B.A. with specialisation in English and French Literature from Sri Aurobindo International Center of Education (SAICE), Pondicherry. Awarded “Meilleure Elève” for excellent performance in three consecutive years at college 1997-1999.
M.A. in French with specialization in French Literature. CGPA: 8.31 (First Class), Centre of French and Francophone Studies, J.N.U. New Delhi, 2000-2002.
M.A. in English Language and Literature from Annamalai University (distance mode), 2001-2003, First Class.
Ph.D. in French. Title of thesis: “La vision mythique de Jovette marchessault dans la trilogie Comme une enfant de la terre” (The Mythical Vision of Jovette Marchessault in the trilogy Like a Child of the Earth”), under the supervision of Dr. Vijayalakshmi Rao, CFFS, SLL&CS, JNU, 2007.
Certificate Course in Spanish, from the Department of Languages, University of Calcutta, 2011.
NET and JRF qualified in French, 2003
Visiting Fellow, University of Sheffield, U.K. 2012-2013.
19th and 20th Century French Literature, Contemporary French and Francophone Women’s Writing, Re-writing of Mythology, Francophone Immigrant Writing from Asia.
Professor, CFFS, SLL &CS, J.N.U. 6th Sep. 2023 till date.
Associate Professor, Department of Languages (French), 04-06-2020 to 05-09-2023.
Assistant Professor Stage III, Department of Languages (French): 04-06-2017 to 03-06-2020.
Assistant Professor Stage II, Department of Languages (French): 04-06-2012 to 03-06-2017
Assistant Professor Stage I, Department of Languages (French): 04-06-2008 to 03-06-2012.
Administrative experience:
Head, Department of Languages (French, Nov 2020-Oct 2022).
Head, Department of French (Dec 2010 – 05-09-2023).
Member of Board of Postgraduate Studies for French, University of Calcutta (2012 till date);
Chairperson of the Undergraduate Board of Studies for French, C.U (2021 t0 5-9-2023)
Member of Board for Postgraduate Studies, Department of Languages, University of Burdwan (2017 till date);
Member of Board for Undergraduate Board of Studies, Department of Languages, University of Burdwan (2021-5-9-2023)
Member Representative of the Shastri Indo Canadian Institute, New Delhi from the University of Calcutta (2018 till date)
Member of the Senate, University of Calcutta (2012 till 5-09-2023);
Convener of the Ph.D. committee for French (2011-2023)
Member of the Ph.D. committee for Department of Russian, University of Calcutta (2018-2022).
- Oct 2022: Award of Exceptional Teacher for French, University category, from Eastern India by the Embassy of France in India.
- Feb 2022: Shastri Conference Award for International Conference on “Contemporary Fiction, Québec and Bengal - Cross Cultural Perspectives” by the Shastri Indo Canadian Institute, New Delhi.
- Sep 2018: Shastri Mobility Programme Award to work on a research project - “Demystifying Gender roles, Re-Writing Mythology in the Feminine: A Study of francophone Quebec and Indian Women Writers” by the Shastri Indo Canadian Institute, New Delhi.
- Sep 2017-2020: Fellowship for Major project (16 lakhs) by the UGC, research topic - “The Surreal in South East Asian Francophone Women’s Writing.
- 2014: French Embassy in India fellowship from 22nd April 2014 to 5th May 2014 at CIEP, France for “stage pédagogique” or Faculty Training Programme.
- 2013-14: “Threshold level” award of Marie Curie Research Fellowship (2014-15), European Commission. Project on “Maternal Heritage: Mythology in Contemporary Indian and Francophone Women’s Writing”.
- 2011-12: French Government Faculty Enrichment fellowship sponsored by the French Embassy in India, for two-week training at the University Stendhal-Grenoble, France.
- 2005-06: Shastri Indo-Canadian Doctoral fellowship 2004-2005: to pursue Doctoral studies at the University of Montreal, under Dr. Catherine Mavrikakis, for a duration of 6 months.
- 2002-2007: University Grants Commission awarded the Junior Research Fellowship for as per U.G.C. Junior scale (2 years) and senior scale (3 years), for pursuing 5-year doctoral program in an Indian University.
- 1997-1999: Award of “Meilleure Elève” after completion of three year at college for being the best student or “Meilleure Élève” for three consecutive years at college of the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, Pondicherry.
- 2023 May-June: collaboration and member of the 16th Annual International Conference on Literature organised by Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece. Paper presented: “The Uncanny in Yoko Ogawa’s Revenge and Linda Lê’s Autres Jeux avec le feu”.
- 10-04-2019: Invited lecture at the Department of Sciences des Religions, in the University of Quebec in Montreal, 10th April 2019, as part of the programme, “Les midis conférences”.« Récriture des mythes au féminin dans Paradis sur terre de Deepa Mehta” (“ Re-Writing of mythology in the feminine in the film Heaven on Earth, by Deepa Mehta”).
- 2022 onwards: Member of the International Comparative Literature Association. Part of their conferences and seminars based in international cities.
- 09-06-22: invited for lecture at the International One Day Conference on Ananda Devi, organised by the University of Silesia, Poland. Title of lecture : « The Fantastic in the Novels of Ananda Devi ».
- 2012-2013: Member of the International project, “Motherhood in post-1968 European Women’s Writing: Cross Cultural and Interdisciplinary Dialogues”, IMLR, University of London;
- 2012 -2013: Visiting fellow at the University of Sheffield, U.K., collaboration for the workshop: “A Body of Individuals” organized by the Migration, Culture and Community research Cluster at the School of Languages and Cultures, University of Sheffield.
- Chapter (book), international, French: « L’Histoire des grands-mères: subjectivité, généalogie et langue au féminin dans Comme une enfant de la terre et La Mère des herbes de Jovette Marchessault et Pratham Pratisruti d’Ashapurna Devi. » in the book titled : De l’invisible au visible l’imaginaire de Jovette Marchessault. Ed. Roseanna Dufault and Celita Lamar. p. 169-182. Publisher : les Editions du remue-ménage, Quebec et Paris, 2012. ISBN : 978-2-89091-357-8, (e-pub) ISBN : 978-2-89091-358-5.
- Translation in French : « Jibanananda Das : présenté et traduit du bengali et de l’anglais par Mohar Daschaudhuri et Laurent Jenny », Revue Po&sie, no. 172-173, ISBN : 978-2410016. https://www.belin-editeur.com/poesie. No. 172-173, p. 69-73. Published by Cairn, France.
- Article (Journal): “Re-écrire la mythologie au féminin: une étude linguistique de la trilogie, Comme une Enfant de la Terre de Jovette Marchessault »/ [‘Re-Writing Mythology in the Feminine :Transforming Cultural Capital in Nabaneeta Dev Sen’s Sita Theke Shuru and Louky Bersianik’s Picnic on the Acropolis’]. Peer-reviewed and Refereed journal - Réflexions, Vol 1, 2014, p. 38-55. ISSN : 2320-0677, EFL University, Hyderabad.
- Article in French: « Quête d’une divinité au féminin: le rapport mère-fille dans ‘Des cailloux blancs pour les forêts obscures’ de Jovette Marchessault et ‘Gandharvi’ de Bani Basu »/ ‘White Pebbles for Dark Forests’ by Jovette Marchessault and Gandharvi by Bani Basu. Journal : Synergies Inde, Vol 3, 2008, p. 49-61. Published by presses de Zaklad, Pologne. Included in UGC Care List 1- « Arts and Humanities ». Serial no. 406, ISSN : 1951-6436, p. 49-61.
- Article in French - “Réécriture des mythes au féminin dans Le Paradis sur terre de Deepa Mehta” / “The Re-Writing of Mythology in the Feminine in Heaven on Earth by Deepa Mehta”. Journal- Caraivéti, Vol VI, Issue 2, July-Dec 2022, pg. 59-72. UGC CARE list-1, serial no. 7, ‘Multidisciplinary’. Peer reviewed and Refereed. ISSN: 2456-9690
- Article in French- “La femme dans la ville: Calcutta dans trois romans bengalis”/ « The Woman in the City : Calcutta in Three Bengali Novels ». Journal : Synergies Inde, Vol 10, p. 39-52, Dec 2021. ISSN : 1951-6436, E-ISSN : 2260-8060. UGC Care Journal, list-1, serial no. 406 « Arts and Humanities ».
- Article In French: “L’Inquiétante étrangeté et le double dans l’écriture migrante: les cas de Ying Chen et de Linda Lê”/ “Uncanny and the Double in Migrant Writing - A Study of Ying Chen and Linda Lê”. Journal : Interfaces Brasil/Canada, Revista Bresileires de estudos canadenses, Vol. 20, 2020, p.1-19, e20.23. E-ISSN: 1984-5677. UGC-CARE Group 2, Web of Science International double blind peer-reviewed journal. Print: ISSN: 1519-0994, (DOAJ: Directory Indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index: Thomson Reuters. Publisher: editorial unilasalle, AV Victor Barreto 288, Caroas, Brazil-92010-000. Citation index: 0.04 (2021); 0.11(2020). DOI: Https://DOI.ORG/10.15210/INTERFACES/V2010
- Article in English: “Re-Writing the Myth of Draupadi in Pratibha Ray’s ‘Yajnaseni’ and Chitra Bannerjee Divakaruni’s ‘The Palace of Illusions’. Journal: Athens Journal of Philology, Vol 7, Issue 3, September 2020, p. 171-188. Double blind Peer-reviewed International Journal, listed in The National Library of Greece. E-ISSN: 2241-8385. Doi=10.30958/ajp.7-3-2
- Article in French : « L’exil et le fantastique dans l’œuvre de Ying Chen et d’Ananda Devi » / « Exile and the Fantastic in the Works of Ananda Devi and Ying Chen ». Journal : Synergies Inde, Vol. 9, 2020, p. 103-120. UGC-CARE list-1. ISSN : 1951-6436, E-ISSN : 2260-8060. UGC Care Journal, list-1, serial no. 406 « Arts and Humanities ».