Vaishali Krishna
Assistant Professor
Centre/School/Special Centre
Centre for Russian and Central Asian Studies
School of International Studies
Room No
108, SIS-II
vaishali@mail.jnu.ac.in, vaishalikrishna272@gmail.com
Personal Webpage
- Ph.D. Centre for Inner Asian studies SIS, JawaharLal Nehru University .
- M.Phil.CIAS, SIS, JawaharLal Nehru University .
- M.A, (Political science.) Hindu college, Delhi University .
- B.A (Political science), Lady Shri Ram College, Delhi university.
- MBA ( personnel management and Industrial Relations) Symbiosis,Pune .
- Post Doctoral Fellow, Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR )Delhi.
- Language proficiency: (1) COP in Mongolian SLL&CS, JNU. (2) Russian Level A1(A1.1+A 1.2) LangEcole school Of Languages.
Areas of Interest/Specialization
Post-Soviet Studies : Geopolitics, Development, Foreign policy and Security issues in Russia’s neighbouring regions of Central Asia and Mongolia. Russian Security Policy and Strategy with focus on Traditional and Non-Traditional security. Regional Cooperation in Eurasia. Human Resource Management in International Relations.
- Assistant Professor, Centre for Russian and Central Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi since 24 February 2020.
- Teaching Faculty , The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body set up under an Act of Parliament), Northern India Regional Centre, New Delhi .
- ICSSR Post-Doctoral Fellow at Centre for Inner Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi from 3 February 2017 to 2 February 2019
- Worked as Research Assistant in a Project on “Social and Political Transformation of Inner Mongolia in Modern and Contemporary Times” at Centre for Inner Asian Studies, SIS, JNU under UGC Area Studies Programme (2015-16).
- Worked as Research Assistant in a Project on “Kazakh Diaspora in Mongolia” at Central Asian Studies Programme/CSCSEASWPS, SIS, JNU under UGC Area Studies Programme (2011-12).
- Completed Project work on Labour welfare. (2007)
Awards & Honours
- Visiting Researcher, Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies Unit (MIASU), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (June-July 2018)
- Adjunct Faculty, Department of Political Science, Mizoram University since 15 July 2022.
- Concurrent Faculty, Special Centre for E-Learning (SCEL), JNU since 1 March 2021.
- Concurrent Faculty at the School of Engineering, JNU .
- Had been a Member of Delegation led by Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR), Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India to participate in International Conference on “Chinggis Khan, His Legacy and Indian Culture” held in Ulaanbaatar in collaboration with Ministry of Foreign Relations, Govt. of Mongolia and National University of Mongolia in September 2016.
International Collaboration/Consultancy
Best Peer Reviewed Publications
Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals
- Russia’s Strategy in Shaping an Effective, Security Policy ,© 2024 IJRAR March 2024, Volume 11, Issue 1 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
- Foreign policy of Landlocked States: A Case Study of Mongolia, Quest Journals, Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science, Volume 12 ~ Issue 3 (2024) pp: 236-241, ISSN(Online):2321-9467, www.questjournals.org
- “Recent Political Crisis in Kazakhstan: Implications for Relations with Russia”, No.512, August 2022, pp.85-90 [ISSN 2230-8458].
- “Evaluating the Qualitative significance of Human Resource Management in Promoting International Relations”, Journal of Research in Business and Management, Vol.9, Issue 8, 2021, pp. 56-63. [ISSN:2347-3002]. Impact Factor: 5.89
- “India and its Extended Neighbourhood: Engagements with Mongolia and Central Asia”, The Mongolian Journal of International Affairs (Ulaanbaatar) vol.21, 2020, pp.101-115. [ISSN 1023-3741]
- “Mongolia’s Post-Cold War Foreign Policy: Significance for India”, World Focus, no. 476, August 2019, pp.130-137. [ISSN 2230-8458]
- “Expanding Vistas of Mongolia-Russia Strategic Partnership since 2000 Ulaanbaatar Declaration”, The Mongolian Journal of International Affairs (Ulaanbaatar), vol.20, 2018, pp.101-114 [ISSN 1023-3741].
- “Understanding Mongolian Identity with Traditional Culture: An Indian Perspective”, Mongolica (Ulaanbaatar), vol. 52, 2018, pp.79-86 [ISSN: 1024-3143]. https://iams.org.mn/4418.html
- “Changing Dynamics of Mongolia’s Foreign Policy”, Mongolica (Ulaanbaatar), vol. 50, 2017, pp.240-250. [ISSN: 1024-3143] https://iams.org.mn/iamsupload/files/Mongolica_50.pdf
- “Mongolia’s Foreign Policy: Profiling Fundamental Aspects”, International Journal of Applied Social Science, vol.4 (9 &10), Sept. & Oct., 2017, pp.402-414. [ISSN: 2394-1405].
- “Russia and Mongolia: Strengthening Strategic Partnership”, World Focus (New Delhi), No.445, January 2017, pp. 99-105 [ISSN 2230-8458].
- “Mongolian Foreign Policy Implications for Russia and China”, The Mongolian Journal of International Affairs (Ulaanbaatar), vol.19, 2014, pp.67-81.[ISSN 1023-3741].
Recent Peer Reviewed Journals/Books
Book/Research Papers in other Journals and Book Reviews
- Mongolia and Russia: Constructive Re-engagements (New Delhi: Kalpaz Publications, 2015), 175pp. [ISBN 9789351281276].
- “Geopolitical Influence on Foreign Policy of ‘Landlocked’ Mongolia”, SIRPA FORUM 2021, vol.12, no.5, 2022, pp.111-125.
- “India-Mongolia Relations”, India Empire (New Delhi), Mongolia Special Issue, 2016, pp.2-3.
- “Mongolia’s bid for balancing its two Geographic Neighbours: The Third Neighbour Factor”, India Study in Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar), no.12, 2012, pp.48-52.
- “Understanding Mongolia’s Foreign Policy and its Implications for Relations with India”, Multi-Disciplinary Research Journal Srijit, vol. 3, no. 2, 2014, pp. 30-41 [ISSN 2320-0766]
- “Foreign Policy of Mongolia: Impact on India-Mongolia Relations”, India Study in Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar), no.13, 2013, pp.12-16.
- India and Central Asia: Quest for Reconnection” (Co-author), in Biswanath Chakraborty and Debasish Nandy (eds.), An Outline of Indian Foreign Policy and Relations, Kolkata: Mitram, 2016, pp.76-93 [ISBN 9789380036847].
- “Mongolia’s Relations with Russia: Security Dimension”, in Sharad K Soni (ed.), Mongolia Today: Internal Changes and External Linkages, New Delhi: Pentagon Press, 2016, pp. 161-174 [ISBN 978-81-8274-858-3].
- “Mongolia and China: Evaluating the Growth in Relationship” (Co-author), in Sharad K Soni (ed.), Mongolia Today: Internal Changes and External Linkages, New Delhi: Pentagon Press, 2016, pp. 185-199 [ISBN 9788182748583].
- “Mongolia’s bid for balancing its two Geographic Neighbours: The Third Neighbour Factor”, in O. Nyamdavaa (ed.), Mongolia and India: Mutual Relations and Cooperation in 60 Years, Ulaanbaatar: Bit Press, 2015, pp.385-388 [ISBN 9789997375438].
- Reviewed Tribal Development in Western India, by Amita Shah and Jharna Pathak (eds.), New Delhi: Routledge, 2014, for Asian Ethnicity (Routledge UK), vol.18, no.2, 2016, pp. 313-315 [ISSN: 1463-1369].
- Reviewed Russia and the Central Asian Republics: Post-Soviet Engagements, by Sreemati Ganguli, New Delhi: KW Publishers, 2013, for India Quarterly, vol.71, no.1, January-March 2015, pp.89-91. [ISSN: 0974-9284].
- Reviewed Questions of identity in Assam: location, migration and hybridity, by Nandana Dutta, New Delhi: Sage, 2012, for Asian Ethnicity (Routledge UK), vol. 14, no.4, 2013, pp.557-559. [ISSN:1463-1369)
Administrative experience
Coordinator M.A(IRAS)