* Ph.D (in Literature): Institute of Oriental Studies. Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Russian Federation 1990
* M.A (with distinction) in Russian Philology: Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow Russian Federation. 1987
Russian Language, 20th & 21st Century Russian Literature, Comparative Literature, Culture Studies
Professor. CRS. SLL&CS, JNU(w.e.f 2012)
Associate Professor. CRS. SLL&CS, JNU (2006 -2012)
Lecturer(Ad-hoc). Department of SFUS, University of Delhi (1998-2006 )
Guest Teacher. Department of SFUS, University of Delhi (1994-1996)
Part-Time Lecturer, CRS. SLL&CS, JNU (1992 , Jan- May)
Guest Lecturer. Calcutta University(1991 April/May)
*Awarded with a certificate of merit and medal on the occasion of twenty fifth anniversary of our University- Peoples’ Friendship University, Moscow.1985
*Awarded by Peoples’ Friendship University, Moscow with a certificate of merit for M.A course work. Batch of 1987 in Russian Philology.
o A part of Anglo-Russian Research Network
- South, East and Central Asia: A Dialogue of Cultures through Silk Route. Published in Kashif Hasan Khan (ed) The Strategy of (Re) connectivity: Revisiting India’s Multifaceted Relations with Central Asia, 2020. pp. no. 113-126 [ISBN: 978-93-8913-7538]
- Ranjana Banerjee, Тема «малой» и «большой» родины в лирике Сергея Есенина и Рабиндраната Тагора (The Theme of Homeland in the Lyrical Works of Sergeii Esenin and Rabindranath Tagore) Сергей Есенин. Личность. Творчество. Эпоха. Ч. III: Сб. науч. трудов / Институт мировой литературы имени А. М. Горького РАН, Рязанский государственный университет имени С. А. Есенина, Государственный музей-заповедник С. А. Есенина. М. — Константиново — Рязань: Государственный музей-заповедник С. А. Есенина, 2018. 640 с. Сер. «Есенин в XXI веке». Вып. 6. с. 168-182 [ISBN 978-5-9903484-8-6]
- Мир воображения героя в романе Вс. Иванова «Похождение факира» The Imaginary World of the Protagonist in the novel of Vsevolod Ivanov "The Adventures of a Fakir". "Россия в 1917 году". Русская революция 1917 года в литературных источниках и документах / под ред. В.В. Полонского. М.: ИМЛИ РАН, 2017. стр. 382 - 389. ISBN 978-5-9208-0521-8.
- The Theme of Marital Discord in the Works of Anton Chekhov and Rabindranath Tagore:’The Lady with the Dog’ and ‘Broken Nest’.Published in Sushant Kumar Mishra and Awadesh Kumar Mishra (eds) Enquiries In Literature And Translation .Volume 1.Lakshi Publishers & Distributors. N. Delhi. 2015, ISBN: 978-93-82120-71-1. pp-197-215.
- The Impassive World: Dystopia in the Works of Yevgeny Zamyatin and Rabindranath Tagore, in Saugata Bhaduri and Amar Basu (eds.) Perspectives on Comparative Literature and Culture in the Age of Globalization, London, New York, New Delhi: Anthem Press, 2010. ISBN: 978-81-907570-8-9. pp- 117-124.