B.E. Computer Science and Engineering (A.U) [2001], M.Tech. Information Technology (IIEST Shibpur (erstwhile BESU and BEC)) [2005], Ph.D. (IIT Kharagpur) [2011]
Software & Systems Engineering, Reliability Assessment & Fault Tolerance, Software Defined Network, Natural Language Processing
Total experience: 18+ years
- Working as Assistant Professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University since 2013
- Served as Faculty at Indian Institute of Information Technology, other Institutes/Universities
- Served as Associate Scientist at ABB
- Worked as Senior Research Associate (Postdoctoral) at City University of Hong Kong
- Delivered invited/guest lectures at IIT Kharagpur, City University of Hong Kong
- Delivered invited lectures at Academic Staff College/Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC), Jawaharlal Nehru University
- Delivered Keynote Talk on "Software Reliability Assessment and Fault Tolerance: Issues and Challenges", at 18th International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Electronics and
Communication Engineering, Boston, USA, 2016.
- Principles and Patterns of Software Design
- Software Reuse and Component Based Software Engineering
- Software Reliability
- Software Engineering
- Object Oriented Software Engineering
- Data Structures
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Computer Organization and Architecture
- Compiler Design
- Information Theory
- Natural Language Processing
- Academic Ethics and Technical Writing
- IEEE Transactions on Reliability
- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
- Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Elsevier
- Measurement, Elsevier
- IEEE Software
- IEEE Systems Journal
- International Journal of Systems Science, Taylor & Francis
- International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management, Springer Journal
- Information Systems Frontiers, Springer
- TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering
- International Journal of Performability Engineering, Totem Publisher, Inc.
- International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security.
- International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering, CRL Publishing.
- International Journal of Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering, World Scientific.
- International Journal of Engineering and Technology
- Senior Research Fellowship (High Value Scholarship) of IIT Kharagpur
- Senior Research Associate (Postdoctoral) at City University of Hong Kong
Recent Publications (upto 12)
- Chaitali Dey Bhowmik, Tirthankar Gayen, "Traffic aware dynamic load distribution in the data plane of SDN using Genetic Algorithm: A case study on NSF network", Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Elsevier, Vol. 88, 2023.
- Devashish Dutta, Subhanu Halder, Tirthankar Gayen, "Intelligent Part of Speech tagger for Hindi", Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, Vol. 218, pp. 604-611, 2023.
- Chaitali Dey Bhowmik, Tirthankar Gayen, "A Technique for Topography Aware Dynamic Controller Placement in SDN", International Journal of Information Technology, Springer Nature Singapore, Vol. 14, pp. 3565-3577, 2022.
- Anjushi Verma, Tirthankar Gayen, "Reliability assessment of combined hardware-software non-repairable time-critical systems", The Computer Journal, Oxford University Press, Vol. 66, Issue 7, pp. 1644–1663, 2023.
- Anjushi Verma, Tirthankar Gayen, “Reliability Assessment of Time Critical Software: a case study on Stepper Motor Application,” Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Vol. 43, Issue 12, pp. 7979-7994, 2018.
- Ritwik Mishra, Tirthankar Gayen, "Automatic lossless summarization of news articles with abstract meaning representation", Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 135, pp. 178-185, Elsevier, 2018.
- Tirthankar Gayen, "Inadequacy of journals to infer on the quality of research in Computing, Science, Engineering And Technology", Academic Journal of Science, Vol. 07, 02, pp.373–376, 2017.
- Anjushi Verma, Ankur Ghartaan, Tirthankar Gayen, "Review of Software Fault-Tolerance Methods for Reliability Enhancement of Real-Time Software Systems", International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 6, No.3, pp. 1031-1037, 2016.
- Nisha Kumari, Tirthankar Gayen, "Optimal resource selection for Green Software Development using Machine Learning", Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier (accepted), 2024.
- Anjushi Verma, Tirthankar Gayen, "Suitability of black box approaches for the reliability assessment of component-based software", International Journal of Computer and Systems Engineering, Vol. 10, No.4, pp. 767-774, 2016.
- S. Garnaik, Tirthankar Gayen, S Mishra, "Reliability Enhancement of Software by Minimizing the Overflow Errors", International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management, Springer, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 724-730, 2014.
- S. Bhadra, Tirthankar Gayen, "A Distributed Service and Business Model for Providing Cloud Computing Service", International Journal of Cloud Computing and Services Science, Vol.2, No.2, pp. 148-158, 2013.
Book Chapters (upto 5)
- Chhaya Yadav, Tirthankar Gayen, "Stopwords aware emotion based sentiment analysis of news articles", EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 183-193, 2023.
- Chaitali Dey Bhowmik, Tirthankar Gayen, "A model for achieving fault tolerant data plane with effective load distribution in Software Defined Network", Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Springer Singapore, Vol. 351, 2023.
- Mithun Majumdar, Tirthankar Gayen, "Computer Aided Segmentation of Oral Mucosa to Detect Cancer", Applications of Machine Intelligence in Engineering, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 179-190, 2022.
- Chaitali Bhowmik, Tirthankar Gayen, "An Effective Technique of Protocol-Aware Network Traffic Classification for Performance Enhancement of SDN", Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer, Vol. 166, pp. 547-556, 2021.
- Richa Agrawal, Anjushi Verma, Tirthankar Gayen, “Reliability Assessment of Safety Critical Intelligent Systems: Issues and Challenges”, Cybernetics Approaches in Intelligent Systems, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Vol. 661, pp. 99-110, 2017.