeta Keswani Mehra
- DP2502: "Political Competition, Party Structure and Economic Growth: Theory and Evidence from Indian States" by J. Stephen Ferris and Bharatee Bhusana Dash
- DP2501: "Welfare Analysis of Directed Lending Policy" by Mandira Sarma & Shikha Singh
- DP2301: "On the impact of technological change on plant-level and sectoral marginal abatement costs: Does the end justify the means?" by Sushama Murty & Resham Nagpal
- DP2204: "Counter-Terrorism Efforts by Government Versus Private Players: A Game Theoretic Analysis" by Aishwarya Harichandan
- DP2203: "A Theoretical Model of Directed Lending Policy" by Shikha Singh and Mandira Sarma
- DP2202: "Numerical simulations for study of optimal fiscal policies in a contemporary dynamic dual economy" by Sutapa Das and Sushama Murty
- DP2201: "Deriving optimal fiscal policies in a growing dual economy" by Sutapa Das and Sushama Murty
- DP2104: "Economic Instruments and Economic Regulators: With applications to the case of India" by M. N. Murty & Sushama Murty
- DP2103: "Interaction between Trade and Environment Policies with Special Interest Politics: A Case when Commodity Markets are Imperfect" by Gaurav Bhattacharya and Meeta Keswani Mehra
- DP2102: "Export Orientation and Performance of MSMEs in the fruit and vegetable sector in India" by Vanida Pimkord
- DP2101: "Trade Wars and Trade Talks Revisited: An extension of the Grossman-Helpman Model (1995)" by Meeta Keswani Mehra and Gaurav Bhattacharya
- DP2002: "Impact of Electoral Competition, Swing Voters and Interest Group Lobbying on Strategic Determination of Equilibrium Policy Platforms" by Deepti Kohli and Meeta Keswani Mehra
- DP2001: "Implications of Quality of Schooling on Economic Growth and Convergence – A System Dynamics Perspective" by Meeta Keswani Mehra and Swati Saini
- DP1905: "Female Education, Marital Assortative Mating and Dowry: Theory and Evidence form India" by Prarthna Agarwal Goel
- DP1904: "Overnutrition and Risk of Diabetes: A Micro Data Analysis for India" by Shivani Gupta and Sangeeta Bansal
- DP1903: "Some results from the theory of optimal taxation and their relevance for increasing progressiveness of Indian tax structure" by Sushama Murty
- DP1902: "Climate Change Impacts on Economic Growth: A Panel Data Analysis" by Shilpy Verma and Meeta Keswani Mehra
- DP1901: "Choice of models for emission-generating technologies and designing technical efficiency improvements" by Sushama Murty & Resham Nagpal
- DP1809: "Dynamics of Political Budget Cycle" by Ganesh Manjhi & Meeta Keswani Mehra
- DP1808: "Weighted index of graph efficiency improvements for a by-production technology and its application to Indian coal-based thermal power sector" by Sushama Murty & Resham Nagpal
- DP1807: "Measuring output-based technical efficiency of Indian coal-based thermal power plants: A by-production approach" by Sushama Murty & Resham Nagpal
- DP1806: "Quality of Schooling: Child Quantity-Quality Tradeoff,Technological Progress and Economic Growth" by Swati Saini & Meeta Keswani Mehra
- DP 1805: "Influence of Social Network Effect and Incentive on Choice of Star Labeled Cars in India: A Latent Class Approach based on Choice Experiment" by Charu Grover, Sangeeta Bansal and Adan L. Martinez-Cruz
- DP 1804: "Trade, Structural Transformation and Income Convergence: Empirical Evidence from the EU and the ASEAN" by Devasmita Jena and Alokesh Barua
- DP 1803: "A Dynamic Analysis of Special Interest Politics and Electoral Competition" by Ganesh Manjhi and Meeta Keswani Mehra
- DP 1802: "Does Financial Sector Development Augment Cross Border Capital Flows?" by Pragya Atri and Abhijit Sen Gupta
- DP 1801: "Some principles for corrective taxation of externalities in a second-best world with commodity taxes" by Sushama Murty
DP 1707: "Lessons from Optimal Taxation for the GST and Beyond" by Sushama Murty
DP 1706: "Bad Outputs" by Sushama Murty and R. Robert Russell
DP 1705: "Perform-Achieve-Trade Policy: A Case Study of Cement Industry for Energy Efficiency" by Hena Oak and Sangeeta Bansal
DP 1704: "Coincident Indicators and Forecasting in Economics using Ensemble Empirical Mode De-composition (EEMD) Analysis: A Study of IIP" by Manoj Pant and Arun K. Attri
DP 1703: "Bank Consolidation and Efficiency: an Empirical Study from India" by KOLLAPURI M
DP 1702: "Access to Formal Financial Services: A Cross Country Study" by RIGZIN YANGDOL
DP 1701: "The Centre-State Political Transfer Cycles" by GANESH MANJHI and MEETA KESWANI MEHRA
- DP 1602: "Measuring unilateral and multilateral gains from tackling current economic ineciencies in CO2 reductions: Theory and evidence" by SUSHAMA MURTY
- DP 1601: "Modeling Emission-Generating Technologies: Reconciliation of Axiomatic and By-Production Approaches" bySUSHAMA MURTY and R. ROBERT RUSSELL
- DP 1511: "Can the Organised and Unorganised Sectors Co-exits: A Theoretical Study" by MANOJ PANT and SHOBHA BAGAI
- DP 1510: "Science Research and Knowledge Creation in Indian Universities: Theoretical Perspectives and Econometric Evidence" by SABYASACHI SAHA and AMIT S RAY
- DP 1509: "On Wage Inequality, Trade and Technology: Theory and Empirics" by ALOKESH BARUA and PRIYANTA GHOSH
- DP 1508: "The Role of Services in Enhancing Indian Manufacturing Exports: A Firm Level Analysis, 2000-01 to 2011-12" by SONIA MUKHERJEE
- DP 1507: "Intergenerational Mobility, Human Capital Composition and Distance to Technological Frontier" by SUJATA BASU
- DP 1506: "Cross-Country Analysis of Composition of Human Capital and Total Factor Productivity Growth depending on its Distance to Frontier" by SUJATA BASU
- DP 1505: "R & D Sector Outsourcing, Human Capital Formation and Growth in the Context of Developed versus Developing" by SUJATA BASU
- DP 1504: "The Role of Technological Conditions of Production in Explaining India's Manufacturing Growth, 1998-00 to 2007-08: Some Policy Perspectives" by ALOKESH BARUA, BISHWANATH GOLDAR and HIMANI SHARMA
- DP 1503: "Imperfect Certification under Cournot Duopoly" by CHARU GROVER and SANGEETA BANSAL
- DP 1502: "Environmental Policy in a Federation with Special Interest Politics and Inter-governmental Grants" by DIVYA DATT and MEETA KESWANI MEHRA
- DP 1501: "The Enigma of the 'Indian Model' of Development" by AMIT S RAY
- DP 1404: "Structural Transformation in the North-Eastern Region of India: Charting out an agriculture-based development policy" by ALWIN D'SOUZA and AMIT S RAY
- DP 1403: "Impact of strengthening Intellectual Property Rights Regime on Income Inequality: An Econometric Analysis" by SWATI SAINI and MEETA KESWANI MEHRA
- DP 1402: "Optimizing Public Expenditure Allocations between Secondary and Higher Education" by VIJAY P. OJHA andJOYDEEP GHOSH
- DP 1401: "Do foreign banks in India indulge in cream skimming?" by MANDIRA SARMA and ANJALI PRASHAD
- DP 1302: "What Attracts FDI in Indian Manufacturing Industries?" by RASHMI RASTOGI and APARNA SAWHNEY
- DP 1301: "Trade and Wage Inequality: A Specific Factor Model with Intermediate Goods" by ALOKESH BARUA andMANOJ PANT
- DP 1204: "Exchange Market Pressure in India" by ANURADHA GURU and MANDIRA SARMA
- DP 1203: "Market Provision of Quality: Impact of Economic Growth" by SANGEETA BANSAL
- DP 1202: "Price Control on Bt Cotton Seeds in India: Impact on Seed Providers" by ANCHAL ARORA and SANGEETA BANSAL
- DP 1201: "Endogenous Human Capital Formation, Distance to Frontier and Growth" by SUJATA BASU and MEETA KESWANI MEHRA
- DP 1102: "Capital Flows and the Impossible Trinity: The Indian Experience" by ABHIJIT SEN GUPTA and GANESH MANJHI
- DP 1101: "Diffusion of Bt Cotton in India: Impact of Seed Prices and Technological Development" by ANCHAL ARORAand SANGEETA BANSAL
- DP 1007: "Corporate Governance, Competition and Firm Performance: Evidence from India" by MANORANJAN PATTANAYAK and MANOJ PANT
- DP 1006: "Structural Change, Economic Growth and Trade: Case for Regional Reallocation of Investment in India" by ALOKESH BARUA and APARNA SAWHNEY
- DP 1005: "Index of Financial Inclusion" by MANDIRA SARMA
- DP 1004: "FDI, Technology Transfer and Spillover: A Case Study of India" by MANOJ PANT and SANGEETA MONDAL
- DP 1003: "Environmental Sustainability and the Account of Genuine Wealth in India" by APARNA SAWHNEY
- DP 1002: "Weak Aversion to GM Foods: Experimental Evidence from India" by SANGEETA BANSAL, SUJOY CHAKRAVARTY and BHARAT RAMASWAMI
- DP1001: "Some Aspects of Incentive-Based Optimal Pricing and Environmental Regulation with Asymmetric Information" by SAPTARSHI BASU ROY CHOUDHURY and MEETA KESWANI MEHRA
- DP 0912: "North-South Capital Movement and Global Environment" by MEETA K. MEHRA
- DP 0911: "India's Tryst with Technology: The Way Forward" by AMIT SHOVON RAY and SABYASACHI SAHA
- DP 0910: "Lacunae in financial regulatory framework vis-à-vis financial repression" by GURBACHAN SINGH
- DP 0909: "To Contribute or not to Contribute: Micro-theoretical Models of the Open Source Software (OSS) Development" by AMIT SHOVON RAY and SUBHASIS BERA
- DP 0908: "Financial Intermediation and Employment" by MANOJ PANT, PRABAL ROY CHOWDHURY and GURBACHAN SINGH
- DP 0907: "Why is 100% Reserve Banking Inefficient?" by GURBACHAN SINGH
- DP 0906: "India's Stance at the WTO: Shifting Coordinates, Unaltered Paradigm" by AMIT SHOVON RAY and SABYASACHI SAHA
- DP 0905: "Financial Repression, Bank Deposits, Real Assets and Black Money" by GURBACHAN SINGH
- DP 0904: "Co-evolution of IPR Policy and Technological Learning in Developing Countries: A Game-theoretic Model" byAMIT SHOVON RAY and SARADINDU BHADURI
- DP 0903: "Does Regionalism Hinder Multilateralism: A Case Study of India" by MANOJ PANT and AMIT SADHUKHAN
- DP 0902: "Corporate governance and Competition: A Case Study of India" by MANOJ PANT and MANORANJAN PATTNAYAK
- DP 0901: "Economic Development: Do Governments matter?" by MANOJ PANT