Sujith K
Associate Professor
Centre/School/Special Centre
Centre for International Legal Studies,
School of International Studies
Personal Webpage
LL.B., LL.M., M.PHIL., PH.D.
Areas of Interest/Specialization
International Environmental Law, International Water Law, Human Rights
Research and teaching since 2005
Awards & Honours
Recipient of the SOAS Doctoral Research Scholarship.
International Collaboration/Consultancy
- Member, Editorial Board, Law, Environment and Development Journal (LEAD)
- Co-investigator (2013-16), Research project on ‘the Human Right to Sanitation in India, with a focus on Kerala, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh’, funded by UN Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC)
- Member, Research Team (2013-2015), UKIERI-UGC Thematic Partnerships Project on ‘Climate Change and Groundwater Management: An Indian Law and Society Comparative Study’, funded by British Council and UGC.
- Consultant (2014), Consultancy project on ‘Sui Generis System of Plant Variety Protection in India’, funded by the Quaker United Nations Office, Geneva.
- Consultant (2013), Project on ‘Conflicts Around Water Use in Rainfed Agriculture: Addressing the Cross-Sectoral Dimensions’, funded by IDRC.
- Water Sector Legal and Policy Consultant (2012), Study on ‘Legal and Policy Framework for Water Management and Use in Pune (Maharashtra), Faridabad (Haryana) and Jaipur (Rajasthan)’ funded by USAID and TCG International, LLC.
Best Peer Reviewed Publications
- Research Handbook on Law, Environment and the Global South (Edward Elgar, 2019) (with P. Cullet).
- The Right to Sanitation in India—Critical Perspectives (Oxford University Press, 2019) (with P. Cullet & L. Bhullar).
- Water Law in India – An Introduction to Legal Instruments (Oxford University Press, 2nd edn. 2017) (with P. Cullet).
- "The State, State Practice and International Law: A Critical Examination", 3 Third World Approaches to International Law Review 204–222 (2022) (with H. Jamil)
- Legal Discourses on Manual Scavenging in India: From 'Right' to a 'Crime', 51(2) Indian Anthropologist 41-56 (2021).
- "Water Security and International Law", 17 Annual Review of Law and Social Science 261–76 (2021) (with P. Cullet and L. Bhullar).
- "Manual Scavenging in India: State Apathy, Non-implementation of Laws and Resistance by the Community", 5(2) Indian Law Review 149-65 (2021).
- "Sanitation Interventions in India: Gender Myopia and Implications for Gender Equality", 26(1-2) Indian Journal of Gender Studies 40-58 (2019)
Recent Peer Reviewed Journals/Books
- "The State, State Practice and International Law: A Critical Examination", 3 TWAIL Review 204–222 (2022) (with H. Jamil)
- "Environmental Rule of Law in India: A Transformative Principle or Old Wine in a New Bottle?" 13(1) Journal of Indian Law and Society 133-145 (2022). (with H. Ahlawat)
- Legal Discourses on Manual Scavenging in India: From 'Right' to a 'Crime', 51(2) Indian Anthropologist 41-56 (2021).
- "Manual Scavenging in India: State Apathy, Non-implementation of Laws and Resistance by the Community", 5(2) Indian Law Review 149-65 (2021).
- "Water Security and International Law", 17 Annual Review of Law and Social Science 261–76 (2021). (with P. Cullet and L. Bhullar)
- "Polluter Pays Principle in India: Assessing Conceptual Boundaries and Implementation Issues", 7(2) RGNUL Student Research Review 33-50 (2021). (with H. Shringal)
Patents (if any)