Ph. D in Social Psychology of Education (1996) from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.
Post Doc from University of California, San Diego, USA (2006-2007).
Culture, Cognition and Mathematics (with focus on Numeracy Practices in tribal communities in India and among the Immigrant Communities in UK)
Social Theories of Learning including Cultural Historical Activity Theory
Curriculum and Pedagogy
Multilingual Education and Child Right Discourse
Social Identity Processes among Ethnic Minority Communities
Culture and Creative Processes
Tribal Education
- Chairperson of Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies, School of Social Science, JNU (from 13th February 2023- Continuing)
- Visiting Professor, International and Transcultural Studies, Department of Comparative Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, USA (August 2019 to June 2020)
- Coordinator of the Centre for Advanced Study (CAS), ZHCES, JNU from (2015-2019)
- Chairperson of Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies, SSS, JNU (2014-2016)
- Visiting Professor at the Centre for Mathematics Education, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK: September 2009 to April 2010.
- Visiting Faculty at the Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition (LCHC), University of California, San Diego: December 2006 to August 2007.
- Professor in Social Psychology of Education in ZHCES, SSS, JNU from 1-02-2012 (Continuing)
- Associate Professor in Social Psychology of Education in ZHCES, SSS, JNU from 21-01-2006 to 1-02-2012.
- Assistant Professor in Social Psychology of Education in ZHCES, SSS, JNU from 26-4-1999 to 21-01-2006.
- Lecturer in Psychology, Department of Education of Groups with Special Needs, NCERT, New Delhi, 11-7-1997 to 26-4-1999.
- Consultant to Government of India for Tribal Education, District Primary Education Programme, Ministry of Human Resource Development, New Delhi. 1996-1997.
- Received Fulbright-Nehru Academic Excellence Award for the year 2019-2020.
- Chairperson of the Committee for the Social Policy, National Academy of Psychology (NAOP), India
- Advisor to the Ministry of Tribal Affairs (MOTA), New Delhi, India (2013)
- Head of the Task force for Tribal Education for the 11th Five Year Plan, MHRD.
- Trustee, Language and Development Conference (LDC), British Council
- Editorial Board Member of the Springer Journal, “Cultural Cognitive Science”
- Editorial Board Member of the peer reviewed international journal, “The Journal of Multilingual Education” by Springer.
- Editorial Board Member of the Indian Journal of “Language and Language Teaching”
- Executive Council (EC) member of the International Association of Cross Cultural Psychology (IACCP) for 2010-2012.
- Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellowship for the year 2009-2010.
- Fulbright Senior Research Fellowship from J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FSB), USA for the year 2006-2007.
- Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) and Junior Research Fellow (JRF) from University Grants Commission, New Delhi (1991-1995)
- Editor of MLE News Letter “Swara”, Published by NMRC, JNU, Delhi
- Social Psychology Convener of National Academy of Psychology (NAOP), India.
- Member, Departmental Advisory Board NCERT, Delhi in three Different Departments in last 12 years
- Member of TAC of Social Sciences Division of ISI Kolkata for five years (2011-2014)
Co-Investigator of the JNU-Cambridge University project on “Multilingualism and Multiliteracy: Raising learning outcomes in challenging contexts in primary schools across India”, funded by ESRC, United Kingdom. Period: 2015-2020
Project Director of the JNU-Heidelberg research project on the “New Directions in ‘Active Ageing’ and ‘Age-Friendly Culture’ in India and Germany” funded under UGC-DAAD programme. . Period: 2016-2020
Principal Investigator of the research project titled, “Women, Art and Knowledge: A Study of Raghurajpur Village in Odisha” funded under University with Potential for Excellence II, JNU. Period: 2016-2019
Principal Investigator of the research project titled, “A Sociolinguistic Survey of Sirohi District, Rajastan” funded by Room to Read. Period: 2016
Principal Investigator of the research project titled, “Sociological and pedagogical barriers to Early Grade Reading (EGR) in Uttar Pradesh and Odisha” supported by Care India under the Girls Education Program. Period: 2014-2015
Director of the International Research Programme, “MLE Plus: Breaking the Language and Culture Barrier in Multilingual Education of Tribal Children in Orissa” awarded by Bernard van Leer Foundation, The Netherlands. Period:
Director of the National Multilingual Education Resource Consorsium (NMRC), JNU funded for two terms by UNICEF, India. Period: 2009-2013
Director of the International Collaborative Project titled, “From Mother Tongue to Other Tongue: Facilitating Transition In Multilingual Education Of Tribal Children In India”, awarded by Bernard van Leer Foundation, The Netherlands. Period: 2007-2011.
Principal Investigator of the “Longitudinal Study of MLE programmes in Odisha and Andhra Pradesh”, funded by NCERT, Delhi. Period: 2009-2011
Co-ordinator of the JNU-University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario, Canada) Collaboration on Multilingual Education. The contact person from UWO is Prof. Shelley Taylor. Period: 2008-2012
Principal Investigator of the NCERT funded project titled, “An Ethnographic Study of Mathematics Learning among Tribals (Saoras) in Odisha. Period: 1997-1998
- Panda, M. (2012). ‘Bridging’ and ‘Exit’ as Metaphors of Multilingual Education: A Constructionist Analysis. Psychological Studies, Vol. 57, No.2. (Springer Journal)
- Panda, M. (2012). Cultures, Discursive Practices and Literacy work in the families: Why is mathematics important to Indian immigrant communities. Psychology and Developing Society, Vol. 24, No. 2. (Sage Journal)
- Panda, Minati & Mohanty, A. K. (2015). ‘Language-in-education Policy and Practice in India: Experiments on Multilingual Education for Tribal Children’. In Androula Yiakoumetti (Ed.) Multilingualism and Language in Education: Sociolinguistic and Pedagogical Perspectives from Commonwealth Countries, Cambridge University Press,
- Panda, M. (2007). Saora Culture, As-if Discourse and Mathematics Learning. In Gang Zheng, Kwok Leung & John Adair (Eds.). Perspectives and progress in contemporary cross-cultural psychology. Beijing: China Light Industry Press.
- Panda, M. (2013). Madhyam Marg: How it Constitutes Indian Mind. Psychology and Developing Society, Vol. 25, No. 1. Pp. 77-107 (Sage Journal)
- Mohanty, A K., Panda, M., Skutnabb-Kangas, T. & Phillipson, R. (2009). Multilingual Education for Social Justice: Globalising the Local. New Delhi: Orient Blackswan.
- Skutnabb-Kangas, T., Phillipson, R.Social, Mohanty, A K. and Panda, M. (2009). Justice through Multilingual Education. UK: Multilingual Matters
- Vyas, Vandana & Panda, Minati (2019). Reification of collective victimhood: Dalit narratives, social repositioning and transformation. Psychology and developing society (Special Issue on “Relative Deprivation and Collective Victimhood”), Vol. 31, No. 1. p. 1-33.