R. K. Agrawal
Centre/School/Special Centre
School of Computer & Systems Sciences
Room No
Off. Phone
rka@mail.jnu.ac.in , rkajnu@gmail.com
Personal Webpage
Personal files
M. Tech, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Ph. D, University of Delhi, Delhi
Areas of Interest/Specialization
Data Mining, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Medical Imaging and Information Security
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=w3HUzy-W9GYC&hl=en
Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=35291228900
Orcid Id: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3122-5096
Chief Coordinator Communication & Information Services, August, 2022 – till date
Dean, School of Engineering: January 2018-January, 2020
Dean, School of Computer & Systems Sciences: July 2015-July 2017
Teaching Experience: 30 years
Best Peer Reviewed Publications
- Agrawal R. K., (with D Kumar, Puneet Kumar), Fast and robust spatial fuzzy bounded k-plane clustering method for human brain MRI image segmentation, Applied Soft Computing, 133, 109939 (2023)
- Agrawal R. K., (with Baljeet Kaur, Swati Rathi), Enhanced Depression Detection from Speech using Quantum Whale Optimization Algorithm for Feature Selection, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 150, 106122, November (2022)
- Agrawal R. K., (with Baljeet Kaur, Parul Agarwal), Multi-objective particle swarm optimization with guided exploration for multimodal problems, Applied Soft Computing, 120, 108684, (2022)
- Agrawal R. K., (with D Kumar, Puneet Kumar), Bias-corrected intuitionistic fuzzy c-means with spatial neighborhood information approach for human brain MRI image segmentation, IEEE Transaction on Fuzzy Systems, 30 (3), 687-700 (2022)
- Agrawal R. K., (with Harsh Bhasin), Triploid genetic algorithm for convolutional neural network–based diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer's & Dementia, (2022)
- Agrawal R. K., (with Swati Rathi, Baljeet Kaur), Selection of Relevant Visual Feature Sets for Enhanced Depression Detection using Incremental Linear Discriminant Analysis. Multimedia Tools Appl. 81(13), 17703-17727 (2022)
- Agrawal R. K., (with Baljeet Kaur, Parul Agarwal), Quantum inspired Particle Swarm Optimization with guided exploration for function optimization, Applied Soft Computing, 102, 107122, (2021)
- Agrawal R. K., (with Akshansh Gupta, Jyoti Singh Kirar, Andreu Perez Javier, Weiping Ding, Chin-Teng Lin, Mukesh Prasad), On the Utility of Power Spectral Techniques with Feature Selection Techniques for Effective Mental Task Classification in Noninvasive BCI, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 51 (5), 3080-3092, (2021)
- Agrawal R. K., (with Baljeet Kaur, Surbhi Sharma), Quantum based Whale Optimization Algorithm for Wrapper Feature Selection, Applied Soft Computing, 89, 106092, (2020)
- Agrawal R. K., (with Navjot Singh, Rinki Arya), A novel approach for salient object detection using double-density dual-tree complex wavelet transform in conjunction with superpixel segmentation, Knowledge and Information Systems, 60 (1), 327-361,(2019)
Recent Peer Reviewed Journals/Books
- Agrawal R. K., (with Jyoti Singh Kirar), A combination of spectral graph theory and quantum genetic algorithm to find relevant set of electrodes for motor imagery classification, Applied Soft Computing, 97(Part B), 105519, (2020)
- Agrawal R. K., (with Akshansh Gupta, Jyoti Singh Kirar, Baljeet Kaur, Weiping Ding, Chin-Teng Lin, Andreu Perez Javier, Mukesh Prasad), A hierarchical meta-model for multi-class mental task based braincomputer interfaces, Neurocomputing, 389, 207-217, (2020)
- Agrawal R. K., (with Hanuman Verma, Aditi Sharan), An improved intuitionistic fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm incorporating local information for brain image segmentation. Applied Soft Computing, 46: 543-557 (2016)
- Agrawal R. K., (with B Rana, A Juneja, M Saxena, S Gudwani, SS Kumaran, Madhuri Bihari), Regions-of-Interest based Automated Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease using T1-weighted MRI, Expert Systems with Applications, 42 (9), 4506 4516 (2015)
- Agrawal R. K., (with Navjot Singh, Rinki Arya), A novel approach to combine features for salient object detection using constrained particle swarm optimization. Pattern Recognition 47 (4), 1731-1739 (2014)
Patents (if any)