1992 BSc (Hons) Chemistry St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi, India
1994 BA (Tripos) Natural Sciences Pembroke College, University of Cambridge, UK
1998 PhD (Biochemistry) Pembroke College, University of Cambridge, UK
1998 MA (Honorary) Pembroke College, University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Ranganathan’s Laboratory has invented codon-shuffling, a novel method for the directed evolution of proteins, using which a de novo protein was unearthed that was able to disrupt ICAM dimerisation and block host cell invasion by both Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Plasmodium falciparum. The major objectives of this research group are as follows:
1. To study the role of host ICAMs in cell invasion by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Plasmodium falciparum.
2. To discover new molecules for TB therapy.
3. To focus on the emergence of Plasmodium falciparum resistance and the repurposing of existing drugs against artemisinin-resistant Plasmodium falciparum.
4. To discover de-novo peptide binders against target proteins of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Plasmodium falciparum, and Leishmania donovani.
1998-1999, Post-doctoral fellow Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, UK
1999-2015, Staff Research Scientist, Recombinant Gene Products Group, International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), New Delhi, India
2015-2019, Associate Professor, Special Centre for Molecular Medicine, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
2019- , Professor, Special Centre for Molecular Medicine, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
- Young Scientist, World Economic Forum, for the New Champions Summit, 2012
- Young Scientist Medal of the Indian National Science Academy, 2007
- Young Scientist Medal of the UDCT, India, 2006
- Associate Fellow, Indian Academy of Sciences, 2003-06
- Pembroke College Cambridge Scholarship, 1995
- Cambridge Nehru Centenary Fellowship, 1992
- Chaurasiya, A., Kumari, G., Garg, S., Shoaib, R., Anam, Z., Joshi, N., Kumari, J., Singhal, J., Singh, N., Kaushik, S., Kahlon, AK., Dubey, N., Maurya, MK., Srivastava, P., Marothia, M., Joshi, P., Gupta, K., Saini, S., Das, G., Bhattacharjee, S., Singh, S*., Ranganathan, A*. 2022. Targeting Artemisinin-Resistant Malaria by Repurposing the Anti-Hepatitis C Virus Drug Alisporivir. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 66(12): e0039222.
- Anam, Z., Kumari, G., Mukherjee, S., Rex, DAB., Biswas, S., Maurya, P., Ravikumar, S., Gupta, N., Kushawaha, AK., Sah, RK., Chaurasiya, A., Singhal, J., Singh, N., Kaushik, S., Prasad, TSK., Pati, S., Ranganathan, A.*, Singh, S*. 2022. Complementary crosstalk between palmitoylation and phosphorylation events in MTIP regulates its role during Plasmodium falciparum invasion. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 12:924424.
- Singhal, J*., Madan, E., Chaurasiya, A., Srivastava, P., Singh, N., Kaushik, S., Kahlon, AK., Maurya, MK., Marothia, M., Joshi, P., Ranganathan, A*. and Singh, S*. 2022. Host SUMOylation Pathway Negatively Regulates Protective Immune Responses and Promotes Leishmania donovani Survival. Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 12:878136.
- Chaurasiya, A., Garg, S., Khanna, A., Narayana, C., Dwivedi, VP., Joshi, N., Anam, ZE., Singh, N., Singhal, J., Kaushik, S., Kahlon, AK, Srivastava, P., Marothia, M., Kumar, M., Kumar, S., Kumari, G., Munjal, A., Gupta, S., Singh, P., Pati, S., Dag, G., Sagar, R., Ranganathan, A*., Singh, S*. 2021. Pathogen induced subversion of NAD+ metabolism mediating host cell death: a target for development of chemotherapeutics. Cell Death Discov. 7:10.
- Anam, ZE., Joshi, N., Gupta, S., Yadav, P., Chaurasiya, A., Kahlon, AK., Kaushik, S., Munde, M., Ranganathan, A*., Singh, S*. 2020. A De novo Peptide from a High Throughput Peptide Library Blocks Myosin A -MTIP Complex Formation in Plasmodium falciparum. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21(17):6158.
- Singh, DK., Dwivedi, VP., Singh, SP., Kumari, A., Sharma, SK., Ranganathan, A., Van Kaer, L., Das, G. 2020. Luteolin-mediated Kv1.3 K+ channel inhibition augments BCG vaccine efficacy against tuberculosis by promoting central memory T cell responses in mice. PLoS Pathog. 16:9.
- Ahmad, S., Bhattacharya, D., Kar, S., Ranganathan, A., Van Kaer, L., Das, G. 2019. Curcumin Nanoparticles Enhance Mycobacterium bovis BCG Vaccine Efficacy by Modulating Host Immune Responses. Infect. Immun. 87:11.
- Prakash, P., Zeeshan, M., Saini, E., Muneer, A., Khurana, S., Chourasia, BK., Deshmukh, A., Kaur, I., Dabra, S., Singh, N., Anam, Z., Chaurasiya, A., Kaushik, S., Dahiya, P., Kalamuddin, M., Thakur, JK., Mohmmed, A., Ranganathan, A.*, Malhotra, P*. 2017. Human Cyclophilin B forms part of a multi-protein complex during erythrocyte invasion by Plasmodium falciparum. Nat Commun. 8(1):1548.
- Singh, DK., Dwivedi, VP., Ranganathan, A., Bishai, WR., Kaer, LV., Das, G. 2016. Blockade of the Kv1.3 K+ channel enhances BCG vaccine efficacy by expanding central memory T lymphocytes. J. Infec. Dis. 214, 1456-64.
- Bhalla, K., Chugh, M., Mehrotra, S., Rathore, S., Tousif, S., Dwivedi, VP., Prakash, P., Samuchiwal, SK., Kumar, S., Singh, DK., Ghanwat, S., Kumar, D., Das, G., Mohmmed, A., Malhotra, P.*, Ranganathan A*. 2015. Host ICAMs play a role in cell invasion by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Plasmodium falciparum. Nat Commun. 6:6049.
Total Published Research Articles in National/International Journals: 31
- Book, fiction: The Land of the Wilted Rose (Rupa, 2012)
- Book, fiction: For Love and Honour (Bloomsbury, 2015)
- Fiction: The Rat Eater (Bloomsbury, 2019)
- Fiction: Souffle (Penguin, 2023)
- Non-fiction: Hindus in Hindu Rashtra (BluOne Ink, 2023)
- Non-fiction: India’s Forgotten Scientists (Penguin, 2024 slated).