The Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University
CHS Seminar Series
‘The Archive is Dead, Long Live the Archive: Hindi, Archives, and the History of Writing’
Dr Tyler W. Williams,
Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago
4th December 2024, at 3 PM,
in Room No. 326, CHS, SSS-III
Abstract: Will digitisation, not only as technology but as techne within literary and historical studies, spell the end of the archive as a physical, social, and institutional space? At stake are the memory and understanding of the history, structure, and logic of the archive(s). A study of the variegated terrain of handwritten textual artefacts in precolonial Hindi that reside within archives–including hymnals, personal notebooks, storybooks, and scriptures–reveals an unexpected landscape of genres and audiences as well as surprising routes of circulation and transmission that existed from the fourteenth through the eighteenth centuries. This talk also poses questions regarding Indian language archives as they exist today.
Tyler W. Williams teaches in the Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago. He completed his MA and MPhil in Hindi literature at Jawaharlal Nehru University and his PhD at Columbia University. He has published widely in journals and edited volumes and is the author of a book If All the World Were Paper. A History of Writing in Hindi. (2024)