C. Upender Rao
Centre/School/Special Centre
School of Sanskrit and Indic Studies
Room No
Off. Phone
011-26704130, 26742596
upendra@mail.jnu.ac.in, skt.scholar@gmail.com
Personal Webpage
B.A. (Osmania University) Vyakarana B.Ed. (Rastriya Sanskrit Sansthan, Tirupati campus) Vyakarana M.A. (Sanskrit) (Osmania University, Hyderabad) M.Phil. (Sanskrit) (Osmania University, Hyderabad) M.A. (Pali and Buddhist Studies) Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. Ph.D. (Pali and Buddhist Studies). Osmania University, Hyderabad Elementary Course 1992, and Advanced Course, 1996, in Prakrit language and literature. ( Bhogilal Leherchand Institute of Indology, Delhi.) |
Areas of Interest/Specialization
1. Sanskrit language and poetics,
2. Pali and Early Buddhist philosophy, 3. Creative writing in Sanskrit language. |
Total 19 years
Awards & Honours
1. Kadambari Award for contribution in the field of Sanskrit Litrature, presented by Akhila Bharateeya Vidvat Prishad, Kashi, on 18-11-2012.
2."Delhi Gourav" samman from Mr. Harish Rawat, Central Cabinet Minister, in a glittering public ceremony, in 2014 3. Gold Medal awarded for standing first in M. A. Sanskrit from Osmania University, Hyderabad. 4. Gold Medal awarded for standing first in M.A. in Pali and Buddhist Studies from Banaras Hindu University. 5. Gold Medal awarded for Ph.D. thesis on Pali literature from Osmania University. |
International Collaboration/Consultancy
1. Delivered series of lectures on Indian philosophy and Sanskrit for the students of department of philosophy and religious studies and department of culture studies at NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF KYIV-MOHYLA ACADEMY, AT KYIV, UKRAINE From 9-22, March, 2010.
2. Khyentse Foundation as part of the ‘Buddhist Literary heritage Project’ (BLHP) has granted the translation project of “Meeting of the Father and Son” (Arya pita putra samvada sutra). This is a one of first pilot translations to bring the Buddhist Literary Heritage Project to a good start. Khenpo Kalsang Gyaltsen, Tibetan monk in New York, USA, Prof. Ani Kunga Chodron, Assistant research professor in the Department of Religion, in ‘The George Washington University’, USA and myself (Prof. C. Upender Rao) from JNU have planned this project to translate Buddhist Sutras from Tibetan and Sanskrit languages to English. 3. New translation grant from “Buddhist Literary Heritage Project (BLHP)” the translation of smaller Mahayana sutrs from Tibetan and Sanskrit into English. Khenpo Kalsang Gyaltsen, Tibetan monk in New York, USA, Prof. Ani Kunga Chodron, Assistant research professor in the Department of Religion, in ‘The George Washington University’, USA and me (dr. c. upender rao) from JNU are part of this project. 4. Invited to guide the Ph. D. scholars and deliver lectures at L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan from 12 to 21, May, 2011. 5. Visiting Professor, Belarus State University, in Minsk, Belarus, May, 2013. |
Best Peer Reviewed Publications
1. Pali Sahityam Loni Dighanikayam lo Tatvika Dhoranulu (BOOK IN TELUGU) Published in 1997
2. Vangmaya Vallari (BOOK IN SANSKRIT) (Compilation of my own research article in Sanskrit) Published in 2008. 3. “The influence of “Gandavyuhasutra” on “Bodhicaryavatara” a research paper in English was published page 474-483, in the year of 2008, in Tsyrendorzhiyev Readings-2008 from A. Krymsky Institute of Oriental Studies of the National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine. 4. “A Critical Study of ‘Ajita Kesakambali and his Philosophical Views” A research article published in “Sanskrit Studies” Vol.1, Journal of Special Centre for Sanskrit Studies J.N.U. New Delhi. 2004-05. 5. “Environmental awareness in Sutapitaka of Pali literature” , a research paper in Sanskrit was published in English in “Sumedhah” a journal of dept. of Sanskrit, Pali and Prakrit, Vishwabharati, Shantiniketan, 2008-09, from page no. 132-135. |
Recent Peer Reviewed Journals/Books
1. “Shantideva and Bodhicharyavatara”, a book, Published by Eastern Book Linkers, Daryagunj, Delhi, India. 2013
2. Guruparampara (short Sanskrit poem) Prithvi prakashan, Munirka, New Delhi 2014 3. "Bhartrihari Nitishatakam" (Sanskrit), (extensive translation in three languages with grammatical notes and useful exercises of 50 verses out of 100 verses on morals and ethics written by famous poet Bhartrihari in Sanskrit), Rastriya Sanskrit Sanssthan, New Delhi, 2009. |
Patents (if any)