Vimal Khawas
Centre/School/Special Centre
Special Centre for the Study of North East India
Room No
vimalkhawas@mail.jnu.ac.in, prof.vimalkhawas@gmail.com
Personal Webpage
MA (Geography), MPlan (Urban and Regional Planning), PhD (CIPOD/SIS/JNU)
Areas of Interest/Specialization
- South Asian Borderlands with particular focus on the Himalaya and North-East India
- Environmental Security with emphasis on Water Resource Management
- Climate Change Studies with focus on Community Vulnerability, Resilience and Adaptation/Mitigation
- Disaster Management with particular interest on the Application of Traditional Knowledge in Disaster Risk Reduction
- Human Security, Regional Planning and Development
- Professor, Special Centre for the Study of NE India, JNU, 03 July 2023 – till date
- Associate Professor, Dept of Peace and Conflict Studies and Management, Sikkim University, August 21, 2017- June 30, 2023
- Assistant Professor, Dept of Geography, Sikkim University March 29, 2013-August 20, 2017
- Assistant Professor, School of Policy Planning and Studies, Sikkim University, August 27, 2010 – March 28, 2013
- Associate Fellow (equivalent to Assistant Professor), Sikkim University, August 22, 2007 – August 26, 2010
- Associate Fellow (equivalent to Assistant Professor), Council for Social Development, New Delhi, May 16, 2005 - August 14, 2007
- Executive Member, Hills and Mountain Forum, New Delhi, March 01, 2004 - May 15, 2005
- Research Associate, Centre for Development Alternatives, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, February 01, 2003 – February 29, 2004.
Awards & Honours
Climate Change Leadership Programme, LEAD-India, 2009
International Collaboration/Consultancy
Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research [https://www.apn-gcr.org/person/vimal-khawas/]
Best Peer Reviewed Publications
- Kafle, H., Khaitu, S., Khawas, Vimal et al, (2023), Historical drought and its trend in South Asia: Spatial and temporal analysis 2000-2020. APN Science Bulletin, 12(1). doi:10.30852/sb.2022.2022
- Khawas, Vimal, (2021), Environment and Development in the Upper Tista Basin, Sikkim Himalaya. IRGS Policy Paper Series on Himalayan Studies. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung India and Shiv Nadar University, Delhi NCR
- Rai, Pribat and Vimal Khawas, (2019), Traditional knowledge system in disaster risk reduction: Exploration, acknowledgement and proposition, Jàmbá - Journal of Disaster Risk Studies, 11(1), 1-7
- Khawas, Vimal, 2009, The Project of Gorkhaland, Social Change, 39 (3): 435-439
- Khawas, Vimal ,(2007), Global Warming and Climate Change: Implications for Human Security of India, Social Change, 37 (3): 92-119
- Khawas, Vimal, (2005), Urbanisation in the North-East: Patterns, trends and policy prongs, Social Change, 35 (2): 47-69, June [ISSN 0049-0857]
- Mahadevia, Darshini, and Vimal Khawas, (2005), Gender Budgeting-Impact of Policies andProgramme on Women and Agricultural Households in Gujarat, Discussion Paper Series: 9, New Delhi: United Nations Development Programme.
- Kurian, NJ and Vimal Khawas, 2007, Financing National Minimum Social Security, Social Change, 37(1): 17-30
- Khawas, Vimal, 2005, Conservation and Management of Water Resource in Sikkim Himalaya: some suggestions, Spatio-Economic Development Record, 12 (4): 27-31, July-August.
- Khawas, Vimal, 2003, Environment and Rural Development in Darjeeling Himalaya: Issues and Concerns, Spatio-Economic Development Record, 10 (2): 27-33, March-April [ISSN 0971-4944]
Recent Peer Reviewed Journals/Books
- Khawas, Vimal, 2024, Teesta Disaster: A Human-Made Catastrophe and the Lessons Learnt, The Rising Asia, January – April, 4 (1).
- Dahal, Dilliram and Khawas, Vimal, 2023, Increasing Incidences of Acute Diarrhoeal Diseases in Sikkim, India, Deccan Geographer, June - December, 61 (1&2): 105-115.
- Sharma, Kabindra, Rajiv Gurung, and Vimal Khawas, 2023, India-China Cross-border Trade Options: Via Nathu-La and Possible Resumption of Historic Jelep-La Route, Rising Asia Journal, 3 (1): 60-101.
- Kafle, H., Khaitu, S., Khawas, Vimal, et al, (2023), Historical drought and its trend in South Asia: Spatial and temporal analysis 2000-2020. APN Science Bulletin, 12(1). doi:10.30852/sb.2022.2022
- (2022), Depleting Water Resources and Agriculture in Darjeeling Hills: Exploring the critical nexus, Journal of India Water Works Association, Mumbai, India, Vol- LIV No-4, Oct-Dec
- Khawas, Vimal, (2021), Environment and Development in the Upper Tista Basin, Sikkim Himalaya. IRGS Policy Paper Series on Himalayan Studies. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung India and Shiv Nadar University, Delhi NCR
Books/Monograph: - Bhaswati Das and Vimal Khawas (Eds) (2009), Gender Issues in Development: Concerns for the 21st Century, Jaipur: Rawat Publication.
- Sakarama Somayaji and Vimal Khawas (Eds) (2012), Environment, Development and Social Change in the Himalayan Region, New Delhi: Aakangsha Publication
- Khawas, Vimal, 2021, The Need for a Sustainable Political Solutions to the Century old Gorkha Aspirations. Paachgothay Foundation, Kalimpong [Policy Brief]
- Khawas, Vimal, 2006, Socio-economic Condition of Tea Garden Labourers in Darjeeling Hills, Monograph, New Delhi: Council for Social Development.