Political Ecology; Modernity and Marginality; Comparative Political Thought; Ecological Sites of Indigenous Knowledge Practices
1. Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Delhi (2010-2014)
2. Fellow at the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta. (2008-2010)
3. Fellow, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, Teen Murti Bhawan, New Delhi (2001- 2006)
4. DAAD Visiting Fellow in Germany (2005 –2006)
5. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Post -Doctoral Fellow at University of Dortmund, Germany, for the year 2000.
1. Member, Editorial Board of the NMML Journal, Contemporary India (2001-2006)
2. Represented India in the international delegation that visited European Parliament and European Commission in 2007.
3. Was awarded TOPS Diploma by the Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2005.
1. Minority Cultures and Alternate Discourses in East Himalayas was funded by the Ford Foundation’s project on New Cultural Histories of the East, in CSSS, Calcutta between 2008-10
2. Minority Identity and Majoritarian Discourses in India and the West. Funded by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Bonn, Germany, 2000.
3. Dialogues with Islam in European and South Asian Perspectives--A joint Project of DAAD,New Delhi, and University of Erfurt, Germany(2005-6) partially supported my research on Western Liberal Democracies’ Dilemma with Cultural Difference.
4. Academic consultancy for the Sigma Research Institute, Mannheim, Germany for their Social Milieu Research Project: India. Presentations made in Mannheim in 2007.
Book monograph
1. Understanding Nepal: Muslims in a Plural Society, Har Anand, New Delhi, 2007. [Reprint in 2010. Also available in Paperback version.] ISBN-10: 8124112711
2. Liberal Dilemma with Difference: Muslims in a Western Democracy, New O.P. Series of the Centre for Studies in Social Science,Calcutta. May, 2010. (35 pages) http://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/handle/123456789/3213
3. “Refusing to Choose: The Muslim Madhesis and the Coexistence of Religious and Regional in Nepal's Tarai” Mahendra Lawoti and Susan Hangen edited Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict, Routledge, London, 2013. [ISBN: 1136308725]
4. ”Minority Identity, Majoritarianism and the Poltical Response in India and the West” in Tapan Basu edited India in the Age of Globalisation: Discourses and Texts, NMML, New Delhi, 2003. [ISBN: 81-876-12-9]
5. “Muslim Mobilization and the Hindu State in Nepal, 1951-95”, European Bulletin of Himalayan Research (SOAS, London), Vol.18, Spring 2000. pp.20-35 [ISSN 0943-8254]
6. NMML Monograph, No.10, Minority Identity and Religious Majoritarianism in South Asia: The Resurgence in India and Bangladesh, NMML, New Delhi, December 2004 (47 pages) [ISBN no: 81-87614-28-5]
(Papers in Scopus/ Scimago rated Journals)
1. “Practices as Political: Tribal Citizens and Indigenous Knowledge Practices in East Himalayas”, (Peer reviewed Special Article), Economic and Political Weekly of India, Vol. 55, Issue No. 46, November 21, 2020, pp:49-56 Bombay, Sameeksha Trust. ISSN (Print) - 0012-9976
2. “Marginalized as Minority: Tribal Citizens and Border Thinking in India”, Special Article (Peer reviewed Special Article), Economic and Political Weekly of India, Vol. LI No. 25 June 18, 2016, pp: 48-54. Bombay: Sameeksha Trust ISSN - 0012-9976
3. “Regions Resist Hill Hindu Nationalism in Nepal” in Lok Raj Baral (Edited) Politics of Geo Politics: Continuity and Change in India and Nepal Adarsh Books, New Delhi, 2018.