- Ph.D. Biotechnology: Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
- M.Tech. Biotechnology: Jadavpur University, Calcutta
- B. Ch. E. with honours, Chemical Engineering: Jadavpur University, Calcutta
- Bioprocesses Optimization
- Downstream Processing
- Computer-assisted bio-process design
- Bio-process development
- Metagenomics
- 31-10-2014 to Ongoing: Professor, School of Biotechnology, Jawaharlal Nehru University
- 31-10-2007 to 31-10-2014: Associate Professor, School of Biotechnology, Jawaharlal Nehru University
- 30-07-1990 to 31-10-2007: Assistant Professor, School of Biotechnology, Jawaharlal Nehru University
* Certificate of Merit from the Institution of Engineers for a paper in 2002.
* Borsa di studi from External Affairs Ministry of Italian Government
* Life member Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Raja Subodh Mullick Road
* Fellow of the Institution of the Engineers (India) , Gokhale Road
1. Vinay Kumar, Neha Sharma, Mridul Umesh, Pritha Chakraborty, Komalpreet Kaur , Lucky Duhan , Suma Sarojini , B. Thazeem , Ritu Pasrija , Alisa S. Vangnai, Subhrangsu Sundar Maitra. “Micropollutants characteristics, fate, and sustainable removal technologies for landfill leachate: A technical perspective” Journal of Water Process Engineering Journal of Water Process Engineering Volume 53, July 2023, 103649 (I.F. 7.34)
2. Akanksha Verma, Sanjay Kumar, S.S.Maitra, “Phylogenetic and taxonomic analysis of bacterial communities identified from the methane emission sites using 16SrRNA metagenomic sequencing”, January 2023, http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/16149 (I.F. 7.33).
3. Vinay Kumar, Neha Sharma, Mridul Umesh, Manickam Selvaraj, Badria M., Al-Shehri, Pritha Chakraborty, Lucky Duhan, Shivali Sharma, Ritu Pasrija ,Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Siva Ramakrishna Lakkaboyana ,Rodrigo Andler, Amit Bhatnagar, Subhrangsu Sundar Maitra “Emerging challenges for the agro-industrial food waste utilization: a review on food waste Bio refinery” Bioresource Technology available online 13 August 2022, 127790 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2022.127790 ( I.F. 11.89)
4. Sanjay Kumar, Geetu S. Kumar, Subhrangsu Sundar Maitra, Petr Maly, Pradeep Sharma and Vivek Dhar Dwivedi “Viral informatics: Bioinformatics based solution for managing viral infections” Briefings in Bioinformatics 2022 1-36 https://doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbac326 (I.F. 13.99)
5. Sanjay Kumar, Akanksha Verma, Pardeep Yadav, Sumit Kumar Dubey, Esam Ibraheem Azhar, S. S. Maitra, Vivek Dhar Dwivedi “Molecular pathogenesis of Japanese encephalitis and possible therapeutic strategies” Archives of Virology https://doi.org/10.1007/s00705-022-05481 published 02june 2022 (I.F 2.243)
6. Sanjay Kumar, Sherif A. El-Kafrawy, Shiv Bharadwaj, S. S. Maitra, Thamir A. Alandijany, Arwa A. Faizo, Aiah M. Khateb, Vivek Dhar Dwivedi, Esam I. Azhar “Discovery of bispecific lead compounds from Azadirachta indica against ZIKA NS2B-NS3 Protease and RNA dependent RNA polymerase using molecular simulations” Molecules 2022, 27(8), 2562; doi:10.3390/molecules27082562(I.F. 4.41)
7. Hemant Joshi, Diya Kandari, Sundar Maitra Subhrangsu and Rakesh Bhatnagar “Biosensors for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: a comprehensive overview”48(2),2022, 1-29 DOI: 10.1080/1040841X.2022.2035314 (I.F. 7.3)
8. Sanjay Kumar, Pradipta Paul, Pardeep Yadav, Ridhima Kaul, S S Maitra, Saurabh Kumar Jha, Ali Chari “A multi-targeted approach to identify potential flavonoids against three targets in the SARS-CoV-2 life cycle “. Computers in Biology and Medicines 142(2022) 105231 (I.F. 4.6)
9. Viany Kumar, S. S. Maitra, Dilip Burnwal and Rekha Singh “Acclimatization of a newly isolated bacteria in monomer tere-phthalic acid (TPA) may enable it to attack the polymer polyethylene tere-phthalate (PET) – The Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering (UK), August 2020, volume 8 issue 4 ,103977 doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2020.103977 (I.F. 5.88)
10. Vinay Kumar, Neha Sharma, S. S. Maitra and Sivarama Krishna Lakkaboyana “In vivo removal of profenofos in agricultural soil and plant growth promoting activity on Vigna radiata by efficient bacterial fornulation” International Journal of phytoremediation Dec 2019 pp1-9 http//doi.org/10.1080/15226514.2019.1696743 (I.F. 2.28)
11. Bhatnagar Hemant Joshi, Anshu Malik, Nidhi Adlakha, Somya Aggarwal, Manoj Munde, S. S. Maitra, and Rakesh “Detection of phytopathogenic fungal cell wall by polyclonal sera raised against Trimethyl chitosan nanoparticles” – International Journal of Nanomedicines” Dec. 2019 Vol. 14. pp 10023 -10033 (I.F. 4.88)
12. S. Yadav, Arvind Kumar, Manish Gupta, S. S. Maitra “Cross-reactivity of Prokaryotic 16S rDNASpecific Primers to Eukaryotic DNA: Mistaken microbial community profiling in environmental samples” -Current Microbiology –online 2 April 2018 doi.org/10.1007/s00284-018-1482-4 (75:1038–1045) (I. F. 2.16)
13. Vinay Kumar, Neha Sharma, and S. S. Maitra “In vitro and in vivo toxicity assessment of nanoparticles” International nano letters Vol. 7pp243-256 published 25th November 2017 (154 citations)
14. Shailendra Yadav, S. S. Maitra “Molecular detection of Methylotrophs from an Indian landfill site and their potential for biofuel production” Global Nest (Network for Environmental Science and Technology) Vol. 19 No 3 pp 533-539 online Nov 2017 (I.F. 0.99)
15. Vinay Kumar, Neha Sharma and S. S. Maitra “Comparative study on the degradation of dibutyl phthalate by two newly isolated Pseudomonas sp. V21b and Comamonas sp. 51F” Biotechnology Reports Vol. 15 (2017) pp1–10 (I.F. 4.88)
16. Vinay Kumar, S. S. Maitra “Biodegradation of endocrine disruptor dibutyl phthalate by newly isolated Methylobacillus sp. V29b and the degradation pathway” 3 Biotech (2016) 6:200 DOI 10.1007/s13205-016-0524-5 (I.F. 2.27)
17. S. S. Maitra, Vinay Kumar ‘Efficient degradation of dibutyl phthalate and utilization of Phthalic Acid Esters (PAEs) by Acinetobacter species isolated from MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) leachate, Global Nest (Network for Environmental Science and Technology) Journal -Vol. 18 No.4 pp817- 830 Nov 2016 (IF 0.66)
18. Shailendra Yadav, Sharbadeb Kundu, Sankar K. Ghosh, and S. S. Maitra “Molecular Analysis of Methanogen Richness in Landfill and Marshland Targeting 16S rDNA Sequences” Archaea Vol. 2015, page 1~9. Article ID 563414, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/563414 (IF 2.71)
19. Shailendra Yadav, S. S. Maitra, and Sankar K. Ghosh “Cloning and sequencing of Methyl-coenzyme Reductase A (MCR A) gene from methanogenic archaea from landfill” Science and Technology Journal Vol. 3 issues II pages 1-4 2015
20. S. S. Maitra, Brijesh Kumar, S.K. Ghosh, B.K. Tiwary “Cross-reactivity of prokaryotic 16S rRNA genespecific primers with genomes from eukaryotic organisms from marshland.” Journal of Biology and Nature Vol. 2 issue 2, page 58-68 (Now in PubMed)
21. Shailendra Yadav, S. S.Maitra, Shukla Pal, Neha Singh, S.K. Gupta, S.K. Ghosh, T.R. Sreekishnan “Accumulation of lactic acid during bio-digestion of municipal solid waste leachate and identification of indigenous lactic acid bacteria in leachate.” Journal of hazardous and toxic and radioactive waste: (American Society of Civil Engineers) : Published online 6 March 2014 , Print 18(4) 0ctober 2014 (R.G. IF 0.74)
22. S. S. Maitra, Vinay Kumar and Rohit Shukla “Metagenomics: The Data Assembly and Data Analysis Perspective" Journal of Institution of Engineers: Section A Environmental Engineering. DOI 10.1007/s40030-014-0102-y paper Vol. 96, issue 1, 2015 page 71-83.
23. Shukla Pal, S.K. Gupta, T R. Sreekrishnan and S.S. Maitra “Determination of physicochemical parameters for prediction of MSW leachate transport through vadose zone by a breakthrough curve in a realistic undisturbed soil column” Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering Vol. 56 No2 April 2014 page179-192
24. Shukla Pal, S.K. Gupta, T R. Sreekrishnan and S.S. Maitra “DNA based methods reveal complex kinetics of MSW leachate anaerobic digestion": Journal of hazardous and toxic and radioactive waste : (American Society of Civil Engineers)Vol. 17 no 2April 1 , 2013 , page 156-162 ( R.G. IF 0.74)
25. Shukla Pal, S.K. Gupta, S. S. Maitra, Neha Singh and Gopal Misra “Experimental determination of kinetic parameters for anaerobic digestion of MSW leachate for prediction of contaminant transport through vadose zone” page -45-60, National convention on Biotechnology and the Environment held at NIT Durgapur on 4th and 5th. October 2010
26. S. S. Maitra and Ashok Kumar “Production of the active ingredient of a malaria vaccine as a bulk drug" Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India) Vol. 91 March 2011 page 3-11
27. S. S. Maitra “Chaotic Variation of dissolved oxygen concentration during an antibiotic fermentation” Canadian Journal on Chemical Engineering & Technology Vol. 2 No1 January 2011 Page 60-73
28. S. S. Maitra, Neha Singh, and R. Khatri, Shailendra Yadav, " Effect of temperature variations and inorganic phosphate concentrations upon tetracycline production by Streptomyces aureofaciens - International Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry Vol. 10 No.2 October 2014, page 175- 185
29. S. S. Maitra, S. Chug and N. Singh, "Semi optimal feed profiles for inorganic phosphate addition in tetracycline fermentation” International Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry Vol. 6 No. 2 2010 page. 339–350
30. S. S. Maitra and A.K. Verma, “Process economics of recombinant hepatitis-B vaccine production in India” The Indian Chemical Engineer, Section B, Vol. 47, No 3 July –September 2005 page 189- 194
31. S.S. Maitra, “A new model for batch penicillin fermentation” Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India). Vol. 84 March 2004 page 59-64
32. S. S. Maitra and A.K. Verma, “Comparative study of g-interferon production between E.coli and CHO cell-based systems at 10-liter fermenter level" The Indian Chemical Engineer, Section A, Vol.45, No 3 July –August 2003 page 35-40
33. S. S. Maitra and A.K. Verma, " End of small volume high-value myth in Biotechnology: Process design for a mega-plant producing g- interferon for mega profit” Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India). Vol.84 September 2003 page 17-24.
34. S. S. Maitra and Vinod Kumar, “Semi -optimal substrate feed-profiles for penicillin fermentation using hybrid bubble sort chemotaxis algorithm " Indian Chemical Engineer Vol 44 No2 April-June 2002 page 94 -99.
35. S. S. Maitra, "Control of various chemical reactors by inverse modeling of the systems using feedforward backpropagation neural networks" Journal of the Institution of Engineers Vol. 82 September 2001 page 1-8.
36. S.S. Maitra, “Operating cost optimization of genetically engineered bio-products using hybrid chemotaxis bubble sort algorithm” Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Vol. 77, March 1997, page 54-60.
37. S.S. Maitra, “On-line Biosensors for Penicillin fermentation”. Indian Chemical Engineer, section B Vol. 37, No.3. July-Sep. 1995, page 61-66.
38. S.S. Maitra, “Pellet Efficiency a review”, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (Chemical Engineering division /Series E). Vol.74, March 1994, page 64-66.
1. Vinay Kumar , Sivarama Krishna Lakkaboyana , Neha Sharma, Ali Samy Abdellaal , Subhrangsu Sundar Maitra and Deepak Pant “Engineered nanomaterials uptake , bioaccumulation and toxicity mechanisms in plants” Chapter Four Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry , 2019 Volume 87 pp 111-131 ( ISSN No 0166-526X) https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-817830-0.00009-6 V
2. Vinay Kumar, Sivarama Krishna Lakkaboyana, Neha Sharma, Subhrangsu Sundar Maitra “Nanotoxicology and its Remediation” 29th March 2020, Intelligent Nanomaterials for Drug delivery, Elsevier Chapter 9 pp 163-178, https://doi.org/10.1016/bs.coac.2019.09.005
3. Kumar V, Maitra SS, Sharma N. Chapter 12: Protein and peptide nanoparticles: Preparation and Surface Modification. Functionalized Nanomaterials I Fabrications. Editors: Vineet Kumar, Praveen Guleria, Nandita Dasgupta, Shivendu Ranjan. Aug 10, 2020. Publisher: Taylor and Francis
4. Vinay Kumar, Neha Sharma, Sivarama Krishna Lakkaboyana and Subhrangsu Sundar Maitra “Silver nano-particles in poultry health application and toxicokinetic effects” Chapter 28 Nanobiotechnology for plant protection : Silver nanomaterial for Agri-food application : Ed Kamel A. Abd -Eslam Elsevier https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-823528-7.00005-6
5. Chapter 9: Wood biomass valorization for value added chemicals Neha Sharma, Vinay Kumar, Subhrangsu Sundar Maitra*
6. Nisha Gaur, Ravish Chowdhary, Dilip Brunwal, Rekha Singh, and S S Maitra “Degradation of Plastic in Environmentand Its Implications with Special Reference to Aromatic Polyesters” C. M. Hussain (ed.), Handbook of Environmental Materials Management Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-58538-3_176-1.
1. Vinay Kumar , Sivarama Krishna Lakkaboyana , Neha Sharma, Ali Samy Abdellaal , Subhrangsu Sundar Maitra and Deepak Pant “Engineered nanomaterials uptake , bioaccumulation and toxicity mechanisms in plants” Chapter Four Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry , 2019 Volume 87 pp 111-131 ( ISSN No 0166-526X) https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-817830-0.00009-6 V
2. Vinay Kumar, Sivarama Krishna Lakkaboyana, Neha Sharma, Subhrangsu Sundar Maitra “Nanotoxicology and its Remediation” 29th March 2020, Intelligent Nanomaterials for Drug delivery, Elsevier Chapter 9 pp 163-178, https://doi.org/10.1016/bs.coac.2019.09.005
3. Kumar V, Maitra SS, Sharma N. Chapter 12: Protein and peptide nanoparticles: Preparation and Surface Modification. Functionalized Nanomaterials I Fabrications. Editors: Vineet Kumar, Praveen Guleria, Nandita Dasgupta, Shivendu Ranjan. Aug 10, 2020. Publisher: Taylor and Francis
4. Vinay Kumar, Neha Sharma, Sivarama Krishna Lakkaboyana and Subhrangsu Sundar Maitra “Silver nano-particles in poultry health application and toxicokinetic effects” Chapter 28 Nanobiotechnology for plant protection : Silver nanomaterial for Agri-food application : Ed Kamel A. Abd -Eslam Elsevier https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-823528-7.00005-6
5. Chapter 9: Wood biomass valorization for value added chemicals Neha Sharma, Vinay Kumar, Subhrangsu Sundar Maitra*
6. Nisha Gaur, Ravish Chowdhary, Dilip Brunwal, Rekha Singh, and S S Maitra “Degradation of Plastic in Environmentand Its Implications with Special Reference to Aromatic Polyesters” C. M. Hussain (ed.), Handbook of Environmental Materials Management Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-58538-3_176-1.