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Wednesday Seminar



  1. Prof. Purushottama Bilimoria, Sir S. Radhakrishnan: “Saving the Appearances” in East-West Academy, 17th January, 2019.
  2. Prof. Mary Evans, “Being a Respectable Woman: The Case of the UK”, 30th January, 2019.
  3. Prof. T.A. Ozog, “Various Forms of Religious Coexistence: European, Japanese and Indian Perspective”, & Prof. Zbigniew Kazmierczak, “John Hick’s Religious Pluralism and the Meaning of Religion”, 7th February, 2019.
  4. Prof. Richard Sorabji, “Surprises in studying the History of Philosophy in Greek and other cultures, West and East”, 13th February, 2019.
  5. Prof. Sonia Sikka, “Religion as faith? Secularism, free exercise and the privatization of Religion”, 6th March, 2019.
  6. Prof. Sonia Sikka, “Religion as Identity? Framing Religion within the Politics of Recognition”, 13th March, 2019.
  7. Prof. Sreenivasa Murthy, “Tantra and Aesthetics”, 14th March, 2019. 
  8. Prof. Sonia Sikka, “Religion as Philosophy? Asian Traditions, New religious Movements and the Public Reason Debate”, 20th March, 2019.
  9. Prof. Sreenivasa Murthy, “Tantra and Aesthetics”, 14th March, 2019. 
  10. Prof. Sreenivasa Murthy, “Concept of Shakti in Tantra and Art. The creative force, Prakruti”, 27th March, 2019.
  11. Prof. Sreenivasa Murthy, “Understanding and creating experience in yoga and Art. Authenticity of Yogika Pratyaksha and Pratibha”, 29th March, 2019.
  12. Prof. Sreenivasa Murthy, “Rasa and Rasaanubhava. The concept of Saadharanikarana and sublimation of personal experience”, 5th April, 2019.
  13. Dr. Ayesha Gautam, “Understanding Testimonial Knowledge through the Lens of Miranda Fricker”, 10th April, 2019.
  14. Prof. Sreenivasa Murthy, “Different kinds of Tantra like left and Right; Kaula and samaya and the social practices”, 12th April, 2019.
  15. Prof. Sreenivasa Murthy, “Tantra and shastras on Grammar, poetics”, 16th April, 2019.
  16. Prof. Sreenivasa Murthy, “Tantra and performing arts with special reference to Natya shastra”, 24th April, 2019.
  17. Prof. Sreenivasa Murthy, “Yantra, Tantra and Mantra with special reference to Srividya and Saundaryalahari”, 26th April, 2019.
  18. Prof. Ramin Jahanbegloo, “The Other Camus: An Unheroic Hero”, 4th September, 2019.
  19. Prof. Daniel G. Campos, “Latin American Sport Philosophy: The Centrality of Playfulness in Human Wellbeing and the Good Life Communities”, 11th September, 2019.



  1. Shaun Nichols, “Death and the Self”, 10th January, 2018.
  2. Carol Rovane, “Collective Agency, Group Agency and Responsibility”, 11th January, 2018.
  3. Rachana Kamtekar, “Plato and the Pleonectic Conception of Human Nature”, 15th January, 2018.
  4. Stuart Gray, “Rule as Stewardship in Ancient Indian Thought”, 17th January, 2018.
  5. Prof. Purushottama Bilimoria, “Hegel’s Indian Philosophy (history of Philosophy & Philosophy of Religion)”, 24th January, 2018.
  6. Prof. Sir Richard Sorabji, “What Best Guides Conduct: A Few Exceptions less Rules or Insights into Particular Circumstances Adjusting Rules of Thumb? Aristotle’s, the Stories, Gandhi in relation to Kant and Utilitarian’s”, 15th February, 2018.
  7. Malcolm Keating, “Postulating Poetic Meanings: Arthapatti in Mukula Bhatta’s Theory of Communication”, 26th February, 2018.
  8. Prof. Sonia Sikka, “Pluralism about What? Religion as Belief and Identity”, 11th April, 2018.
  9. Prof. Daniel Raveh, “On Hospitality: A Dialogue with Ramchandra Gandhi”, 19th September, 2018.
  10. Dr. Nicolas Bommarito, “Jainism, Buddhism and the Ethics of Arguing”, 1st October, 2018.
  11. Dr. Soumyabrata Choudhury, “The Relevance of Philosophy in our Time”, 25th October, 2018.
  12. Prof. A. Raghuramaraju, “Re-examining the Genealogy of Classical Indian Philosophy”, 5th November, 2018.
  13. Prof. Raj Ayyar, “The Relevance of Philosophy in our Time”, 15th November, 2018.
  14. Prof. Bijoy Boruah, “The Relevance of Philosophy in our Time”, 22th November, 2018.
  15. Dr. Nilanjan Bhowmick, “The Relevance of Philosophy in our Time”, 30th November, 2018.
  16. Prof. Marcel Verweij, “Ethics of emerging Antibiotic Resistance”, 3rd December, 2018.



  1. Dr. Kit Patrick, “Unification as an Epistemic Virtue”, 18th January, 2017.
  2. Prof. S. Shyamkishore Singh, “Nature of Art and Aesthetic Experience”, 1st February, 2017.
  3. Prof. S. Shyamkishore Singh, “Acharya Abhinavgupta’s Contribution to Aesthetics”, 7th February, 2017.
  4. Prof. Sir Richard Sorabji, “The Discovery of Freedom of Speech and of Freedom of Speech for All”, 8th February, 2017.
  5. Prof. Prasenjit Biswas, “Phenomenology of the in apparent: Reading Division III of Being and Time”, 9th February, 2017.
  6. Prof. Jules Simon, “Aesthetics and Politics: Reflections on Love and the Origins of Fascism”, 15th February, 2017.
  7. Prof. Christian Ludec, “Leibniz and Systematicity”, 1st March, 2017.
  8. Prof. Sonia Sikka, “Social Identities: Race, Culture and religion”, 8th, 22nd and 29th March, 2017.
  9. Prof. Christopher Hill, “Unrevisability”, 23rd March, 2017.
  10. Prof. Kim Diaz, “Indigenism and Freedom in Mexico: The Work of Luis Villoro”, 12th April, 2017.
  11. Prof. Kim Diaz, “A Freirean Analysis of Nationalism”, 19th April, 2017.
  12. Nic Bommarito, “Inner Virtue”, 26th July, 2017.
  13. Siby K. george, “Agency as Response: A Heideggerian Account”, 28th July, 2017.
  14. Prof. Pradeep P. gokhale, “Re-understanding Patanjala-Yoga in the Light of Buddhism”, 21st August, 2017.
  15. Prof. Sebastian Velassery, “Ethics of Apophasis: Upanishads and Medieval Christianity”, 20th September, 2017.
  16. Prof. Roy Perrett (Ashoka), “Memory, Doubt and the Self”, 28th September, 2017.
  17. Prof. Vinit Haksar, “Violence in a Spirit of Love: Perfectionism and the Second Best in Gandhian Philosophy”, 4th October, 2017.
  18. Prof. A. Raghuramaraju, “Bending Western Philosophy for India: Deleuze and Gandhi”, 1st November, 2017.
  19. Prof. Costica Bradatan, “Why We Fail and How”, 13th November, 2017.



  1. Dr. Martin Lin, “Spinoza and the Mark of the Mental”, 13th January, 2016.
  2. Dr. Anand Jayprakash Vaidya & Prof. Purushottama Bilimoria, “The Inclusion Problem in the Philosophy of Mind: The Case of Advaita Vedanta and the Extended Mind Hypothesis”, 15th January, 2016.
  3. Prof. Alex Watson, “A Spectrum of Classical Indian Positions Concerning the Existence and Nature of a Self ”, 27th January, 2016. 
  4. Prof. Barbara Cassin, “Homer and Austin: A Genealogy of Performative”, 2nd February, 2016.
  5. Prof. Sir Richard Sorabji, “Freedom of Speech vs Freedom of Religion: Indian Solution”, 10th February, 2016.
  6. Prof. R.C. Pradhan, “New Developments in Meaning Theory: On Saving Meaning from Semantic Naturalism”, 25th February, 2016.
  7. Prof. Sonia Sikka, “Liminal Beings: Revisiting Heidegger on Animality”, 9th March, 2016.
  8. Dr. S. Lourdunathan, “Philosophy of Liberation”, 18th April, 2016.
  9. Prof. Daniel Raveh, “Place, No-place, Home: An Intercultural Exchange”, 31st August, 2016.
  10. Dr. Costica Bradatan, “in Praise of Exile”, 24th August, 2016.
  11. Prof. Seumas Miller, “Collective Moral Responsibility: An Individualist Relational Account”, 19th October, 2016.
  12. Prof. Asha Mukherjee, “Freedom and Moral Responsibility: Agency, Dynamics and Openness”, 26th October, 2016.
  13. Dr. Luke Roelofs, “Pansychism, Intuitions and the Great Chain of Being”, 9th November, 2016.
  14. Prof. Amitabha Das Gupta, “On the Possibility of Nonscientific Mode of Knowing: The Case of Literature”,10th November, 2016.
  15. Prof. Asha Mukherjee, “Social Justice in India: A Feminist Perspective”, 15th November, 2016.



  1. Dr. Manohar Kumar, "A Justification of Whistleblowing", 4th November, 2015

  2. Dr. Pritam Baruah, "Dworkin's Value Holism", 28th October, 2015

  3. Prof. Kanchana Mahadevan, "Film, Perception and Philosophy: Intersections?" 15th October, 2015.

  4. Prof. A. Raghuramaraju, "Excavating the Problem of Non-being," 14th October, 2015.

  5. Prof. S. Panneerselvam, "Contextualizing the Identity of Dalit Self: A Phenomenological Reading", 7th October, 2015.

  6. Dr. Ananta Kumar Giri, "Transforming the Subjective and the Objective: Transpositional Subject" Objectivity, 21st September, 2015.

  7. Prof. Keya Maitra, "Epistemology of Mindfulness: Some Preliminary Reflections", 2nd September, 2015.

  8. Prof. K. Srinivas, Gandhi the Pacifist, 7th August, 2015'

  9. Dr. Akash Singh Rathore, "Thin Swaraj: Towards an Authentic Indian Political Philosophy", 15th April, 2015.

  10. Prof. Vinit Haksar, "appiness and Well Being", 17th March, 2015.

  11. Dr. Michael Becker, "Religion in the Secular State", 3rd March, 2015.

  12. Dr. Adam Barkman, "Justice in Love", 18th February, 2015.

  13. Dr. Nishad Patnaik, "Transcendental Logic and Method in the First Critique: A Phenomenological Approach", 11th February, 2015.

  14. Prof. Stephen Stich, “The Geography of Philosophy: Exploring Cultural Differences and Cultural Universals in Philosophical Intuitions & Concepts”, 8th February, 2015.

  15. Prof. Heinz Werner Wessler, 20th January, 2015.

  16. Prof. Rachana Kamtekar, “The Soul’s (after-) Life”, 7th January, 2015


  1. Dr. Nilanjan Bhowmick, "Future of Indology", 12th November, 2014.

  2. Prof. Babu Thaliath "Knowledge and Reference: The Referentiality of Knowledge and Knowledge Systems", 21st October, 2014.

  3. Martin Lin, "Philosophy and Its History, Deflationism and Epistemology", 8th October, 2014

  4. Prof. Bijoy H. Boruah, "Two Conceptions of the Self: Perspectival and Personal", 10th September, 2014.

  5. Kim Diaz, "Post-Colonial Consciousness: Paulo Freire's Conscientizacao and the Prison Mindfulness Institute", 16th May, 2014.

  6. Prof. Jules Simon, "Hannah Arendt: A Phenomenology of Exile and the Speech-Acts of a Politics of Ahimsa", 14th May, 2014.

  7. Prof. Jay Drydyk, "Two Concepts of Overlapping Consensus", 28th April, 2014.

  8. Prof. Sonia Sikka, "Teaching 'Religion' and 'Philosophy' in India", 26th March, 2014.

  9. Prof. R.C. Pradhan, On "Mind and World: Revisiting Mcdowell's Naturalism", 14th March, 2014.

  10. Dr. Saitya Brata Das, "Schelling: Metaphysics and Politics," 12th March, 2014.

  11. Geshe Dorji Damdul, "What Constitutes Ultimate Reality? Different Perspectives", 24th & 25th February, 2014.

  12. Eric Jacobson, "The Religion of Reason", 3rd February, 2014.

  13. Prof. Akeel Bilgrami, "Liberty and Equality", 15th January, 2014.



  1. Prof. Gulam Mustafa, Khwaja "Mystic thought of Kashmir", 30th October, 2013
  2. Dr. Genevieve Fraisse, "Gender in profile question of concept and political genealogy", 29th October, 2013.

  3. Dr. Y.S. Alone, "Interrogating interface: protected ignorance and its representation", 23rd October, 2013.

  4. Dr. Anup Dhar, "The Body in Psychoanilysis: Between Destructuration an Aboriginalization", 19th October, 2013.

  5. Dr. Ranjan Mukhopadhyay, "First-order Predicate Logic", 11th,,12th, 14th & 15th October, 2013.

  6. Dr. Ranjan Mukhopadhyay, "Justification of Deducation", 17th & 18th October, 2013.

  7. Dr. Ranjan Mukhopadhyay, "Tarski's Theory of Truth", 9th & 10th October, 2013.

  8. Dr. Geshe Dorji Damdul, "Ultimate Reality in Madhyamaka Philosophy of Nagarjuna: An Extract from "Illuminating the clear Intention", 1st October and 30th September 2013.

  9. Dr. Arudra Burra, "Coercion and Moral Explanation", 25th September, 2013.

  10. Dr. Milind Wakankar, On "Religious Method: Plotinus, Hegel Heidegger", 11th September, 2013.

  11. Prof. Purushottama Bilimoria, "Much ado about Nothing (ness) since Nasadiyasukta: God(s), Evil & Liberation after Nagarjuna, and Sankara", 6th September, 2013

  12. Dr. Michael Dusche, "Women's Rights in India: Hierarchical Ethics vs. Egalitarian Morality", 4th September, 2013.

  13. Dr. Anirban Das, "Feminist Theory, Deconstruction and the Politics of Embodiment", 29th August, 2013.

  14. Prof. A. Raghuramraju, "Denying the Difference Between Hinduism and Buddism: S. Radhakrishanan, B.R. Ambedkar and T.R.V. Murthy", 5th August, 2013.

  15. Prof. Biswambhar Pahi, "Relating Two Traditions of Logic", 21st March, 2013.

  16. Rasmus thybo Jensen, On" McDowell's Disjunctivism and Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Perception." 30th January, 2013.



  1. Prof. Aijam Ahmad, "Alienatin and Freedom Ontology of Social Being in Karl Marx", 1st November, 2012.
  2. Prof. Gail M. Presbey, "Odera Oruka's Social Ethics for Africa", 28th August, 2012

  3. Dr. Rachel S. Breziz, "Understanding Self and Other: A view through Narrative Memory", 19th April 2012.

  4. Aicha Liviana Messina, Peace and Justice in Levine's thought", 17th April, 2012.

  5. Prof. T.S. Rukmani, "How Much Adhikara Does A Commentator Have to Interpret A Sastra Text?" 4th April, 2012

  6. Prof. Birgit Kellner, "Placing Reason in Buddhism: Perspectives on the Pramana Tradition", 22nd March, 2012

  7. Leonard Harris, "Universal Human Liberation: Alain L. Locke and Critical Pragmatism", 24th February, 2012.

  8. Prof. Sonia Kikka "Heidegger, (No-) Self and Responsibility", 16th February, 2012

  9. Dr. Ranjan Panda, "The Virtues of an Epistemic Agent," 14th February, 2012.

  10. Dr. Prasenjit Biswas, "Language, Life and Aporia: A Critique of Normativity", 12th January, 2012.



  1. Prof. Francoise Dastur, "The New Image of Man: in the Western Philosophy of the 20th Century", December, 2011.
  2. Prof. Sanil. V. "Contemporary Reception of Hegel", 2nd December, 2011

  3. Dr. Shashi Motilal, "Human Rights and Human Moral Obligations: Some perspectives on the Ancient and Modern interpretations of the Concept of 'Dharma", 16th November, 2011

  4. Prof. Sanil. V, "Self-Portraits: Philosophy and Mirror-Work", 9th November, 2011

  5. Dr. Bindu Puri, "The Dynamics of the Self and "Other": Re-constructing the Debate between Tagore and Gandhi", 2nd November, 2011

  6. Prof. S. Panneerselvam, "The Cultural Paradigm of the Philosophy of the Tamils", 28th October, 2011

  7. Dr. Bharati Puri, "Buddhism in the Public Sphere of India", 21st October, 2011.

  8. Prof. Gopal Guru, "Moral Framework of Indian Democracy", 12th October, 2011

  9. Dr. Nivedita Gangopadhyaya, "Embodied Cognition Approaches to Social Cognition", 26th August, 2011.

  10. Prof. Parimal G. Patil, "Dharmkirti's White Life (Buddhist Epistemological Traditions) 14th March, 2011

  11. Dr. Sonia Kikka, "Heidegger's Critique of Modernity and the Task of Imagining Possible Futures," 4th March, 2011.

  12. Dr. Ashwini K. Pitush, "The Non-Western Challenge to Human Rights", 28th February, 2011.

  13. Prof. Christopher Elton Macann, "Philosophy as Autobiography", 18th February, 2011.

  14. Prof. Richar Sorabji, "Gandhi as a Philosopher", 2nd February, 2011.

  15. Prof. Sadhan Chakraborty, "Realism and Its Alternatives", 28th January, 2011.

  16. Prof. Purushottam Billimoria, "Hegel's Orientalism", 14th January, 2011.

  17. Prof. Murali Ramachandran "Knowing, Knowing that One Knows and Assertability", 7th January, 2011.

A warm welcome to the modified and updated website of the Centre for East Asian Studies. The East Asian region has been at the forefront of several path-breaking changes since 1970s beginning with the redefining the development architecture with its State-led development model besides emerging as a major region in the global politics and a key hub of the sophisticated technologies. The Centre is one of the thirteen Centres of the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi that provides a holistic understanding of the region.

Initially, established as a Centre for Chinese and Japanese Studies, it subsequently grew to include Korean Studies as well. At present there are eight faculty members in the Centre. Several distinguished faculty who have now retired include the late Prof. Gargi Dutt, Prof. P.A.N. Murthy, Prof. G.P. Deshpande, Dr. Nranarayan Das, Prof. R.R. Krishnan and Prof. K.V. Kesavan. Besides, Dr. Madhu Bhalla served at the Centre in Chinese Studies Programme during 1994-2006. In addition, Ms. Kamlesh Jain and Dr. M. M. Kunju served the Centre as the Documentation Officers in Chinese and Japanese Studies respectively.

The academic curriculum covers both modern and contemporary facets of East Asia as each scholar specializes in an area of his/her interest in the region. The integrated course involves two semesters of classes at the M. Phil programme and a dissertation for the M. Phil and a thesis for Ph. D programme respectively. The central objective is to impart an interdisciplinary knowledge and understanding of history, foreign policy, government and politics, society and culture and political economy of the respective areas. Students can explore new and emerging themes such as East Asian regionalism, the evolving East Asian Community, the rise of China, resurgence of Japan and the prospects for reunification of the Korean peninsula. Additionally, the Centre lays great emphasis on the building of language skills. The background of scholars includes mostly from the social science disciplines; History, Political Science, Economics, Sociology, International Relations and language.

Several students of the centre have been recipients of prestigious research fellowships awarded by Japan Foundation, Mombusho (Ministry of Education, Government of Japan), Saburo Okita Memorial Fellowship, Nippon Foundation, Korea Foundation, Nehru Memorial Fellowship, and Fellowship from the Chinese and Taiwanese Governments. Besides, students from Japan receive fellowship from the Indian Council of Cultural Relations.

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