Provost, Uttarakhand
Dr. Bhaswati Das
Provost, Dakshinapuram
Prof. Usha Mina
Provost, Paschimabad-I
Prof. Sudhir Kumar
Provost, Paschimabad-II
Prof. Modho Govind
Provost, Poorvanchal
Prof. P.K. Joshi
The Provosts look after the affairs of their respective Khands and advise Wardens on matters concerning their functions. All kinds of leave applications of the wardens will be forwarded by the concerned Provosts with their specific recommendations.
All kinds of leave applications of the wardens will be forwarded by the concerned Provosts with their specific recommendations.
Powers and Functions of Provosts:
He will supervise the hostels in his or her Khand in matters relating to the hostels' overall functioning, the resident-students' welfare and discipline.
He will periodically visit the hostels and be in contact with the Wardens, staff and students.
He will encourage sports and cultural and other activities at the Khand level so as to promote inter-hostel cooperation.
He can permit stay of any guest for more than 14 days according to hostel norms.
The Provost can impose fines (up to the limit set in List of Rates) or waive fines and take other disciplinary actions, including the ordering of eviction of a resident from the hostel for reasons to be recorded in writing.
The Provost in consultation with the Senior Warden will make recommendations to the Dean of Students for the distribution of work between Wardens in a hostel every year in January.
He will sanction/recommend leave to Wardens in the Khand as per rules.
The Provost's prior approval is required for a warden to take leave from hostel.
Provosts are to ensure compliance by Minimum Wage Act and the terms and conditions of contract entered into by the IHA with the private manpower service provider in regard to contract labour/staff engaged in mess, sanitation, caretaking and security services, etc at the hostel/ khand level.