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JNU Events

Event End Date Event Title
Socio-Political Role of Contemporary Art in India and Beyond
Molecular QuantumSpintronic Devices based on Spin Transition Complexes and Single Molecule Magnets
From Suffragist to an anti-colonial Feminist Margaret Cousins In Colonial India and Ireland
The Roma in Europe: Issues of Identity and Ethnicity
Ergodic Theory and Number Theory
White Robes, Saffron Dreams
Litigation over Compensation under Land Acquisition: Actors and Outcomes
Destitution of Sovereignty The Political Theology of Søren Kierkegaard
On a Conjecture on Linear Systems
What is Special about Mining Spatial and Spatio-temporal datasets?
Decolonizing Epistemologies and Politics: Disability, Accessibility and Rurality in India
From the Rushdie Affair to Charlie Hebdo: A Fatwa for Free Speech
Heterogenous Benefits and Cost in Public Good Game on Network
Making Sense of the Greek Crisis: A View from a Distant Observer
Naga Peace Process: Past and Present
Revisiting Article 341: Caste, Conversion and Anxieties of Nationhood
Fabrication of Vertically Aligned Core-shell Nano Pillar Structure for High Sensitive Photonic Devices
Untouchability and the Politics of Conversion in Late Colonial India
Exponential sums, elliptic curves and rational points on varieties
Exploring Biomolecular Recognition using Multi-scale Computer Simulations
the students and faculty members of the central universities/institutes through Video Conferencing using National Knowledge Network
Effects of viscoelasticity on droplet dynamics and break-up in microchannels: a Lattice Boltzmann study
Of Mistakes, Errors, Superstition and Nonsense: Wittgenstein's Remarks on Frazer
Violent Castes', 'Left Wing Extremists' and Mall Workers: Rethinking 'Emotional Labour' and 'Neo-liberalism' in the Context of New Labour
Neo Liberal Economic Policy Regime and Trade Union Movements; Relevance, Strategies and Challenges at the Current Juncture
Title of the Book: 'Rendezvous with Rebels: Journey to Meet India's Most Wanted Man'
India - Afghanistan: Building Bridges Post 2014
Instabilities and Patterns in Active Systems: Effects of Substrate Friction, Geometry and Shape Fluctuations
Local Rights and the Coming of Judicial Modernity in Western India c1600-1820
Child Labour: A Human Rights Violation and An Impediment in Economic Growth

A warm welcome to the modified and updated website of the Centre for East Asian Studies. The East Asian region has been at the forefront of several path-breaking changes since 1970s beginning with the redefining the development architecture with its State-led development model besides emerging as a major region in the global politics and a key hub of the sophisticated technologies. The Centre is one of the thirteen Centres of the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi that provides a holistic understanding of the region.

Initially, established as a Centre for Chinese and Japanese Studies, it subsequently grew to include Korean Studies as well. At present there are eight faculty members in the Centre. Several distinguished faculty who have now retired include the late Prof. Gargi Dutt, Prof. P.A.N. Murthy, Prof. G.P. Deshpande, Dr. Nranarayan Das, Prof. R.R. Krishnan and Prof. K.V. Kesavan. Besides, Dr. Madhu Bhalla served at the Centre in Chinese Studies Programme during 1994-2006. In addition, Ms. Kamlesh Jain and Dr. M. M. Kunju served the Centre as the Documentation Officers in Chinese and Japanese Studies respectively.

The academic curriculum covers both modern and contemporary facets of East Asia as each scholar specializes in an area of his/her interest in the region. The integrated course involves two semesters of classes at the M. Phil programme and a dissertation for the M. Phil and a thesis for Ph. D programme respectively. The central objective is to impart an interdisciplinary knowledge and understanding of history, foreign policy, government and politics, society and culture and political economy of the respective areas. Students can explore new and emerging themes such as East Asian regionalism, the evolving East Asian Community, the rise of China, resurgence of Japan and the prospects for reunification of the Korean peninsula. Additionally, the Centre lays great emphasis on the building of language skills. The background of scholars includes mostly from the social science disciplines; History, Political Science, Economics, Sociology, International Relations and language.

Several students of the centre have been recipients of prestigious research fellowships awarded by Japan Foundation, Mombusho (Ministry of Education, Government of Japan), Saburo Okita Memorial Fellowship, Nippon Foundation, Korea Foundation, Nehru Memorial Fellowship, and Fellowship from the Chinese and Taiwanese Governments. Besides, students from Japan receive fellowship from the Indian Council of Cultural Relations.