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CHS Courses

CHS Courses


M.A. Ist Semester Lecture Courses

Course No. Credit                         Title Teacher Name
M 11401 4 Ancient Society (Compulsory Course) RM
M 21421 4 State Power & Legitimacy in Anc. India: The Gupta Dynasty KC
M 21422 4 Economic History of Early India RC/RM
M 61401 4 Devotion and Dissent in Indian History VR

M.A. IIIrd Semester Lecture Courses

Course No. Credit Title Course Instructor
M 11403
Capitalism & Colonialism (Compulsory Course) JN&AM
M 11404
Historical Method (Compulsory Course) NB
M 61401
Devotion and Dissent in Indian History VB
M 23201
Introductory Sanskrit HT

Non-Indian History Courses

Course No. Credit Title Course Instructor
M 44416
Medicine and Colonialism (Post-1800 CE) BC

All students have to do two non-Indian history courses (8 credits) over the four semesters of their M.A. You are advised to opt for one in this semester.

M.Phil Courses

Course No. Credit Title Course Instructor
P 12201 2 Historiography (Compulsory for JNU M.A. doing M.Phil)  
P 11204 2 Historical Methods (Compulsory for Non JNU M.A. doing M.Phil) NB

M.Phil Seminar Courses

P 22405




Society & Economic in Early India


P 22406




Religion and Society in Early India


P 22411


Aspects of Economic History


P 22414




Historical Archaeology


P 22416


Mythology & Cosmology in Early India



M.Phil Lecture Courses

P 11201




Ancient Society


P 11203


Capitalism & Colonialism


P 21221


State Power & Legitimacy in Anc. India: The Gupta Dynasty


P 21222




Economic History of Early India


P 61201
Devotion and Dissent in Indian History



M.Phil SLanguage Courses

P 23201




Introductory Sanskrit HT
P 23203
Advanced Sanskrit-I





M.A. Ist Semester Lecture Courses

All courses listed below are compulsory

Course No. Credit Title Course Instructor
M 11401
Ancient Society RM
M 31405
Rural Society in Medieval India RD
M 31406
State in Medieval India-I NH
M 31407
State in Medieval India-II UK

M.A. IIIrd Semester Lecture Courses

Course No. Credit Title Course Instructor
M 11403
Capitalism & Colonialism (Compulsory Course) JN & AM
M 11404
Historical Method (Compulsory Course) NB
M 31412
Towns, Town Life and Urbanization in Med. India PM
M 31421
Gender and Society: Women in Medieval India 13th to 18th Centuries JP
M 33201
Introductory Persian (Optional) CH

Non-Indian History Courses

Course No. Credit Title Course Instructor
M 44416 4 Medicine and Colonialism (Post-1800 CE) BC

All students have to do two non-Indian history courses (8 credits) over the four semesters of their M.A. You are advised to opt for one in this semester.

M.Phil Courses

Course No. Credit Title Course Instructor
P 12201 2 Historiography (Compulsory for JNU M.A. doing M.Phil)  
P 11204 2 Historical Methods (Compulsory for Non JNU M.A. doing M.Phil) NB

M.Phil Seminar Courses

Course No. Credit Title Course Instructor
P 32405 4 Trade & Commerce in Medieval India YS
P 32406 4 Selected Documents of Mughal India NH
P 32407 4 Political History of a Limited Period or Region JP
P 32409 4 Social Structure of a Region RD
P 32413 4 Problems of Urbanization 1600-1750 PM
P 32415 4 Aspects of Social Ideology of Med. India UK

M.Phil Lecture Courses

Course No. Credit Title Course Instructor
P 11203 2 Capitalism & Colonialism JN & AM
P 11201 2 Ancient Society RM
P 31201 2 Rural Society in Medieval India RD
P 31206 2 State in Medieval India-I NH
P 31207 2 State in Medieval India-II UK
P 31212 2 Towns, Townlife and Urbanization in Med. India PM

M.Phil Language Courses

Course No. Credit Title Course Instructor
P 33201 2 Introductory Persian (Compulsory Course) CH
P 33203 2 Advanced Persian (Compulsory Course) CH



M.A. Ist Semester Lecture Courses

Course No. Credit Title Course Instructor
M 11401
Ancient Society (Compulsory Course) RM
M 41403
Indian National Movement 1858-1905 MM
M 41409
Growth of Indian Capitalism AM
M 41414
The Colonial State: 1857-1947 IK
M 41423
Women in Colonial India JA

M.A. IIIrd Semester Lecture Courses

Course No. Credit Title Course Instructor
M 11403
Capitalism & Colonialism (Compulsory Course) JN&AM
M 11404
Historical Method (Compulsory Course) NB
M 41411
Communist Movement in India 1920-1972 BJ
M 41423
Women in Colonial India JA
M 43202
Introductory Bengali SG

Non-Indian History Courses

Course No. Credit Title Course Instructor
M 44416
Medicine and Colonialism (Post-1800 CE) BC

All students have to do two non-Indian history courses (8 credits) over the four semesters of their M.A. You are advised to opt for one in this semester.

M.Phil Courses

Course No. Credit Title Course Instructor
P 12201 2 Historiography (Compulsory for JNU M.A. doing M.Phil)  
P 11204 2 Historical Methods (Compulsory for Non JNU M.A. doing M.Phil) NB

M.Phil Seminar Courses

Course No. Credit Title Course Instructor
P 42401 4 Problems in Economic History of Modern India – I JN
P 42403 4 Problems in Intellectual History Modern India-I JA
P 42405 4 Aspects of Colonial Policies-I BC
P 42407 4 Aspects of Indian National Movement-I MM
P 42409 4 Problems in Social Change in Modern India-I IK
P 42411 4 Problems of Modern Agrarian History of India-I SD
P 42417 4 Popular Protest and Politics 1919-1947 SM
P 42418 4 Religion, Politics and State in 20th Century India BJ
P 42419 4 Political Economy of India up to 1947 AM
P 45403 4 Aspects of Historical Studies NB

M.Phil Lecture Courses

Course No. Credit Title Course Instructor
P 11203 2 Capitalism & Colonialism JN & AM
P 11201 2 Ancient Society RM
P 41203 2 Indian National Movement 1858-1905 MM
P 41209 2 Growth of Indian Capitalism AM
P 41211 2 Communist Movement in India 1920-1972 BJ
P 41219 2 Women in Colonial India JA
P 44213 2 Medicine and Colonialism (Post-1800 CE) BC

M.Phil Lecture Courses

Course No. Credit Title Course Instructor
P 43209 2 Introductory Bengali SG
P 43211 2 Advanced Bengali SG
P 43202 2 Introductory Bengali SG


  1. Archaeology of Early South Asia
  2. Theories, Methods and Practices in Archaeology
  3. Households in Ancient Societies
  4. Aspects of Ancient Indian Social History
  5. Social History of Early India
  6. Source of Early Indian History
  7. Historical Geography
  8. Seminar Course: Historical Geography
  9. Ancient Society
  10. Art and Architecture
  11. Texts and Traditions of Early India
  12. Religion and Society in Early India
  13. Aspects of Early Sri Lankan History, c. 3rd century BCE – 13th century CE
  14. The CŌḺA STATE
  15. State and Society in the Central Islamic Lands
  16. History of Early Indian Philosophical Ideas
  17. Society, Economy and Polity: 18thCentury India
  18. Catholic Religious Frontiers in India and Asia (16th-18thcenturies)
  19. Gender and Society: Women in Medieval India, 13th to 18thCenturies
  20. Memory, History and Narratives: Medieval India
  21. Trade and Commerce in Medieval India (Seminar paper)
  22. State in Medieval India I
  23. State in Medieval India-II
  24. Cultural Development and Architecture and Painting
  25. Culture and Festivity (Seminar Course)
  26. Religion and Society in Medieval India
  27. The Modern City: Sites of Accumulation, Planning, and Citizenship
  28. Aspects of Social History
  29. Crime, law and order in colonial India (1765-1924)
  30. Medicine and Colonialism
  31. Movement and Migration from empire to nation states
  32. Women in Colonial India
  33. Women in Ireland: Reforms, Movements and Revolutions (1840-1930)
  34. Tribes’ and History: Categories, Communities and Practices (19th and 20th Century)
  35. Crime, law and order incolonial India
  36. Capitalism and Colonialism
  37. Work, Culture and Politics

A warm welcome to the modified and updated website of the Centre for East Asian Studies. The East Asian region has been at the forefront of several path-breaking changes since 1970s beginning with the redefining the development architecture with its State-led development model besides emerging as a major region in the global politics and a key hub of the sophisticated technologies. The Centre is one of the thirteen Centres of the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi that provides a holistic understanding of the region.

Initially, established as a Centre for Chinese and Japanese Studies, it subsequently grew to include Korean Studies as well. At present there are eight faculty members in the Centre. Several distinguished faculty who have now retired include the late Prof. Gargi Dutt, Prof. P.A.N. Murthy, Prof. G.P. Deshpande, Dr. Nranarayan Das, Prof. R.R. Krishnan and Prof. K.V. Kesavan. Besides, Dr. Madhu Bhalla served at the Centre in Chinese Studies Programme during 1994-2006. In addition, Ms. Kamlesh Jain and Dr. M. M. Kunju served the Centre as the Documentation Officers in Chinese and Japanese Studies respectively.

The academic curriculum covers both modern and contemporary facets of East Asia as each scholar specializes in an area of his/her interest in the region. The integrated course involves two semesters of classes at the M. Phil programme and a dissertation for the M. Phil and a thesis for Ph. D programme respectively. The central objective is to impart an interdisciplinary knowledge and understanding of history, foreign policy, government and politics, society and culture and political economy of the respective areas. Students can explore new and emerging themes such as East Asian regionalism, the evolving East Asian Community, the rise of China, resurgence of Japan and the prospects for reunification of the Korean peninsula. Additionally, the Centre lays great emphasis on the building of language skills. The background of scholars includes mostly from the social science disciplines; History, Political Science, Economics, Sociology, International Relations and language.

Several students of the centre have been recipients of prestigious research fellowships awarded by Japan Foundation, Mombusho (Ministry of Education, Government of Japan), Saburo Okita Memorial Fellowship, Nippon Foundation, Korea Foundation, Nehru Memorial Fellowship, and Fellowship from the Chinese and Taiwanese Governments. Besides, students from Japan receive fellowship from the Indian Council of Cultural Relations.

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