21 yrs teaching experience
International Collaboration/Consultancy
1. Multivariate sequence analysis reveals additional function impacting residues in the SDR superfamily: Pratibha Tiwari, Noopur Singh, Aparna Dixit, and Devapriya Choudhury, Prot. Struct. Func. Bioinf. (2014); 82:2842–2856 |
1.Phougat, M., Sahni, N. S., & Choudhury, D. (2023). Multiway Analysis Reveals Hydrophobicity as the Sole Determinant of Dynamic Peptide–Acetonitrile–Water Association Behavior. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 127(27), 6144-6153.
2. Singh, A., Rawat, P., Choudhury, D., & Dixit, A. (2022). Immunogenic and neutralization efficacy of recombinant perfringolysin O of Clostridium perfringens and its C-terminal receptor-binding domain in a murine model. Immunologic Research, 70(2), 240-255.
3. Karan, S., Choudhury, D., & Dixit, A. (2021). Immunogenic characterization and protective efficacy of recombinant CsgA, major subunit of curli fibers, against Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 105, 599-616.
4. Karan, S., Choudhury, D., & Dixit, A. (2021). Enhanced expression of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli by co‐expression with Vibrio parahaemolyticus CsgG, a pore‐forming protein of the curli biogenesis pathway. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 130(5), 1611-1629.
5. Karan, S., Garg, L. C., Choudhury, D., & Dixit, A. (2021). Recombinant FimH, a fimbrial tip adhesin of Vibrio parahaemolyticus, elicits mixed T helper cell response and confers protection against Vibrio parahaemolyticus challenge in murine model. Molecular Immunology, 135, 373-387.
6. Yadav, N. S., & Choudhury, D. (2019). Conformational perturbation of peptides in presence of polar organic solvents. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 89, 1-12.
7. Kaur, J., Yadav, N. S., Singh, M. K., Khan, M. J., Sen, S., Dixit, A., & Choudhury, D. (2019). Role of Ser65, His148 and Thr203 in the organic solvent‐dependent spectral shift in green fluorescent protein. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 95(2), 543-555.
1. Anti-bacterial compounds directed against pilus biogenesis, adhesion and activity; co-crystals of pilus subunits and methods of use thereof.: S. J. Hultgren, E. G. Sauer, g. Waksman, K. Fuetterer, D. Choudhury, S.D.Knight and M. Barnhart (2006). United StatesPatent No. 7.041,465 granted on May 9, 2006.