B.Sc Geology Madurai Kamaraj 1981
M.Sc Geology Madurai Kamaraj 1984
M.Phil. Delhi University 1988
Ph.D. Panjab University 1994
* Environmental Geology
* Hydro geochemistry and Hydrogeology (coastal and inland- As and F)
* Biogeochemistry of coastal environment-Mangroves
* Climate – Glacier interaction: Impact on water resources especially on Himalayan river systems
* EIA: Coastal environment and Water bodies of India
* 2008 – till date : Professor, School of Environmental Sciences, JNU
* 2000 – 2008 : Associate Professor, School of Environmental Sciences, JNU
* 1995 – 2000: Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Geology, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India.
* 1990-1995 lecturer, Dept. of Geology, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India.
* 18 Ph.D.s, 23 M. Phil. and 40 M. Sc. dissertations completed so far. 6 Ph.D.s and 4 M. Phil’s in progress. 2 Ph.D.s have been submitted and candidates’ viva expected to be held soon
* Presently 11 JRFs, SRFs, Young scientists and RAs are working with me in my projects
* EIA Projects completed in mining sector landfill sites, wetlands and lakes, power plants and drinking water sector, movement of barges on river flood plain region, coastal productivity, impact of Dam construction on river ecosystems, etc.
* Overall Teaching Experience: 25 years.
* Overall Research Experience: 29 years.
* Overall Impact Factors for my Publications:89.21 Until Aug 15 th 2014
* Overall Citations for my Publications : 1723
1985–87 Junior Research Fellow, Dept. of Science & Technology
1987–90 Senior Research Fellow, CSIR, Govt. of India
1995-1996 Indo-Russian Fellow (UGC and Russian Acad. Sci.)
1997-1998 STA Fellow (DST and Japan Govt.)
1994-1998 Young scientist award (project) DST Govt. of India
2001-2003 Young scientist award (project) IFS, Sweden
2003-2006 Lineaus-Palme Fellow, teaching Hydrology, Uppsala University, Sweden
2003-2004 Indo-Australian Fellow (JNU and AIMS, Australia)
2006 FORMAS Fellow (Stockholm Univ., Sweden)
2007-2008 SIDA Fellow, Sweden<br />
2008 CIFIPRA Fellow, France<br />
2006-08 Young scientist award (project) IFS, Sweden<br />
2009-2011 Young scientist award (project) IFS, Sweden<br />
2012-2013 and 2014 SIDA and FORMAS Visiting Professor, KTH Sweden </p>
* IFS-Sweden
* FORMAS and Linnaeus-Palme –KTH, Stockholm and Uppsala Univ., Sweden.
* Far Eastern Centre Russian Academy of Science. Vladivostok
* Indo-Australia project (2003-2005) influence of human-induced disturbance on benthic microbial metabolism in the Pichavaram mangroves, Vellar–Coleroon estuarine complex, India and AIMS, Australia.
* Indo-French (CIFIPRA-DST) (2008 July -2010): Climate change impact on the hydrological cycle and on the water resources of the Chottashigri Glaciers with IRD, France and ongoing joint PhD with LGGE and Grenoble University, France.
* SIDA-Sweden, Targeting safe aquifers for drinking water in Arsenic affected region in Ballia, Ghazipur and Assam- (2007-2009) with KTH, Sweden.
* DAAD sandwich PhD fellowship program from 2012-2014 in ZMT, Bremen, Germany
* Sandwich PhD program with Bristol and Edinburg University, UK
* Collaborative research work with NVE and Met dept. , University of Oslo and University of Bergen, Norway on Hydrological modeling in Himalayas
* Collaboration with BARC, NIH, and Colorado University, USA on Isotope application
* Impact of Barges movement on Hooghly river banks –CIFRI, Kolkata
* Collaborators: India: IIT Kharagpur, IIT Delhi, IIT Gauhathi, Anna Univ., Annamalai university, NIH, BARC, NCAOR, Kalyani Univ., Calcutta Univ., Tezpur univ., ISM, Central Univ.,Patna,etc.
1. Swati M, Sappal L, AL. Ramanathan, Rajesh K Ranjan, Gurmeet Singh and Alok Kumar (2014). Rare earth elements as biogeochemical indicators in mangrove ecosystems (Pichavaram, Tamil Nadu, India). Journal of Sedimentary Research v. 84, p.1-11.
2. RK Ranjan, J Routh, AL. Ramanathan, J. Val Klump (2012). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon fingerprints in the Pichavaram mangrove–estuarine sediments, southeastern India. Organic Geochemistry. 53, 88-94.
3. Jayalakshmi Devi Oinam, AL. Ramanathan, Gurmeet Singh (2012) Geochemical and statistical evaluation of groundwater in Imphal and Thoubal district of Manipur, India. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 48, 136-149.
4. Mohammed FarooqAzam, Patrick Wagnon, AL. Ramanathan</strong>, Christian Vincent, Parmanand Sharma, Yves Arnaud, Anurag Linda, José George Pottakkal, Pierre Chevallier, VirendraBahadur Singh, Etienne Berthier (2012) From balance to imbalance: a shift in the dynamic behaviour of ChhotaShigri Glacier (Western Himalaya, India). Journal of Glaciology Vol. 58, No. 208, pp.315-324. doi: 10.3189/2012JoG11J123
5. Rajesh Kumar Ranjan, JoyantoRouth, AL. Ramanathan(2011). Elemental and stable isotope records of organic matter input and its fate in the Pichavaram mangrove–estuarine sediments (Tamil Nadu, India). Marine Chemistry. 126(1–4), 163–172.;
1. Virendra Bahadur Singh, AL. Ramanathan, Jose George Pottakkal, and Manoj Kumar (2014). Seasonal variation of the solute and suspended sediment load in Gangotri glacier meltwater, central Himalaya, India. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,Vol. 79, 224-234.
2. MohdFarooqAzam, P. Wagnon, C. Vincent, AL. Ramanathan, Anurag Linda and Virendra Bahadur Singh (2014). Reconstruction of the annual mass balance of ChhotaShigri Glacier (Western Himalaya, India) since 1969. Annals of Glaciology. 55 (66), 69-80.Doi: 10.3189/2014AoG66A104.
3. Parween, M., Ramanathan, AL., Khillare, P. S., & Raju, N. J. (2014). Persistence, variance and toxic levels of organochlorine pesticides in fluvial sediments and the role of black carbon in their retention. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21(10), 6525-6546.