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Greetings from Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania


Implementation of Erasmus+ KA171 action with Partner countries.

We would like to share Erasmus+ mobility grant with your university for:



1 PhD student from your university for 3 weeks or 2 months studies at VMU. Size of the grant:

- Scholarship – 1600 EUR for whole period (the same amount either for 3 weeks or 2 months);

- Travel grant – 1188 EUR.


While selecting the candidate, please pay attention to the areas of studies and research which are covered at our university: You should send the nomination email together with his/her CV and motivation letter (it should include the topic of his/her dissertation) as soon as you select the PhD student for a visit at VMU. The approval of the candidate will be made by accepting VMU faculty according to CV and motivation letter of the candidate.


The mobility grant should be used during the academic year 2024/2025.

Project based Internship for UG & PG students with Govt recognized Certification


An invitation to participate in an orientation program.

Benefits of orientation: 
  • Get project Internship from industry.
  • Get the project internship mentorship under industry expert.
  • Get Internship certificate from Ministry of electronics and information technology and NCVET co branded.
  • This internship is under partially funded CSR program up to 90%.
Application for students to fill for the internship:
Join whatsapp group immediately:


Project based Internship for UG & PG students with Govt recognized Certification
Tuesday 17 September · 6:30 – 7:30pm
Time zone: Asia/Kolkata
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 240-542-7480‬ PIN: ‪854 843 754‬#
More phone numbers:

European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)


The Erasmus+ Cluster Meeting and Contact-Making Seminar for the Asia, Pacific and Middle East regions, which will be held on 13-14 November 2024 in Bangkok (Thailand) and online.


The Cluster Meeting will provide a forum for Erasmus+ project beneficiaries, candidates and stakeholders to share knowledge and exchange experiences. In addition, the Contact-Making session will enable online and in-person networking among experienced and newcomer organisations interested in project cooperation, coming from the different countries in the three regions, the European Union and third countries associated to the Erasmus+ Programme.


This year’s event has a thematic focus, namely Digital in Education, in line with the European Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027 and the EU’s strategies for connectivity with the world in line with its Global Gateway Strategy. The programme will feature project examples and panel discussions looking at how this theme is being addressed in the European Education Area, in the three regions involved, and supported by the Erasmus+ programme.


Digital in Education will serve as an example of how different types of Erasmus+ actions tackle global challenges. Synergies between projects and institutions, including political bodies, will be presented and discussed in order to obtain a broader perspective on the topic. The audience will hence be mostly composed of the Erasmus+ community of beneficiaries and stakeholders, irrespective of their knowledge on Digital Education. Experts on the specific topic will also be invited, to present the framework and for them to learn about Erasmus+ opportunities and potential partners.


For your information, the event will be in hybrid format (in situ in Bangkok with online participation through the digital event platform).


The organisers will provide participants with lunches and refreshments during the event days. All other costs should be covered by the participants themselves.

Registration details and a draft agenda of the event are available now on the event page on the Erasmus+ National Focal Point website. The closing date for applications to attend in situ in Bangkok is Monday 28th October 2024. The number of participants who can attend in situ is restricted and as a result we might not be able to accept all applications to join the event in person in Bangkok.


If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to



Call for Nominaitons - Spring Semester 2025 at University of Zurich (UZH)


The deadline to receive the applications for nomination (Spring Semester 2025 ) at International Collaboration Office, JNU email:  is 9th September 2024, forwarded by the Chairperson of the School and Dean of the School.

UZH Factsheet 2025-26


South Ural State University!
For more information about our university :


The Innovation in Education competition «KIVO-2024», held in a strategic partnership between HSE University and Alfa-Bank, has announced of applications. Winner of the contest will receive 1,000,000 rubles, and the winners in the categories will receive additional prizes from partners.

Projects built around various innovations for education are invited to participate in the competition: methodological and technological developments, art / media projects, training simulators, applications, platforms, devices, board games, events, formats for creating educational materials, organizing spaces and interactions, as well as other ideas.


HSE University is honored to organize the International Competition of Innovations in Education (KIVO), a prestigious event that has been held for 11 years, bringing together innovative projects from across the globe. This competition embraces an open framework, welcoming innovations for various levels of education from a diverse array of stakeholders, including educators, administrators, startups, parents, and more.

Any representative of the educational ecosystem can participate in the competition (individually or in a team of up to 6 people): teachers, startup leaders, methodologists, educational managers, business coaches, tutors, students and students.

The competition includes four tracks to indicate the maturity of projects: mature innovative projects for scaling, projects at the startup stage, a project in the early stages and foresight innovation (a bold breakthrough idea that is ahead of time).

In addition to the main prize for the absolute winner, Alfa-Bank announced three separate categories reflecting the main vectors of modern education and technologies that the bank actively supports and develops: innovation in education using artificial intelligence, innovation in teaching financial and digital literacy, and innovation in teaching entrepreneurship. The winners in each of them will receive a grant for the implementation of the project in the amount of 500,000 rubles. Also, the contest partners — the flagships of the Russian educational and EdTech space-will offer their own nominations.

Also within the framework of KIVO-2024, the Laboratory of Innovations in Education and Ultimate Education continue the topic of working with trends. In the new season, it will be presented as part of the media research project “Trends in Education of the present and future”, which brings together the opinions of key experts of the educational ecosystem, contest participants and analysis of the results of the international study Innovating Pedagogy in the Russian context.

Participants of KIVO-2024 are expected:

  • Certificates and individual feedback for each project;
  • Participation in the Ultimate Education media research project and the HSE Educational Innovation Laboratory on current and future educational trends.
  • Academic support from the HSE Institute of Education for winners.
  • This is an opportunity for you to present your Ed-Techstartup internationally and test its potential for entering new markets.
  • Applications will be accepted until September 15th.

Polzunov Altai State Technical University (AltSTU)


Invitation to Collaboration in conducting joint scientific research as part of the implementation of the program of bilateral scientific and technological cooperation.



Election Observations Department




The Dipendra Kandel Initiative advocates evidence-based policy research and development in Nepal, and globally. We collaborate with government agencies, educational institutions, and international partners to tackle major challenges, promote sustainable development, and ensure fair and free elections.
We are looking for self-motivated interns, undergraduates and postgraduates in political sciences, public policy, and sociology from throughout the world to assist us.
Selected candidates will observe, appraise, and collect data on upcoming elections, to produce reports. Our primary emphasis for the future months is the elections in:
• Mauritania (June 22nd)
• Rwanda (July 15th)
• Venezuela (July 28th)
• Algeria (September 7th)
The Dipendra Kandel Initiative is dedicated to demonstrating the impact of electronic voting on democracies, emphasizing how free and fair elections influence the heart of a political
system. We also attempt to highlight how the rights to participate in public affairs, to vote and to stand for elections implemented in the countries listed above. We seek for students with:
• Strong research and analytical skills,
• The ability to collect, organize and interpret data,
• The capacity to work independently and cooperatively in a fast-paced environment,
• A proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite and research tools,
• Excellent English communication abilities, both written and verbal.
This internship must be part of an academic curriculum, and might last between 2 to 6 months, depending on your level of study and the requirements of the university.
The internship will be held both remotely and on-site throughout the election period observed.
Interested candidates should submit a resume and cover letter to:





OCTOBER 5-6, 2024


We cordially invite you and your colleague from the educational institution to join us at the GLOBAL UNIVERSITY FAIR 2024 on October 5-6, 2024 in Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia.


Since 2014 the Global University Fair in Mongolia is a major recruitment event organized by the International School of Ulaanbaatar (ISU) and the Educational Advising and Resource Center (EARC Mongolia).  We believe this event will take part in this opportunity to provide your educational institution with maximum exposure to Mongolian prospective students interested in pursuing studies abroad.




OCTOBER 4 - Local high school visits in Ulaanbaatar city (optional)


OCTOBER 5-6 - College Fair at the ISU (exhibition and public presentation)


OCTOBER 5 - Meeting with local school counselors


OCTOBER 7 - Cultural tour (optional)


Last college fair highlights

    32 school representatives from 10 countries

    6 local high school visits

    2800 students and parents during the event

    Meeting with 20 local counselors


Please send an email to Ms. Eggie, School counselor of the ISU at Mr. Ganaa of the EARC at


National Chung Hsing University (NCHU)


International Industrial Talents Education Special Program (INTENSE Program) at NCHU!

This MS program offers full tuition coverage, a monthly stipend, and a guaranteed two-year job placement post-graduation. The INTENSE Program aims to attract talented individuals to Taiwan, offering them both educational opportunities and promising career prospects. It leverages government, industry, and university resources to provide a holistic educational experience for international students.

As the application deadline of May 20th approaches, we are reaching out to our esteemed partner universities like yours. We value our partnership and wish to prioritize this remarkable program for your university and students. Your strong support in promoting this initiative will greatly benefit your students.


    Program Names:

        ·       Semiconductor International Program (Semiconductor) - (ENGLISH-TAUGHT PROGRAM)


        The Taiwanese government covers tuition fees and administrative costs for up to two years.
        Participating companies provide each student with a monthly stipend, along with an additional allowance during their internship.


    Work Opportunities in Taiwan:
        Students can work in Taiwan with participating companies after graduation, fulfilling work obligations based on the duration of funding received.
        Upon completing their obligations, students may choose to continue working in Taiwan or return to their home countries.


Admission Guidelines



Sciences Po Summer School & Short Courses - Winter 2025 programme


In addition to our annual summer programmes, we organise short courses throughout the year welcoming students from esteemed partner universities. Through these courses, our goal is to give the opportunity to students from all over the world and all academic backgrounds to discover how social sciences can help them make sense of major contemporary challenges. 


Here are some key details:
  • Programme dates: the programme will run from January 6th to 17th (2 weeks) or January 6th to 24th (3 weeks)
  • "Discover International Relations at Sciences Po": tailored for beginners, this programme provides a comprehensive introductory package consisting of 24 hours of introductory courses in international relations, 16 hours of optional courses, and the possibility to engage in a one-week negotiation session.
  • "Sciences Po’s Advanced Global Governance Certificate": designed for students with an academic background in social sciences and international relations, this program offers 24 hours of courses on global governance, 16 hours of optional courses, and the possibility to add a one-week negotiation session.
  • Optional activities:  students can enrich their experience with a range of optional activities, including cultural and institutional visits, social events, and day trips to explore the beauty of France.


Walailak University (WU), Thailand

We are pleased to share with our honorable international colleagues WU monthly online newsletters, entitled “WU International Connect,” showcasing highlights in the following 5 domains: current publication, research, teaching, international outlook, and industrial collaboration.  With this email, please find our March issue in the link

We would greatly appreciate it if you could share the link to your colleagues and partner universities. We would also be happy to support your international outlook. Please kindly share great stories on your end to us via this email ( and we will post them on “WU International Connect.”

Furthermore, The Center for International Affairs (CIA), would like to formally invite all colleagues and friends who are helping us sharing our WU International Connect to visit our campus. CIA will provide you with the 2 nights’ accommodation on campus and meals during your stay and academic activities such as meeting and research discussion etc. Please help us share the newsletter via email and carbon copy (CC) to or via Facebook and hashtag #CIAWalailak.


University of Cologne

First of all, we would be glad to receive nominations of exchange students from your university. If you have students interested in doing their exchange studies at our university, please let us know their personal details by sending us a nomination with the help of the attached sheet. We need their names, email addresses, study course and study level, their desired study course at the UoC and the duration of their stay.

 After having received the nominations, we will confirm them and we will continue sending further information on the application, acceptance letter etc. to you and your students.
Right after the successful application, your students will receive an Acceptance Letter which they can use in order to apply for a visa.

For more information on courses at the UoC and further organizatorial advices (application documents, visa application, accommodation in Cologne, semester fee etc.), please consult our website for exchange students: On our website, you also find our comprehensive Fact Sheet.

Students can choose between the regular exchange program and the Cologne Global Study Program (CGSP):

I hope these first pieces of information help you and your prospective interested exchange students.
Of course, feel free to contact Nicole and me in case of any questions through our contact email  

'International Affairs' of the University of Cologne!


Fellowships for international junior researchers (PhD obtained in the past 5 years) at the University of Cologne.  Detail is available at

The fellowships are called tandem collaborations, as International researchers need to find a collaborator at University of Cologne.


You can find information on already existing tandem collaborations at


and more information on the University of Cologne's  International Forum at




Scholarship opportunity for Women Studies Conference 2024


10th World Conference on Women Studies (WCWS) is inviting scholars from Jawaharlal Nehru Univeristy and offering a scholarship opportunity, to participate at the WCWS conference 2024. This scholarship will enable more of your faculty and student body to attend and share their insights, fostering a stronger presence in the global community of women studies.

To know more about the conference, visit the website through:



German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)


The Head Office of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is currently running an assessment of the DAAD portfolio and the activities in India. To support  to assess the DAAD's engagement in India based on your experiences as responsible for internationalisation of your university. The study aims to identify to which extent the existing needs and requirements are covered and if there are potential funding gaps.

Against the background of substantial science and education policy reforms in India (most notably the National Education Policy (NEP) and the Draft of the Science and Technology Policy) as well as India's growing geopolitical importance, the DAAD would like to strategically align its engagement in this country. For this purpose, the DAAD has commissioned the agency Syspons to conduct a portfolio analysis as well as an analysis of the DAAD’s local representation structures. On the one hand, the objectives of the current DAAD engagement are to be validated, higher-level impact are to be recorded, and synergies between the DAAD's funding instruments are to be identified. On the other hand, the cooperation with Indian partner organizations and higher education institutions are assessed against the backdrop of their requirements for internationalisation.

In this context, we are conducting focus groups with DAAD cooperation partners and important stakeholders. As your institution is highly engaged in international higher education and research cooperation, we would be glad if you could support us and join us for an online focus group.

The agency Syspons will run an online focus group. and will contact you in the next days. The confirmed participants of the focus groups will receive some guiding questions beforehand for preparation.




National Chengchi University(NCCU), Taiwan.

In response to the national education program, we have partnered with National Tsing Hua University to offer three Online courses in English.


Virtual Reality and the Metaverse

"Metaverse" has mixed the boardary between reality and virtual worlds. Do you catch up this trend?

Distinguished Professor Jih Hsuan Tammy Lin林日璇

College of Communication, National Chengchi University


AI Application in Real Estate Finance and Investment

This course delves deep into the applications of AI in the realm of real estate finance and investment, equipping you to tackle complex real-world challenges with ease.

Prof. Tsoyu Calvin Lin 林左裕

Department of Land Economics, National Chengchi University


Introduction to Human Resource Analytics

This course can enhance your analytical skills and help you reach the next level!

Professor Changya Hu胡昌亞

Department of Business Administration, National Chengchi University


These three courses are Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). It's online courses for free. These three courses are now available on the Future Learn, It's Online Learning Platforms. You can use the teaching resources for free by applying for membership.


If possible, could you help promote course information and encourage students from your school to participate in the course. Thank you for your assistance.


Note: When taking the courses, please pay attention to the free access period (3-6 weeks). If you don't use all the teaching resources within the free access period, you will have to pay $99 for the privileges to continue using the courses after the expiration date. In addition, if you wish to receive a certificate of attendance from Future Learn, you must also pay $99 or another form of payment to upgrade your course.

A warm welcome to the modified and updated website of the Centre for East Asian Studies. The East Asian region has been at the forefront of several path-breaking changes since 1970s beginning with the redefining the development architecture with its State-led development model besides emerging as a major region in the global politics and a key hub of the sophisticated technologies. The Centre is one of the thirteen Centres of the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi that provides a holistic understanding of the region.

Initially, established as a Centre for Chinese and Japanese Studies, it subsequently grew to include Korean Studies as well. At present there are eight faculty members in the Centre. Several distinguished faculty who have now retired include the late Prof. Gargi Dutt, Prof. P.A.N. Murthy, Prof. G.P. Deshpande, Dr. Nranarayan Das, Prof. R.R. Krishnan and Prof. K.V. Kesavan. Besides, Dr. Madhu Bhalla served at the Centre in Chinese Studies Programme during 1994-2006. In addition, Ms. Kamlesh Jain and Dr. M. M. Kunju served the Centre as the Documentation Officers in Chinese and Japanese Studies respectively.

The academic curriculum covers both modern and contemporary facets of East Asia as each scholar specializes in an area of his/her interest in the region. The integrated course involves two semesters of classes at the M. Phil programme and a dissertation for the M. Phil and a thesis for Ph. D programme respectively. The central objective is to impart an interdisciplinary knowledge and understanding of history, foreign policy, government and politics, society and culture and political economy of the respective areas. Students can explore new and emerging themes such as East Asian regionalism, the evolving East Asian Community, the rise of China, resurgence of Japan and the prospects for reunification of the Korean peninsula. Additionally, the Centre lays great emphasis on the building of language skills. The background of scholars includes mostly from the social science disciplines; History, Political Science, Economics, Sociology, International Relations and language.

Several students of the centre have been recipients of prestigious research fellowships awarded by Japan Foundation, Mombusho (Ministry of Education, Government of Japan), Saburo Okita Memorial Fellowship, Nippon Foundation, Korea Foundation, Nehru Memorial Fellowship, and Fellowship from the Chinese and Taiwanese Governments. Besides, students from Japan receive fellowship from the Indian Council of Cultural Relations.