Ph D in Chemistry from Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, INDIA
Chemistry and Climate Change, Atmospheric Dust, Air Pollution Transport and Chemical Transformations, PrecipitationChemistry, Reactive Nitrogen, Air Pollution Biomonitoring, Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Bioaerosols, Metal Aerosols, Carbonaceous aerosols, Holistic Environment.
26 years
- Fellow, Indian Geophysical Union.
- Member, Environmental Pollution Control Authority ((EPCA).
- Assessor, National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC).
- Member EIA Accreditation Committee, NABET (Quality Council of India).
- Member, Advisory Committee of Knowledge and Awareness Mapping Platform [KAMP] – A Knowledge Alliance with CSIR-NISTADS.
- Editor-in-chief, Current World Environment journal.
- Deputy Director, South Asian Nitrogen Center.
- LEAP Trained Faculty under MHRD-Leadership for Academicians Programme
- Vice President, Society for Conservation of Nature (SCON).
- Associate Fellow of Andhra Pradesh Academy of Sciences.
- Expert Reviewer of IPCC AR5 (WG1).
- Member, Academic Committee, Indian Military Academy (IMA), Dehradun.
- Member, Academic Committee, Naval Academy (INA), Ezimala.
- Member, Research Degree Committee, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar.
- Member, Research Degree Committee Member, , DEI, Dayalbagh, Agra.
- Member BoS, Studies, Department of Political and Social Sciences, DEI, Dayalbagh, Agra.
- Ex-Member, Academic Committee, College of Military Engg., Pune.
- Ex-Member, Academic Advisory Board, TERI.
- Ex-Member, MHRD-GIAN, Sectional Committee for Earth & Environ. Sci.
- Ex-Member, MHRD-GIAN, Sectional Committee for Inter-disciplinary Sciences.
- Ex-Member of Expert committee of EPTRI on Andhra Pradesh Govt GO-111 regarding drinking water in Usman Sagar and Himayat Sagar (2007).
- Ex-Member JNU Standing Committee on Defense Institutions (2012-14).
- Ex-Director, Trans-disciplinary Research Cluster, JNU.
- CSIR Young Scientist Award 2004 by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi.
- M S Krishnan Gold Medal 2004 by Indian Geophysical Union (IGU).
- Thomas Kuhn Honour Pin Award 2002 by The International Union of Air Pollution Prevention & Environmental Protection Associations (IUAPPA) and the International Academy of Sciences.
- International START Young Scientist Award 2000 by IGBP-START (System for Analysis, Research and Training for global change) Washington DC, USA.
- IICT Gaurav Samman, 2005 Award by Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad.
GCRF-South Asian Nitrogen Hub (SANH)
International Nitrogen Management (INMS)
Wet Deposition and Long-range Transport of Major Ions Related to Snow at Northwestern Himalayas (India).
Anshu Sharma, U.C. Kulshrestha. 2020.
Aerosol and Air Quality Research 20 (5), 1249-1265.
Assessment of Atmospheric Emissions and Depositions of Major Nr Species in Indian Region
U Kulshrestha. 2017.
The Indian Nitrogen Assessment (Eds: YP Abrol et al.), 427-444 (Elsevier).
Importance of atmospheric dust in India: Future scope of research. 2015.
U Kulshrestha U and D Sharma.
J. Indian Geophysical Union, 19, 2, 205-209.
Spatial and temporal patterns of air pollutants in rural and urban areas of India
D Sharma, UC Kulshrestha. 2014.
Environmental pollution 195, 276-281.
Review of precipitation monitoring studies in India -a search for regional patterns.
U C Kulshrestha, L. Granat, M. Engardt and H. Rodhe. 2005.
Atmospheric Environment, 39, 4419-4435.
Emissions and accumulation of metals in the atmosphere due to crackers & sparkles during Diwali festival in India.
U C Kulshrestha, T Nageswara Rao, S Azhaguvel and Monika J Kulshrestha. 2004.
Atmospheric Environment, 38, 4421-4425.
Chemical characteristics of rain water at an urban site of south-central India.
U C Kulshrestha, Monika J Kulshrestha, R Sekar, G S R Sastry and M Vairamani. 2003.
Atmospheric Environment, 37 (21), 3019-3026.
Estimation of SO4 contribution by dry deposition of SO2 onto the dust particles in India.
Monika J Kulshrestha,U C Kulshrestha, D C Parashar and M Vairamani. 2003.
Atmospheric Environment, 37 (22), 3057-3063.
Extreme Air Pollution Events Spiking Ionic Levels at the Urban and Rural Sites of Indo-Gangetic Plain
M Mishra, UC Kulshrestha. 2020.
Aerosol and Air Quality Research 20 (5), 1266-1281.
PM 10 carbonaceous aerosols and their real-time wet scavenging during monsoon and non-monsoon seasons at Delhi, India.
S Sonwani, U C Kulshrestha. 2019.
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 76, 171-200.
Wintertime distribution and atmospheric interactions of reactive nitrogen species along the urban transect of Delhi – NCR.
Reema Tiwari and Umesh Kulshrestha. 2019.
Atmospheric Environment, DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2019.04.007.
Trace ambient levels of particulate mercury and its sources at a rural site near Delhi.
A Kumari, U Kulshrestha. 2018.
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 75 (4), 335-355.
Trace Ambient Levels of Particulate Mercury and Its Sources at a Rural Site Near Delhi.
Anita Kumari and Umesh C Kulshrestha. 2018.
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, DOI: 10.1007/s10874-018-9377-0.
An Overview of Atmospheric Reactive Nitrogen Research: South Asian Perspective
M Naseem, UC Kulshrestha. 2017.
Current World Environment 14 (1), 10-26.
Wet deposition fluxes of atmospheric inorganic reactive nitrogen at an urban and rural site in the Indo-Gangetic Plain.
Saumya Singh, Bablu Kumar, Anshu Sharma and U C Kulshrestha. 2017.
Atmospheric Pollution Research, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apr.2016.12.021
Chemical Characteristics and Deposition Fluxes of Dust-Carbon Mixed Coarse Aerosols at Three Sites of Delhi, NCR.
Mishra M and Kulshrestha U. 2016.
J Atmospheric Chemistry, DOI:http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10874-016-9349-1.
Status of Atmospheric Mercury Research in South Asia: A Review.
Anita Kumari, Bablu Kumar, Shabana Manzoor, Umesh Kulshrestha. 2014.
Aerosol and Air Quality Research, doi: 10.4209/aaqr.2014.05.0098.
- Umesh Kulshrestha (ed). 2017.
`Air Pollution and Climate Change in South Asia: Issues, Impact and Initiatives.
Athena Academic, London, UK, ISBN 9781910390344.
- YP Abrol TK Adhya VP Aneja, N Raghuram, H Pathak, U Kulshrestha, C Sharma and B Singh (Eds). 2017.
The Indian Nitrogen Assessment.
Elsevier, USA, ISBN: 9780128118368.
- Umesh Kulshrestha and Pallavi Saxena (Eds). 2016.
`Plant Responses to Air Pollution’.
Springer ISBN 978-981-10-1201-3.
- R Chandrappa and U C Kulshrestha. 2015.
`Sustainable Air Pollution Management`.
Springer ISBN_978-3-319-21595-2, e-ISBN_978-3-319-21596-9
- R Chandrappa, S Gupta and U C Kulshrestha. 2011.
`Coping with Climate Change: Principles and Asian Context’
Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-19674-4.