Ph.D., Chinese Studies, Thesis: Rural Reforms and Their Implications for Women in China, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi (2005)
M.Phil, Chinese studies, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi (1997)
M.A. Political Science, Centre for Political Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (1995)
Chinese Politics, Rural Political Economy, Provinces and China’s Economic Development, New Urban Property Regimes
Associate Professor, Chinese Studies, Centre for East Asian Studies, School of International Studies, JNU, since July 2008
Lecturer (Chinese Studies) (ad-hoc) in the Department of East Asian Studies, University of Delhi , November 2007- April 2008
Research Associate, Department of East Asian Studies, University of Delhi, November 2002 to July 2006. Assignments include regular M.Phil course lectures on Contemporary Chinese Politics
Research Assistance, Project on China in the 21st Century, Institute of Chinese Studies, CSDS, Delhi 1996-1997
UGC Certificate for Eligibility of Lectureship in Political Science 1997
Chinese Government Scholarship to learn Chinese Language 1997-1998
Nehru Memorial Fellowship for Field Work in China 2002
Institute of Chinese Studies / Ford Foundation Grant for Conference and Field Work in China 2005
Awarded One Month Fellowship to Visit China under ICSSR-CASS India- China Cultural Exchange Programme in year 2007
Research Projects
Dawn Research Project : ‘Gender Impact of China’s Global Engagement in the Global South’, Govind Kelkar( Lead Researcher) and Ritu Agarwal( Co-Author), November- June, 2023
Project Coordinator, ICSSR Project, Asian Connections and Trans-Border Linkages in Yunnan Province, China, 2016-18
Visiting Scholar
Visiting Professor, School of International Studies, Yunnan University, Kunming, May-June, 2018
Visiting Professor, South Asian Languages and Yoga Centre, Yunnan Minzu University, Kunming, May-June, 2017
Visiting Scholar, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012
Visiting Fellow, Jinan university, Guangzhou, China , May-June 2010
Visiting Scholar, Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, Kunming China , 2002
Visiting scholar, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China, December 2007
Agarwal,Ritu, Interview on Yunnan as a Regional Model, published in Chinese Views of Non-Traditional Security, Vol.1, No4, April 2021,Published by Intellisia Institute and Saint-Pierre Centre for International Security Guangzhou , China
Agarwal, Ritu COVID-19 AND Blurred Boundaries of Women’s work in Wuhan, Delhi Post News, published by Institute of Poverty and Governance, New Delhi, December 30, 2020, https;//delhipostnews.com/covid-19-and- blurred-boundaries-of-women
Agarwal , Ritu, “Xi Jinping and the Reinvention of the CPC”, China at a Turning Point: Perspectives after the 19th Party Congress , Ed. Manoranjan Mohanty, New Delhi: Pentagon Press, 2019 : 35-43
Agarwal, Ritu, ‘Ethnic Minorities, Integrative Nationalism and Higher Education in Yunnan Province’, Higher Education in India and China Ed. Sreemati Chakrabarti, New Delhi, Aakar Books, 2018:161-179
Agarwal, Ritu, “Yunnan and the New Regional Economic Model”, Paper collections for the 3rd China-South-Asian Think Tank Forum in ‘Southeast Asian and South Asian Studies , published by Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, Kunming 2016, China ( Published in both Chinese and English)
Agarwal, Ritu,“Foreign Investment in India: An Analysis of Modi government’s new economic policies, Sectors and investment opportunities in India”, in Capital Co-operation and South Asian Opportunities: Maritime Silk Road Financial Co-operation Development Report ( 2015), eds Xu Dilong, Ren Zhihong, Published by Guangdong Maritime Silk Road Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences, China , January 2016.
Agarwal , Ritu “Towards Rule of Law: Legal Reforms in China”, ‘China’s Transition under Xi Jinping’, China Year Book IDSA , ed, Jagannath P. Panda, Pentagon Press, Delhi, 2016
Agarwal, Ritu “India and Taiwan : Two Democracies and Two Governing
Systems: A View from India”, India-Taiwan Relations in Asia and Beyond ed. Jagannath P. Panda, IDSA, Pentagon Press, Delhi, 2016
Agarwal, Ritu,“Women Farmers in China’s Commercial Agrarian Economy”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.42, No.42, October 2007.
Agarwal, Ritu“ Retrenched Female Labour in Contemporary China” China Report ( Sage Publications ) Vol. 35, No.4 1999
Agarwal, Ritu“ Marriage Law Revised in China : A Comment” China Report, Vol. 38, No,4, 2002
Agarwal, Ritu (co-authored with Govind Kelkar) ‘Power Through Culture: The Gender Paradigm in China’s Soft Power Engagement in the Global South, Advances in Politics and Economics, Vol 6, No.4, 2023 ISSN 2576-1382 (Print) ISSN 2576-1390 Online http://www.scholink.org/ojs/index.php/ape/article/view/34548
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/ape.v6n4p8
Agarwal, Ritu, Gender equality in China: An Unfinished Political Agenda, December 28, 2023
Agarwal Ritu and Govind Kelkar, ‘Gender Impact of China’s Engagement in the Global South’ by Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era ( DAWN), 2023-24, FEBRUARY 2024 ISSN 2413-1512 (Forthcoming Bloomsbury Press: 2025) https://www.dawnfeminist.org/projects/gender-impact-of-chinas-engagement-in-the-global-south
Published and translated in English, French, Spanish, and Chinese languages
Agarwal, Ritu, Globalization Through Economic Gateways: Opening up of Yunnan Towards Asian Neighbours, US-China Foreign Language, July 2024, Vol. 22, No. 7, 385-394 doi:10.17265/1539-8080/2024.07.002 ISSN: 1539-8080(Print) 1935-9667(Online)
Agarwal, Ritu with Govind Kelkar Inequalities Persist: Policies and Social Constructs in Women’s Land Rights in Challenges for Chinese Women in the Early Twenty-First Century , ed. Gordana Malesevic ( Forthcoming, World Scientific Press, 2025)